I can run E-UAE with AmigaForever 2008 from the CD-ROM but can't seem to setup E-UAE to run from my HDD. I have copied the files from AF2008 plus the kickstart rom images and rom.key. I think have edited the .uaerc file correctly but when I run E-UAE all I get is the grey amiga DOS window.
Is there someting else I must do to make AF Files work in E-UAE?
but would you like to use an hard file or a classic directory ?
Initially, I would like to use the Amiga Forever Classic directories: System and Work so I can try E-UAE out. As I mentioned previously I am able run E-UAE on my A1-XE off the AF2008 CD but would like to install it to my HDD.
Later, if I can get it working, I will try to integrate AmiKit or AIAB.
# UAE Configuration File # Created with UAE Config for OS4 # By Scott A. Cabit # kickstart_key_file=UAE:Roms/rom.key kickstart_rom_file=UAE:Roms/amiga-os-310.rom
Am I missing some simple step? Any ideas anyone? Can you boot-up from the WB3.1 floppy disk? It's the most basic system. If i can do this, then I can work the system be it AmiKit, AIAB, or AmigaSys4. I don't know anything about Amiga Forever.
I have been using E-UAE 0.8.29-WIP3 SDL for a long time now.
I am not using the AmigaForever package, so there may be some differences. In my case there is no key file.
This is my configuration on my MicroA1 hard drive I have a directory called E-UAE on my main OS4 system partition. Inside that directory, I have the uae-sdl program, .uaerc file, Kick.rom file, a Workbench directory and a directory called ADFs.
The Workbench diectory contains a complete set of AmigaOS 3.1 system directories (from Workbench3.1 disk and Extras3.1 disk)
When I launch uae-sdl, it uses the .uaerc file and Kick.rom, as well as the startup-sequence, user-startup, fonts, libs, etc from my AmigaOS 3.1 Workbench directory.
My .uaerc file .....
# UAE Configuration File for Amiga OS 4.0 pre-release update #4 # E-UAE 0.8.29-WIP3 SDL # emulating NTSC Amiga 2000HD with Amiga OS 3.1 #
Here is a 'quick and dirty' test I just performed using a CD-R containing a complete system backup.
I am using the AmigaOS4PPC version of E-UAE 0.8.29.WIP3-SDL.
I copied the uae-sdl program and my .uaerc file to Ramdisk and made a few changes to the .uaerc file to access required files on my CD-R.
I double-click on the uae-sdl program icon in Ramdisk and it uses the modified .uaerc file to find the rest of my AmigaOS 3.1 system on the CD-R.
On my CD, I have a drawer called E-UAE. In that drawer, I have my, Kick.rom file and Workbench drawer. The Workbench drawer contains a complete set of AmigaOS 3.1 system directories.
I have modified the .uaerc file to the following to access the required files on my CD-R disc:
# UAE Configuration File for Amiga OS 4.0 pre-release update #4 # E-UAE 0.8.29-WIP3 SDL # emulating NTSC Amiga 2000HD with Amiga OS 3.1 #
Of course, I can't save anything from AmigaOS 3.1 because the CD-R is read only, but at least it proves a concept. You could find the correct directories on the AmigaForever CD and fill in the blanks for
kickstart_rom_file=CD0:<path> and filesystem2=rw,DH0:Workbench:CD0:<path> and kickstart_key_file=CD0:<path>
Thanks guys, I think the problem may lie with AF2008, I can run EUAE from the files on the AF2008 CD but of course cannot save or change anything. When I copy the relevant directories to my HDD I get the grey DOS screen.
I seen to recall that AF2008 has some additional protection (other than the ROM) that prevents it being simply copied to a HDD. When it is installed on a Windows systems this extra protection is copied automatically?
I may need to try with a Kickstart ROM image acquired from one of my Classic Amigas?
Yes, I've given up ... to get E-UAE running on my A1-XE. Tsk, tsk that's a shame! The hard problems about installing AIAB or AmiKit, or even AmigaSYS4 in the A1 is all the script orientation is for a PC not an Amiga. So, you really have to think "UnPC"; i.e, killing off all fixes and patches for PC concerning Amiga OS run-time. Since I never touched Amiga Forever, I would suspect the same PC logic exits: Amiga for the PC 'not' for the AmigaOne which it's self isn't Classical Amiga. It's an interesting 'pickling' problem for Amiga pickles! FWIW: If you're interested, I wrote this EyeTech/CU system installer some time back (july 2008): http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/AmigaOS4/message/32221 Do you have your two AmigaOne CDs? I never got any feedback if this helps or hinders A1 users?