This isn't the point of this thread, a non-Amigan intending to use the next AmigaOS when the X1000 is released shouldn't have to download third-party software for X, Y, Z - which I must say seems to be everyone's answer to everything on 3 the Amiga forums for basic operability.
Well, OK, it's a fair point, but how many people actually need this functionality? I didn't know it was even possible on Windows (never had cause to try it anyway), and judging by Elwood's reply, he didn't know either.
It's not really something which should be hacked into the file requester, but added system-wide, which is what the two handlers I linked to achieve.
Why do developers not give source code freely to Hyperion?
Any number of reasons.
In the case of http-handler I did offer to upload the project (the beta one, with WebDAV support, not the version I linked to) to OpenAmiga, if somebody was willing to take it on and fix it (the XML parsing and WebDAV code is very buggy - I did have some specific test cases but the bug database they were in was KIA). Trying to fathom out parsing of XML - especially when the use of XML is mostly entirely unnecessary - tipped me over the edge and made me give up with it.
I got precisely 0 offers so the source code remains sitting here gathering virtual dust. I will throw open the offer again - PM me if you want to fix the WebDAV support in http-handler and I will upload the source to OpenAmiga.org.
That's enough on this subject, let's get back to ASL.