How do I select/mark text with the keyboard?
The standard Amiga system is used within the editor. RAmiga-b sets marking on and you can simply use the cursor to mark the required block. RAmiga-b then turns it back off again.
It would be nice to have a key shortcut to mark an entire row with a key shortcut.
Again, RAmiga-b helps here. Shift-crsr left moves to the beginning of a line, RAmiga-b turns on marking, Shift-crsr right moves to the end of the line.
Is there any way to delete an entire row with a key shortcut?
Shift-delete deletes the from the cursor position onwards, Shift-backspace deletes from the beginnin of the line to the cursor position. These are all standard Amiga shortcuts as used in Notepad etc.
All of these shortcuts can be redefined in the "Key Mappings" from the editor preferences panel.
Many of us use the { at the end of the row (for example after a function/method name, "void myMethod() {") and it is not recognized as a function/method and listed in the Quicklinks window.
Well, the short answer is "No". Currently the only way I can detect the start of a function is to look for an opening brace ona newline. Then there is a lot of processing to ascertain whether it is indeed a function definition or not. By removing that check, I am basically building a C preparser, which is currently far too much work.
The only thing I can suggest for now is to change your coding style to accomodate that.
IMO putting the opening and closing braces on there own line makes the code much more readable anyway, but that is the problem with C is that the syntax is so relaxed (which is a good thing) but it serverly complicates source parsers. I'm really not ready to rewrite the C preparser just yet :)
[added later] I have run some tests using gcc -E to pre-parse the file which would make it much easier to determine whats what in each source, but the speed impact is huge, and really wouldn't allow for a very usable system due to the lag involved in doing this each time the file is changed. So it looks like my current parser is going to have to stay as it is for now, until we are running on multi-core monsters :)
Edited by Rigo on 2010/1/19 19:18:38
Edited by Rigo on 2010/1/19 19:26:59
Edited by Rigo on 2010/1/20 14:06:59