Not too shy to talk
Joined: 2006/12/3 12:02 Last Login
: 2007/10/5 17:07
From Beside the "Father of Waters", the Mississippi, in St. Louis, Missouri, USA
Registered Users
I just wanted to urge everyone to be extremely careful in responding to any emails you get that are apparently from your chosen financial institution.
Tonight I got an email that I first thought was from my bank. This email was so good that I actually clicked one of the links in the file, and almost started filling out the form on the resulting page before I noticed that I had not been taken to my bank's site. The email contained a threat that my account would be suspended for my own good if I did not update my information (It's almost midnight and really close to any reasonable bedtime, so please forgive me my failure of alertness). When I went back to examine the email the links all led to the same URL, which was a page on a numeric IP rather than a named domain, and demanded that the form be filled out during a short time period during which my bank would be closed and could not act to limit the fraud that would have resulted. One thing that is common among the computer savy is that we tend to get a bit prideful regarding our own abilities. Please, take warning. These folks are very good at what they do, so much so that as careful as I am (some folks online even call me paranoid, remember), they almost got me.
Please, be very, very careful.