Home away from home
Joined: 2007/9/11 12:31 Last Login
: Yesterday 8:41
From Russia
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Have one more suggestion: Maybe add option , which will allow to ppls found by keyboard keys need t file or directory more effective:
I mean, for now, user can for example press button "v", and cursor will jumps on the first directory with name which begining on "v". Then, if user press any other button, filler do new search in it. Maybe you will in interest add an options, which will collect all the letters, while any other action is not happenes ? Like user press "v", then "i" and it's jump on directory or file starts on "vi" , and so on, up to maximum lengh of file/directory ?
It's just can be called like "search by one symbol" - on mean by one, off mean by many.
It will be good even if search from the "top", but it's also better when you search from "bottom". Like you have 30 directoryes which begining on "k", and you at bottom, but you need last directory of all those which begining from "k". As it now, you will brings on the first one, and you need scroll down to found exactly your one, but if add that option, you will just write "kwa" and you already will be at the directory which begining with "kwa".