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AmiDARK Engine - Alpha WIP - 2D Demo
Quite a regular
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Hi all :)
I put a small demo showing the project progress.
It uses 2D Images ( OpenGL Textures), alpha mapping and transparency.
There are parallax and differencials scrollings.

Here is the link to Download the demo :

Here is also a snapsho made with SGrab showing the demo:
It should be similar to this (excepted the trees and grass that should appear correctly and not like in the shot ... SGrab cause some bugs in OpenGL :( )

And now, for those that'll like to see the Demo source code, here it is :

** AmiDARK Engine Development Project 
** Sample : Textures/Images demonstration 
** Author : Frederic Cordier 
** Date :   2009JUI22-043821 ** 
#!include! "AmiDARKEngine.c" 
int ILoop
float XMountain[3]; 
float XTrees]; 
float XHerbs]; 
float XClouds[5][ ]; 

void DarkLoopvoid ){ 
// Set display mode to 640x480 using 32bits
DESetDisplayMode64048032 ); 
// Define default images positions for all elements that'll scroll.
  // Mountains
XMountain] = 0.0
XMountain] = 512.0
XMountain] = 1024.0
// Trees.
XTrees] = 0.0
XTrees] = 512.0
XTrees] = 1024.0
XTrees] = 1536.0
// Grass.
XHerbs] = 0.0
XHerbs] = 512.0
XHerbs] = 1024.0
// Clouds.
XClouds[1][ ] = 0.0
XClouds[1][ ] = 640.0
XClouds[2][ ] = 0.0
XClouds[2][ ] = 640.0
XClouds[3][ ] = 0.0
XClouds[3][ ] = 640.0
XClouds[4][ ] = 0.0
XClouds[4][ ] = 640.0
XClouds[5][ ] = 0.0
XClouds[5][ ] = 640.0
// Set the amount of used textures
DESetMaximumTextures13 ); 
// Load all images. 
DELoadImageEx"Images/RTSky02_SunWake05.png"1,  ); 
  while( !
DELoop() ){ 
// Blue sky, Moon & Sun 
// Mountains scroll 
for ( ILoop 1ILoop  4ILoop++ ){ 
XMountainILoop ] =  XMountainILoop ] - 0.25
      if ( 
XMountainILoop  ;] < -640.0 ){ 
XMountainILoop ]& nbsp;= XMountainILoop ] + 640.0
DEPasteImageEx2, (int)XMounta inILoop ], 224); 
// Display mountains
DEPasteImage6, (int)XMountain ILoop ], 320 ); 
// Trees scrolling
for ( ILoop 1ILoop  5ILoop++ ){ 
XTreesILoop ] = XTr eesILoop ] - 0.70
      if ( 
XTreesILoop ]& nbsp;< -512 ){ 
XTreesILoop ]&nbs p;= XTreesILoop ] + 2048.0
// Clouds scrolling using 2 parallax
for ( ILoop 1ILoop  3ILoop++ ){ 
XClouds[1][ ILoop ] =  ;XClouds[1][ ILoop ] - 0.15
      if ( 
XClouds[1][ ILoop&nbs p;] < -640.0 ){ 
XClouds[1][ ILoop ]  = XClouds[1][ ILoop ] + 640.0
XClouds[2][ ILoop ] =  ;XClouds[2][ ILoop ] - 0.30
      if ( 
XClouds[2][ ILoop&nbs p;] < -640.0 ){ 
XClouds[2][ ILoop ]  = XClouds[2][ ILoop ] + 640.0
XClouds[3][ ILoop ] =  ;XClouds[3][ ILoop ] - 0.45
      if ( 
XClouds[3][ ILoop&nbs p;] < -640.0 ){ 
XClouds[3][ ILoop ]  = XClouds[3][ ILoop ] + 640.0
XClouds[4][ ILoop ] =  ;XClouds[4][ ILoop ] - 0.60
      if ( 
XClouds[4][ ILoop&nbs p;] < -640.0 ){ 
XClouds[4][ ILoop ]  = XClouds[4][ ILoop ] + 640.0
XClouds[5][ ILoop ] =  ;XClouds[5][ ILoop ] - 0.75
      if ( 
XClouds[5][ ILoop&nbs p;] < -640.0 ){ 
XClouds[5][ILoop ]  = XClouds[5][ ILoop ] + 640.0
// Display all clouds
DEPasteImageEx7XClouds[1][ 1  ], 178); 
DEPasteImageEx7XClouds[1][ 2  ], 178); 
DEPasteImageEx8XClouds[2][ 1  ], 160); 
DEPasteImageEx8XClouds[2][ 2  ], 160); 
DEPasteImageEx9XClouds[3][ 1  ], 122); 
DEPasteImageEx9XClouds[3][ 2  ], 122); 
DEPasteImageEx10XClouds[4][ 1  ;], 42); 
DEPasteImageEx10XClouds[4][ 2  ;], 42); 
DEPasteImageEx11XClouds[5][ 1  ;], 0); 
DEPasteImageEx11XClouds[5][ 2  ;], 0); 
// Display the trees.
for( ILoop 1ILoop <&n bsp;3ILoop++ ){ 
DEPasteImageExILoop 2,  (int)XTreesILoop ], 214); 
DEPasteImageExILoop 2,  (int)XTreesILoop ], 214); 
DEPasteImage12, (int)XTrees[& nbsp;ILoop ], 420 ); 
DEPasteImage12, (int)XTrees[& nbsp;ILoop ], 420 ); 
// Grass scroll
for ( ILoop 1ILoop  4ILoop++ ){ 
XHerbsILoop ] = XHe rbsILoop ] - 1.0
      if ( 
XHerbsILoop ]& nbsp;< - 512 ){ 
XHerbsILoop ]&nbs p;= XHerbsILoop ] + 1536.0
DEPasteImageEx5XHerbs[  ;ILoop ], 440); 
// display Demo logo
DEPasteImageEx1364481&nbs p;); 
// Synchro. 
// Erase all images from memory.
for ( ILoop 1ILoop 14;  ILoop++ ){ 
DEDeleteImageILoop ); 

