Hi, can you add the definition for your sample because I get many errors using it with m_timerPort, m_timersigflag, m_timerRequest, m_iITimer not defined ...
Regards, Freddix / AmiDARK
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
BTW I wouldn't copy my naming scheme that's just because the variable are members of a C++ class, rather than globals, and it makes it easire to track in the original code, to which I added this code too, (it;s part of blender's system interface GHOST) so drop all 'm_' bits
I have removed the m_ on var(s) beginning. It compiles :) I've added my function to get timer and to calculate frame rate ... Is there a more precise timer calculation than ms ?
Thank you Broadblues
Regards, Freddix / AmiDARK
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
For higher accuracy than that you can use UNIT_ECLOCK but in this case you will get a struct EClockVal rather than a struct TimeVal. The EClock frequency is stored in ((struct ExecBase *)SysBase)->ex_EClockFrequency. On my ?A1-C it is 33333333 Hz which according to my calculator should provide an accuracy of about 0.03 ?s.
I've written an example to use a timer (I will add it on gurumed.net) but I have 2 questions regarding what was said in this thread :
Chris : You wrote "ioreq must be allocated with AllocSysObjectTags". What is wrong with CreateIORequest even if I understand using AllocSysObjectTags is more compliant with the updated API of OS4 ? CreateIORequest is not marked as deprecated in autodocs.
broadblues : You wrote "SetSignal(0L,m_timersigflag)", is it mandatory ? What is the exact behaviour of this call ?
It's needed in this case, as there is a high likelyhood that the IO is over before the WaitIO call and thence Wit doesn't get called. Resulting in a program exited with unfreed signals error
From the autodocs:
WARNING If this IORequest was "Quick" or otherwise finished BEFORE this call, this function immediately removes the IORequest, with no call to Wait(). A side effect is that the signal bit related the port may remain set. Expect this. One way to work around WaitIO() not clearing the signal bit is to clear it with SetSignal() before SendIO() or BeginIO() is called.
When removing a known complete IORequest from a port, WaitIO() is the required. A simple Remove() is not enough.
AllocSysObjectTags does resource tracking, whereas CreateIORequest does not. It is better to use the new functions where possible. I should have said "should" rather than "must" I admit.
For higher accuracy than that you can use UNIT_ECLOCK ...
No, this has not been exactly correct since AmigaOS 2.x. While the old AmigaOS 1.x documentation explains that UNIT_VBLANK timing accuracy is coarser than UNIT_MICROHZ, this explanation only holds for the timer.device versions available in AmigaOS 1.x.
With AmigaOS 2.x the source that drives the timer.device time keeping was switched, yielding much higher accuracy in excess of what UNIT_MICROHZ could deliver in AmigaOS 1.x. In effect, the same source drives UNIT_VBLANK, UNIT_MICROHZ and UNIT_ECLOCK. There is no difference in accuracy between UNIT_VBLANK and UNIT_MICROHZ.
The exception is UNIT_ECLOCK. Since it does not use seconds/microseconds values for time intervals, you can go beyond microsecond accuracy. In practice, however, this may make little difference because task scheduling will tend to get in the way and skew your delay times
UNIT_ECLOCK is really useful only if you want to measure time differences with great accuracy.
Incidentally, if you use the EClock timer, you should not peek SysBase->ex_EClockFrequency, but use timer.device/ReadEClock() instead. This is because SysBase->ex_EClockFrequency may be set to a legacy value on AmigaOS 4.x while the actual EClock frequency returned and referenced by timer.device/ReadEClock() may be much, much higher.