The second Warp3D bug from me (not exactly from me, but from Mr_Capehill?, who did Quake3 port to aos4) are in the W3D_DrawArray function. The problem with Vertex count values (i hope Mr.Capehill will explain it better later). The smaller workring vertex count value are 9 (only). 2, or 3, or 5 just does not works. 10 works. 11 too. 12 not. And so on. 333 works. 300 not.
I upload
Here his example. Which by default have values 333 for vertex count, and it works fine. But, if you will change it on 300 for example, it just does not works (grey window). Its hardly to understand why it like this, and where is logic, so, we assume that its a bug, and any vertex value should works.
Anyone can try to download that example, and try to run it from shell. By default it have 333 (works), but you can try to put as first argument to programm any other value from 1 and more, just to see that with some values it works, with others are not, and there is not logic why it like this.
Edited by kas1e on 2010/5/6 8:32:46
Edited by kas1e on 2010/5/6 9:37:33