Check the main icon, 1.119 had an erronous icon in the archive which overwrote your normal one.
Ok that seems to be the problem. (thanks everyone for the icon suggestions)
My icon tooltypes don?t exsist.
Now I have been trying to make life easy and find the AmiUpdate archive (which I haven?t found) and cut-n-past the tool types across. Can someone point out what tooltypes I need and I?ll have to do it the hard way.
Many thanks, that did the job. Why is it always the simplist things that are always the hardest to find. I would never had thought of checking the tooltypes!
OK, the problem lies with the application owner. There is two reasons for this, especially in this situation:
Firstly, the application owner is the one that submits the data to the AmiUpdate database, and it is these details you see when you hit "scan". At this point, AmiUpdate has had nothing to do with this update apart from authorising its addition into the database, which in the case of known apps, is virtually automatic.
Secondly, the application owner, in this instance, made a mistake with the version string, and didn't bump the year section. Because the owner submitted a date of 15-2-2010 into the database but left the version string in the binary of 15-2-2009, AmiUpdate believes an update is always applicable.
In future, I suggest you mail the application owner directly as it is them that submits the data. Posting on forums is likely to get missed, you was lucky it was spotted this time, as not everyone reads the forums, and those that do, some are getting fed up with the constant BS in some of them.
Was mean't to be a light hearted post, but you can see how fast Steve fixes bugs when reported to him, he doesn't search the forums for bugs in his programs. He's too busy coding OS5 on the X1000
Look, only one leg, count em, one! X1000/PA6T@1800MHz/2Gb/Radeon 4850
Yes, of course, and as far as I was aware it was all working fine. The problem only surfaced when the tooltypes were destroyed. That particular section of code is as old as it gets, and was working fine when it was written, and never presented problems before.
Yes, you could leave the responsibility of updates to AmiUpdate, but it's better controlled to release all updates together on a CD, so we can be sure that everyone gets the same installation.
The problem with that is that the updates are not released as nice small easy to download updates but usually as an entire OS install CD.
For those of us that have slow connections updating as and when you need via AmiUpdate is far better than having to download some huge behemoth taking over an hour each time - especially if it is like the OS4.1 update 1 and you find the file is corrupted.
The more that can be done in small stages using something liek AmiUpdate the better.
I do hope the SDK can be done that way. Last time I had to download a huge file taking ages and most of the files in it were identical to the ones I already had.
We have a good update system here and it could be used a lot more.