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Joined: 2008/8/16 12:36 Last Login
: 2010/8/28 19:13
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Thanks for the advice - I've got a feeling I've got the ID4 revision (not sure until I open her up) but to be honest I'm wondering if this is down to a timing issue? The reason I ask is because
a) I didn't have a problem with my previous Blizzard PPC with an 040 chip running at 40mhz b) The card boots and runs fine without any crashing - once It's fired up (after I do the power in, power out trick I've already described)
As you can imagine, I don't like opening her up just in case she breaks, so I'd like to get as much knowledge together on the subject prior to diagnosing and repairing the power fault.
I am wondering if plugging the fan connector on the BPPC board straight on to the ATX Psu (5v supply) would help at all, and not plug the ATX Psu on to the mainboard.
Does the ATX PSU need to be plugged on the motherboard (at the floppy connector point) for everything to work properly?)
Cheers tho guys for all your recent advice - its been really helpful