Not too shy to talk
Joined: 2007/3/30 18:39 Last Login
: 11/15 19:54
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Great ! I am happy to see that allows to make a step forward. I have no doubt you are preparing something great (as usual).
I understand you can't be part of the maintainers ... I could be interested in that. I have many other projects but there are so many programs that uses SDL libs that we need a good process to compile, test and provide these libs. I asked the opinion to Xeron but I have no answer yet. I also discussed all that briefly with HunoPPC that did many ports and knows well SDL, problems, required enhancements, ...
In my opinion, we should have : - A centralized website (the Google's one) with sources (SDLlibraries, the main one and others), bug tracker, ... - A way to build and test these libs - That could provide libs for OS and SDK updates - These libs could be put on os4depot that is a well known path when you search for stuff
soptUP : The first step was to build the lib with major formats supported. I wanted to go fast in order to provide the lib to phx. To finish cleanly, I will have to support additionnal formats, write a readme, test with other programs (thanks for the link !) and upload it on os4depot.