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Joined: 2007/9/11 12:31 Last Login
: 3/3 19:53
From Russia
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For now if you want to add new filetype of archive to WB, you just add it with DefIcons. And, after you add that, clicking in WB on that kind of archives, will spawn for you UnARC. So , the first question: Where in WB is settings, which say, that for archives file types i need to spawn UnArc ? Some settings for it, or somethere some tooltypes or how ?
Next question is realted to UnARC itself. For now, when you click on any archive in WB, it spawn unarc, with absolute path to your archive in Source filed. But destination field, always empty. That is a bit annoing, because i want to have all the time in destination the same path as for source, but only without archive of course. So, i hope, that when someone will help me with founding where is that settings which say that need to spawn UnARc on archives, i can change it to make destination field always point on the current dir, from which i click on archive.