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Apple movie trailer site doesn't work in OWB
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Something has changed and the apple movie trailer site no longer works in OWB. The site has changed, not OWB. It used to work with OWB 3.28 and 3.29. The progress bar shows it's loading then just stops before the site is loaded and anything is displayed. I wasn't able to get it to work with NetSurf or Timberwolf either. Something to put on the list for next release perhaps.

Here is the LINK

It would be nice to get it to work because v3.0 of ClipDown can play the movies. At least it used to when I could read the page.

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Re: Apple movie trailer site doesn't work in OWB
Just popping in
Just popping in

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The site loads fine here but i`ve tested clipdown and it doesn`t work as expected,neither does
youtube which last time i had this problem wget had to updated due to changes on the site.
On the Itunes site clipdown only says downloading not playing.

I just reset and tried again.Youtube works fine.


A1200 060/ppc Grex/Voodoo
OS 3.9

A1 G4/1Ghz born again thanks to Acube Systems.
OS 4.1 Final Edition
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Re: Apple movie trailer site doesn't work in OWB
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Cap wrote:
The site loads fine here but i`ve tested clipdown and it doesn`t work as expected,

Are you using ClipDown v3.0 that was just released on OS4Depot?
I can't load the site for some reason so I can't check it out but here is how it should work. Go to the apple movie site page. Click on one of the movies to get to it's page with trailers. The trailers are setup up in a couple of different way. Some or a drop down menu. Click on the drop down menu to open it up. Move the mouse over one of the entries until you see a movie link displayed at the bottom of OWB. Now copy the link to the clipboard. Make sure ClipDown is in "Auto Action" mode and click it's button. The video should start playing. Any of the HD videos should play in a lower resolution. At least it used to work.

neither does youtube which last time i had this problem wget had to updated due to changes on the site. I just reset and tried again.Youtube works fine.

If your using v2.6 of ClipDown the youtube videos will not play in "Auto Action" mode because YouTube changed thier URL. You can use "Play with GetVideo" mode as long as you have GetVideo v0.27 which was recently released. ClipDown v3.0 fixes playing YouTube videos in Auto Mode. There are also several other enhancements in v3.0.

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Re: Apple movie trailer site doesn't work in OWB
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Aha following your instructions and it works fine .


A1200 060/ppc Grex/Voodoo
OS 3.9

A1 G4/1Ghz born again thanks to Acube Systems.
OS 4.1 Final Edition
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Re: Apple movie trailer site doesn't work in OWB
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Cap wrote:
Aha following your instructions and it works fine .

Good to hear.
What version of OWB are you using? I still can't get the site to load.

Can some other try it and let me know if you can load the Apple movie trailer site?

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Re: Apple movie trailer site doesn't work in OWB
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I`m using version 3.29(19..6.2010) OWB.
Testing a bit more.
I can get the trailer for Battle to work but a lot of the other complain of not finding the URL.
Clipdown says "playing" on clicking the Battle movie .
Clipdown says "viewing" on the ones that don`t.
The ones that offer the movie in small medium and large work but not the one`s that say "watch now".

A1200 060/ppc Grex/Voodoo
OS 3.9

A1 G4/1Ghz born again thanks to Acube Systems.
OS 4.1 Final Edition
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Re: Apple movie trailer site doesn't work in OWB
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Loading here alright with OWB 3.29,haven't tried to play any movies yet

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Re: Apple movie trailer site doesn't work in OWB
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Cap wrote:
I`m using version 3.29(19..6.2010) OWB.
Testing a bit more.
I can get the trailer for Battle to work but a lot of the other complain of not finding the URL.
Clipdown says "playing" on clicking the Battle movie .
Clipdown says "viewing" on the ones that don`t.
The ones that offer the movie in small medium and large work but not the one`s that say "watch now".

Thanks for the feedback. I believe the ones that say "watch now" have some code behind them that try to automatically figure out what size video it should play. At the time I implemeted the feature there weren't any movies that didn't also have the small, medium and large selections. Hopefully I can get OWB to work on the site again and look into it further. Note that you can also choose the HD versions, at least you used to be able to, and the SD version would play.

I just noticed the "Watch Now" ones have a download links as well. Those should work with ClipDown as well and be streamed in Autio Mode. I wouldn't try anything creater than 480p though.

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Re: Apple movie trailer site doesn't work in OWB
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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AJS wrote:
Loading here alright with OWB 3.29,haven't tried to play any movies yet

Hmm....wonder why I can't get it to work. I treid disabling the cookies file by renaming it but no luck. Anyone have other ideas for me to try?

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Re: Apple movie trailer site doesn't work in OWB
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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tried to rename the other file that remembers what sites you visited etc. Im not on amiga now so i dont remember.

Or just download OWB, unpack in ram: and try

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Re: Apple movie trailer site doesn't work in OWB
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Cap wrote:
The ones that offer the movie in small medium and large work but not the one`s that say "watch now".

Well, I still can't seem to get OWB working right on the site but I've been testing ClipDown using Remote Desktop in my laptop. I haven't found any movies that won't play. For the ones that just say "Watch Now" I was able to put mouse over the "Watch Now" button and copy the URL and it plays fine. Can you point me to one that doesn't work for you?

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Re: Apple movie trailer site doesn't work in OWB
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Kicko wrote:
Or just download OWB, unpack in ram: and try

Hmm...good idea. I tried it and didn't it didn't work either. Intrestingly while I was playing around with it tonight I did work with my regular OWB install a couple of times and I even played a couple of videos but then it went back to not being able to load the site again.

I've ended up testing out ClipDown using Remote Desktop on my laptop.

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Re: Apple movie trailer site doesn't work in OWB
Just popping in
Just popping in

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All the watch now ones do not work.
I keep getting - "Error occured while trying to get url"
" Error ocurred while trying to view link"
"Error ocurred while deleting file"

A1200 060/ppc Grex/Voodoo
OS 3.9

A1 G4/1Ghz born again thanks to Acube Systems.
OS 4.1 Final Edition
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Re: Apple movie trailer site doesn't work in OWB
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Cap wrote:
All the watch now ones do not work.

Ok, Apple seems to have done things at least 3 different way that I've run across but I've been able to play all the trailer. Just have to us differnt technics for each. Here's the run down:

For movies that have a Watch Now button. Click the down arrow and see if they have a download selection that has something other than ipod listed. If they do move the mouse over one of the selections and copy the URL. These will play. Example movie from front page is "Step Up 3D"

For movies that have a Watch Now button but the only download item listed is the ipod/iphone ClipDown can't currently play. I'll have to take a closer look at these and see if there is anything I can do. Example on front page is "RoboCop".

For movies with the Small, Medium, Large buttons. Move mouse over them and copy URL to clipboard. These will play. Example on front page, "Battle".

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