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Joined: 2006/12/6 21:18 Last Login
: 2012/8/16 0:34
From Michigan
Registered Users
Hi CynusED & all, First problem: If I launch from "myX11Setup" from the requester window - Yes "Should the AmiCygnix-server be started with the actual setting? This Error appears: Cygnix:Start_AmiCygnix.bat: Unknown command The file doesn't exist anywhere, but the icon file "AmiCygnix.info" points to that file. If deleteted the icon, and created a new one, but it still doesn't change anything. Can you look at the "myX11Setup" executive? Is it up to date?
Second problem: Snuffy's "myX11Setup" Configuration: Screenmode: Radeon 9250:1152x864 RGB16 Videodriver: picasso96 WindowManager: Openbox Panel: Ixpanel Toolbar:(no toolbar) DesktopManager: IDesk Desktop Manager Background picture: AmiCygniX11:AmiCygnix/CygnixPPC/share/pixmaps/backgrounds/AmiCygnix1152x864.png User startfile: Status-Output:to console-window CON parameter: CON:10/125/500/100Cygnix Console/AUTO/CLOSE Workaround Alt-key:activate Amiga assigns:show Amiga clipboard:not use Strg=key
This config. file works perfect in OS4.1, but errors out in Update1 with "Xdefault" If I try to launch from "myX11Setup" from the requester window - Yes It asks for assigns, but the ADos Assign request directories are blank. So I don't what to select ; I just click Assign and get the next 'Xdefault' error and etc to infinity. If I try using the AmiCygnix icon, I enter the Desktop system, but everything is dead; i.e. I can't input anything.
Could look into this anomaly with the OS4.1 Update1? Thanks