Wow ! So similar to Basic languages :p and it's C :)
Feel free to give your opinion about this small demo.

@ +

Edited by freddix on 2009/9/15 20:49:10
Edited by freddix on 2009/9/15 20:49:48
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
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Re: AmiDARK Engine - Alpha WIP - 2D Demo
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Reminds me of the Psygnosis games.

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Re: AmiDARK Engine - Alpha WIP - 2D Demo
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Wow, very nice !! Have you been able to implement the Amos routine engine or something like that ? Or not yet ?

Anyway, thanks for keeping your work "alive".


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Re: AmiDARK Engine - Alpha WIP - 2D Demo
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Nothing from AMOS
Actually all is developed from scratch.
All is NEW :p

Amos compatibility will come later ;)

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
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Re: AmiDARK Engine - Alpha WIP - 2D Demo
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Here is also a snapsho made with SGrab showing the demo:
It should be similar to this (excepted the trees and grass that should appear correctly and not like in the shot ... SGrab cause some bugs in OpenGL :( )

I'm pretty sure that the bug is in your image to texture loading code. Look up glPixelStoref(), and check your image loading code. In particular, have a look at GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, and GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH. Slanted textures are usually caused by getting the alignment wrong when copying an image into a texture. Notice that all images with a width of 512 are correctly aligned, but not images with a width of 640 (that includes the clouds, although it's hard to tell).

Incorrect glPixelStore settings have caught me out before too. GlPixelStore also applies to glDrawPixels()/glReadPixels().


EDIT: Correction, it looks like all of the images except for the logo are slanted.

Edited by Hans on 2009/9/15 7:59:20
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Re: AmiDARK Engine - Alpha WIP - 2D Demo
Just popping in
Just popping in

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It can also be because the SGrab is not fast enough to grab the whole window in one frame.

To get correct screenshots of OpenGL it is better to write own code to dump the databuffer to disk and convert it to png.

SGrab vs. buffer dump

/Me, myself and A1G4!
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Re: AmiDARK Engine - Alpha WIP - 2D Demo
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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The 2 images that are not slanted are logo and sun+moon backdrop
these 2 images does not move.
I think that the problem is the one menthos said.

Thank you for your comments.

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
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Re: AmiDARK Engine - Alpha WIP - 2D Demo
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Menthos wrote:

It can also be because the SGrab is not fast enough to grab the whole window in one frame.

To get correct screenshots of OpenGL it is better to write own code to dump the databuffer to disk and convert it to png.

SGrab vs. buffer dump

Possible, although I've never experienced that. I have had SGrab delay grabbing a frame because of low priority, but never had it smear the graphics.


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Re: AmiDARK Engine - Alpha WIP - 2D Demo
Home away from home
Home away from home

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freddix wrote:
The 2 images that are not slanted are logo and sun+moon backdrop
these 2 images does not move.
I think that the problem is the one menthos said.

Thank you for your comments.

In that case, try raising the priority of SGrab. You may also wish to limit the frame-rate at which you're rendering. It's not necessary, but there's no point in rendering at 100+ fps when your monitor is running at 60 Hz.


Join Kea Campus' Amiga Corner and support Amiga content creation
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Re: AmiDARK Engine - Alpha WIP - 2D Demo
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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My demo actually run at full frame rate
I plan to add the :
Sync Rate XXX
command to allow user to define the frame rate he liked to have.


All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
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Re: AmiDARK Engine - Alpha WIP - 2D Demo
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Hi @Hans
SGrab cause some bugs in OpenGL :( )

Possible, although I've never experienced that. I have had SGrab delay grabbing a frame because of low priority, but never had it smear the graphics.

SGrab - using JPG - will wringle with default 85% JPEG QUALITY. I use 100% for posting pictures at FLICKr. For example:

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Re: AmiDARK Engine - Alpha WIP - 2D Demo
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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You cannot compare a card game with a scrolling graphic.
Card game is static and when you take the shot, nothing move on screen (or seem to ~).

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
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Re: AmiDARK Engine - Alpha WIP - 2D Demo
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Oops, I was referring to SGrab wrinkles.
...a scrolling graphic...
I know, it's called 'parallax scrolling.' I was comparing your demo to a SDLBasic demo-'Shadow of the Beast' which does 15 levels of scrolling.

BTW, my poker table is not static, it's animated. Cards, poker chips, and dealer button move around. Animation is the my current study in SDLBasic. I enjoyed looking into your demo. I'm thinking of using a couple levels of 'parallax scrolling' in my game. They're used a lot in casino games I've seen.

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