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Importing Bookmarks into OWB/TimberWolf?
Not too shy to talk
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Just want to ask a question so that when i get the new AmigaOne X1000 running latest AmigaOS 4.x, and surfing the net, i would like to ask this question:

The case now is that i am still running Windows 7 on a PC using Google Chrome to surf on the net. I have many different important sites i use to surf on as "favorite" bookmarks, so here is the question:

Let just say that i got myself an AmigaOne X1000 now, that it's close to summer, and running for instance - AmigaOS 4.2 for it, and using browsers like OWB and TimberWolf.

Then i would like to import the bookmarks i used in Chrome on the PC over to OWB and TimberWolf, instead of trying to remember the sites and add them one-by-one, is it then possible to import such bookmarks from PC to Amiga-browsers like OWB and TimberWolf, if stored on a USB
pen for transfer over to the Amiga?

Hope this would be possible so that i can use all the sites i use in Chrome on Amiga-browsers in AmigaOS4, too.

Soon to own a powerful AmigaOne X1000 with latest AmigaOS 4.1 incarnation ;) Dual Core PPC!

- Helgis
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Re: Importing Bookmarks into OWB/TimberWolf?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Good question!

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Re: Importing Bookmarks into OWB/TimberWolf?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Thanks, mate Wonder if somebody can answer that.

Soon to own a powerful AmigaOne X1000 with latest AmigaOS 4.1 incarnation ;) Dual Core PPC!

- Helgis
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Re: Importing Bookmarks into OWB/TimberWolf?
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Do you need OS 4.2 or an incredible future hardware to do that ?

Importing/exporting bookmarks between programs is nothing special nowadays, devs permitted it can be easily possible with the actual resource, for example OWB for MorphOS can import bookmark from IBrowse, AFAIK the same is possible using the Jahc's bookmark for OWB-OS4

I can't see the problem, all is possible, problems is find motivated developers, OWB for OS4 needs a LOT of work in all GUI parts, bookmarks is only one of the things that must be reworked ...

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Re: Importing Bookmarks into OWB/TimberWolf?
Site Builder
Site Builder

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I'm working on an update of the bookmarks window that comes with OWB. It will have a bookmark file like the Firefox and Chrome use. So it will be a matter of just copy the bookmarks file into the owb folder. Then I will make a utiltiy to import bookmarks from various browsers (Opera f.ex.). Unfortunately, the programming time is so small, so I can't tell when this will be ready.

Things I want to put in there are:
- Folders
- Search filter
- History tab
- Delicious support
and a few others...

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Re: Importing Bookmarks into OWB/TimberWolf?
Not too shy to talk
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One thing I think is very important and probably is in your to-do list already, is that it should not be assigned to the tab which opened the bookmark window, but rather to any active tab at the time. That'd eliminate the pointless open/close of the bookmarks. Another nice thing it'd be if it could be sorted alphabetically. Especially the first request, if it's not too much work, maybe you could add it to the next version of OWB when it's released, not waiting for the other great stuff you're preparing to be implemented first.

Edited by Vulture on 2010/2/8 0:00:31
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Re: Importing Bookmarks into OWB/TimberWolf?
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Hi guy !

Is it possible to modify your bookmark (working togheter with Joerg) in order to insert it as an internal panel on OWB ?

To be clear somethings like Firefox or any other browser's bookmarks out there

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Re: Importing Bookmarks into OWB/TimberWolf?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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I think you can do that right now. Export your bookmars as a HTML page from Opera/Firefox. Take the file to your Amiga and save it in the OWB Drawer.
Then set OWB to open that local file as startpage and here you go!

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Re: Importing Bookmarks into OWB/TimberWolf?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Wow, that's great! Sounds promising! Keep up the good work! I'm dying to see the changes.

Thank you again for making this possible!

Soon to own a powerful AmigaOne X1000 with latest AmigaOS 4.1 incarnation ;) Dual Core PPC!

- Helgis
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Re: Importing Bookmarks into OWB/TimberWolf?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Sounds great! I will have to come back to that one when i first have a brand new Amiga. I don't currently have, but as you might know i am eager to get the new AmigaOne X1000. Expensive, but truly worth it..

Soon to own a powerful AmigaOne X1000 with latest AmigaOS 4.1 incarnation ;) Dual Core PPC!

- Helgis
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Re: Importing Bookmarks into OWB/TimberWolf?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Just want to ask a question so that when i get the new AmigaOne X1000 running latest AmigaOS 4.x, and surfing the net, i would like to ask this question:

Why not just wait until the X1000, and Timberwolf are available?????

Peter Swallow

Eyetech A1XE-G3 800Mhz OS4.1
Towered A1200 OS3.9
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Re: Importing Bookmarks into OWB/TimberWolf?
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Not sure what all Mozilla imports from, but it does ask if you want to at least from MSIE when installed. Then use Xmarks addon to Firefox to share and upload to server, then hopefully Timberwolf will be able to run addons and use Xmarks to sync up with the server.

If Firefox doesn't import from Chrome, then surely someon ehas made a script or something somewhere out there.

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Re: Importing Bookmarks into OWB/TimberWolf?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Good question That's actually what i am doing now

Soon to own a powerful AmigaOne X1000 with latest AmigaOS 4.1 incarnation ;) Dual Core PPC!

- Helgis
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Re: Importing Bookmarks into OWB/TimberWolf?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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I think things are going to be a lot easier afterwards..

Soon to own a powerful AmigaOne X1000 with latest AmigaOS 4.1 incarnation ;) Dual Core PPC!

- Helgis
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Re: Importing Bookmarks into OWB/TimberWolf?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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At least Book2OWB from owbbook.lha can convert bookmarks from Firefox/IBrowse/AWeb/OWBAddressBook to OWBBook and OWB's internal bookmarks. (I have to check someday what formats it actually supports currently.)

(All those browsers I mentioned uses either html or some other human readable and simple format in their bookmarks files. I don't remember what format MSIE uses. No big deal, you know.

Edit: Chrome support implemented but not released yet.

Edited by TSK on 2010/2/14 16:44:24
Rock lobster bit me - so I'm here forever
X1000 + AmigaOS 4.1 FE
"Anyone can build a fast CPU. The trick is to build a fast system." - Seymour Cray
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Re: Importing Bookmarks into OWB/TimberWolf?
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Chrome has a version of XMarks as well, so easy going between Chrome and Firefox (and thus Timberwolf?)

https://chrome.google.com/extensions/d ... ckebdhofmmjfgcjjiiejpodla

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