Hi to all you netizens of Amigans.Net!!!!!
Happy New Year!
We've certainly done well in the last (
first!) month of Amigans.Net, by way of amount of people who have joined.
Even, some who
know they aren't too popular (that being put mildly) have popped in.
Not counting those few of the 355 that
are here, I have to say, this is awesome!!!!....
Now, let's turn it to
full high gear!*
I feel that we can get to 1,700 minkeys typing on 1,700 keyboards (not infinite,
), no sweat...
Here's the deal, register here with your nickname from elsewhere
before someone else grabs that excellent pseudonym you're using.
(That'll get them stampeding on in here, so there!
* Bang it up a notch is insufficient.