I uploaded my source of ahi raw-sound "player"
That is some lame-crappy routines, which i use in the main code like that:
and on exit stage just:
That routines spawn a new process by CreateNewProcTags, so, the player will have own process, and that will be better if for example make all just as one process.
That is not ready for using source example, but if you will have any problems with it, i can make it working over gcc on os4 tommorow (basically, that already works fine on aros's gcc, so i think no problems will be with that).
ps. I can be wrong, but "smakefile" - that is make file for old SASC / 68k. Not sure that it will be compiles by the modern make (but i can be wrong here). For you will be better just do command line compiling for tests (like: gcc file.c -o file -llibs , etc).