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Windows' Days Are Numbered, I Wish It Was One..... Weak
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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You know, you may have seen my posts at "another site" which claimed "freedom of the webs", but it wasn't true.

I refer to my attempts to get rid of virii that were on some people that I know, computers.

I was using dual core, higher powered systems than mine.

And vista, sometimes was faster, but MOSTLY, not!

vista is yet another disgrace that microsoft offered, NAY, foisted upon the public.

I never understood those Apple commercials about the "warning, new program activated" and "do you want to delete....(so and so)" requestors until just 1 month ago, and let me tell you that even though I was utterly biased against everything micro-soft,...... I was RIGHT!!!!!

I had a horrendous problem getting rid of virii off a laptop.

It took Avast 2 hours to go through all the files and get to 95% file examination, and then it got seemingly stuck on one file, for HALF AN HOUR! All the other files' checked names were flashing by. Anyhow, it sat on the one file name for half an hour (after running for 2 hours already), so, there's no sign that it's actually still working, I hit "Esc" and it comes back with the message "virus checking terminated"!!!!!

So, 2.5 hours down the toilet?

It found ~10 virii total, and about 4 of one. The computer booted up.

So, it didn't complete. Well, I go to restart the computer, and it turns out that I notice by chance the default shut down of a lap top is sleep!!!! (You see, in this new MICRO SOFT age "turning off" something MAY or MAY NOT BE "turning it off", seeing as my Phillips DVD player doesn't "turn off" it becomes in a state of "stand by", and yet shockingly "stand by" means YOU standing by twidling your thumbs, as it takes THIRTY SECONDS for the DVD to start playing a movie!

Sleep meant that even though I was checking for file virii, maybe windows restarted with virii running in ram, as it's state is saved out and restored from the HD at "power off" "power on"? And, a NEW USER is supposed to KNOW THIS????

So, I turn off (the real kind) the computer and start it again, and the computer again takes another 2.5 hours to complete the process, this time not getting stuck. It tests 265,000 files!!!! (Now, I may have done something pretty bad here. It kept saying "so and so file has a virus", and gave 9 options. I kept picking "delete file". After about 30 times, I picked "yes to all". I was in Windows/temp. Then it asked another question, to which before I also had to answer from 9 options, and again I said "yes to all". Well, then it flew through the rest of the files, and at the end it said "1254 files deleted." Hope they didn't lose anything important. )

Of this 265K, there are probably 400 songs, and 100 photographs. He has 2 commercial games, and about 10 internet games, like Scrabble and Boggle from Pogo.

He doesn't have anything barely of his own, and there are 256K files!!!!!

This is beyond the scope of comprehesion!

I am working on another laptop now, and CANNOT get rid of a problem, and no one on the ENTIRE internet neither knows how to either, and don't even recognize it as a nuisance!!!!!

That would be the, "Windows has blocked some startup programs" dialog box. I thought I found a way, but it didn't work. However, I took the small method, there was a really long one, didn't even read it. You see, I inticked some boxes in startup, a bunch of programs not to start but I didn't want to take them out of the list. And now every single time it starts, that dialog box comes up and NEVER EVER LEAVES until it's closed by YOU. Hmmm, okay, so it goes away if you move around the mouse pointer, didn't seem to ever leave though. Found out that, if you don't do anything, it vanishes in about 8 minutes..... very annoying, nonetheless.

And this anomaly is inhumanly inconceivable! Every time I delete a file, it throws up a requestor that displays "Calculating Time Remaining. 0 minutes remaining", and NEVER goes away, if you pick "cancel", it doesn't delete the file. If you pick the red "x" to close it, it says "delete aborted". It does this, if the file is 5 megabytes, or 42 bytes, no difference, apparently, NO SOFTWARE TESTER EVER TRIED TO DELETE A PRECIOUS FILE OFF THEIR COMPUTER!?! (It even interrupts the shutdown, as the requestors don't close.)

THIS is "quality control"????

Also, I successfully crashed Notepad. iTunes doesn't work, mostly. Can't stop bearshare from putting itself into the default page when Internet Explorer starts. Doesn't do it to Safari. FireFox does'nt work for some reason, well, I'll reinstall it. The file system "explorer.exe" locked up because of the file deletion problem.

This is a Hewlett Packard Pavillion laptop with dual core T5450 1.66 GHz CPU (intel), running off the wall socket. CPU usage, while waiting, 50 to 54%.

Windows is wretched (I certainly rarely walk away feeling good after using it), and Amiga should by this time have been, LITERALLY waltzing in!

Thanks to Amiga Inc.'s sick, twisted and inane follies, we aren't there, more than 2 years ago, in a postion to strike and thrive even!

I urge everyone, if you can, spend more on Amiga SW and HW. Put aside a bit each month, and spend it solely on Amiga stuff.

I have absolute trust in Hyperion's abilities and choices (didn't I always propose that they would win in the court case??? And I won't even entertain a response to accusations of Hyperion "ripping off AI's IP"!!!!) The stream of FUDge never ceases!

I don't know what the M.A.P. is, but I am extremely excited!!!!

My guess is either one of, low cost, 1 GHz PPC _or_ high cost, power systems, something like 1.7 GHz, dual core (_unfortunately_ no Altivec ) systems.

And to all the arguments in other corners, why hasen't anyone recognized that there may be a N D A in place at the moment??? A big huge, DUH!!!!! (I donut know.)

And consider this as well; I would rather not find anything out until the day after they have whatever it is ready to ship because the other companies have millions and billions of dollars, and could make whatever it is Hyperion is taking 8 or more months to do, even if they have as little as a 2 month "window" of insight.

Amiga must, and CAN become part of the mainstream again.

Support Amiga Fantasy cases!!!
How to program: 1. Start with lots and lots of 0's. 10. Add 1's, liberally.
"Details for OS 5 will be made public in the fourth quarter of 2007, ..." - Bill McEwen
Whoah!!! He spoke, a bit late.
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Re: Windows' Days Are Numbered, I Wish It Was One..... Weak
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Okay, so it turns out that that "Windows has blocked some startup programs" dialog box just keeps reappearing every 10 minutes or so (or maybe if the computer isn't used for a bit, if that does'nt cause it to turn off, that is), and it is HUGE! When you move the mouse pointer around it fades away in about 10 seconds.

I have not had the pleasure of associating with Clippy, but I'm sure it is reminicent of "him".

Support Amiga Fantasy cases!!!
How to program: 1. Start with lots and lots of 0's. 10. Add 1's, liberally.
"Details for OS 5 will be made public in the fourth quarter of 2007, ..." - Bill McEwen
Whoah!!! He spoke, a bit late.
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Re: Windows' Days Are Numbered, I Wish It Was One..... Weak
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Well, this is interesting, I crashed Safari on vista.

I was entering a client number in a login screen of a major company, and was trying to erase the history buffer of "auto fill in" from showing the number I had entered before. So reliable, even though they have multi-user, and memory protection and SMP and resource tracking.... Sure!

At least Hyperion WILL do it right. I know they can, and that they will!

Support Amiga Fantasy cases!!!
How to program: 1. Start with lots and lots of 0's. 10. Add 1's, liberally.
"Details for OS 5 will be made public in the fourth quarter of 2007, ..." - Bill McEwen
Whoah!!! He spoke, a bit late.
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