As part of my experiements with RuninUAE on my SAM, I add the 320x256 screenmode to your Monitor tooltype. However, when I reboot my SAM the Workbench display (the icons, text etc) becomes ever so slightly "stretched" in appearence and it looks odd as a result.
The only way to avoid this is to remove the entry for 320x256 again and reboot when it returns to normal.
My standard resolution is 1440 x 900.
Does anyone have any ideas why this might be happening and how to avoid it?
Sold up all my Amiga gear, not only an Amigan via Amiga Forever!
@tommo1975 Most likely you are adding the 320x256 screen mode at the TOP of the tooltypes, rather that at the bottom like my manual says. (Although I am sure it is easy to overlook such a seemingly minor detail.)
In that case the Screenmode ID for 1440 x 900 resolution is increased by one, with the effect that the Screenmode ID used by Workbench is now for a lower screen mode (e.g. 1280x1024), thus causing Workbench to be stretched by your monitor.
Best fix: Move 320x256 (and 320x240) to the BOTTOM of your tooltypes.
Less good fix: Use Sys:Prefs/ScreenMode to switch back to 1440 x 900. You will also need to do the same for any screens defined in Sys:Prefs/Screens, as well as for any programs which store their own screenmode settings.
Btw, out of main topic, but about e-uae+screens: did you manage to setup any mode exept 320x256 which looks good (i mean centered well, etc). Because for example when i set 640x480, or 640x512 (have that in tooltypes, etc), i have only half of screen as working area.
This problem is now solved. The problem was caused by the addition of the screenmode at the top of the file, rather than at the bottom.
I solved the issue by changing my screenmode back to the original one and saving the prefs. It does seem a bit silly that adding a screenmode would change my settings in this way, but I live and learn.
Thanks for your help!
Sold up all my Amiga gear, not only an Amigan via Amiga Forever!
Absolutly agree with you, that all a bit silly. But as far as i know, all that strange crap are fixed in the aos4.1, and you do not need to boring about tooltypes problems anymore ,etc. (but i can be wrong, but that what i read somethere before related to the upcoming update).
Yep, thanks, it helps. Btw, check that screenshot. Game called Ruff&Thumble. And it's always have that big black empty area at top (in UAE i mean, with real amiga and winuae all is ok). Maybe e-uae have any option, to make all the screens be as 'auto-centered' ?
Or for example game called "Stardust". There is a screenshot of menu. Game itself and intro are ok, but the menu screen have also problem with that "black" area (at the right side there).