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ClipDown v3.0 video available.
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Just posted a new video showing the Snapshot and save clipboard new features in ClipDown v3.0. You can find it HERE!

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Re: ClipDown v3.0 video available.
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Good work! Nice and very useful features.

PowerBook 5.2 MorphOS 3.15
PowerBook 5.8 MorphOS 3.17
Amiga 1200 BPPC/BVision AOS4.1 FE
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Re: ClipDown v3.0 video available.
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Thanks for the video (watched with help of ClipDown of course!), always helpful to see a demo like that. Ability to grab areas of screen so simply as shown with Google Maps, will come in really handy!

Brilliant little tool, ClipDown is turning into a bit of a swiss army knife!

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Re: ClipDown v3.0 video available.
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Your videos are always very useful and give me the desire to test ClipDown.

For me Snapshot is useful but save clipboard, no.
I don't see the interest, a amiga+c and amiga+v does the trick.
I tested on a web page with these two methods.
Yours forgot the umlauts (is that the correct word ?) like ? ? ? ?, etc...
For example, the french word repli?s is copied into replis.

A bug, I am sure.

Keep the work, useful program.


Since a lot of months without an amiga to love, I was lost.
Now I feel happiness again with a Sam Flex 800 .
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Re: ClipDown v3.0 video available.
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Thanks for the video and for ClipDown. Everything is working perfectly here!

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Re: ClipDown v3.0 video available.
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Will check it when back in Sweden. Nice with a video.

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Re: ClipDown v3.0 video available.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Excellent video, I like this way of presentation of applications!

A ClipDown is getting better and better!

Thanx for this great progy!

Amiga x5000 ı o2o ı 4GB RAM ı RadeonRX580 | SBlaster Audigy Fx - AmigaOS4.1 FInal Edition

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Re: ClipDown v3.0 video available.
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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I know Clipdown but I never tried it as I would prefer to see it integrated into OWB.

Can't you work with Jorg to enhance OWB?

I see you are using a picture viewer called Mysticview. Is it the 68k program? It's stuck at version 0.99 on Aminet. So there is a more recent version...

Philippe 'Elwood' FERRUCCI
Sam460ex 1.10 Ghz
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Re: ClipDown v3.0 video available.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Elwood wrote:
I know Clipdown but I never tried it as I would prefer to see it integrated into OWB.

ClipDown includes an example script which allows it to start and quit when OWB, or any other program does. Just change the paths to fit your system. This way you can think of it as a sort of "pluggin" for OWB. Would you use pluggins with Firefox or Timberwolf? Give ClipDown a try, you might just find it useful, I hope. By the way, ClipDown can be used with just more than OWB. I use it with Remote Desktop and SimpleMail.

While it would be nice to see at least some of ClipDowns functionallity integrated into OWB I came to the conclusion that it wasn't going to happen anytime soon. That why I initially wrote ClipDown as a interm solution to assist with downloading. Since then, to my own suprise, it has grown into much more than that. I just kept thinking about the things I wanted to do while browsing or using other programs and tried to figure out a way to make it happen with ClipDown. To be fair, with a couple of exceptions, ClipDown is just an interface to a multitude of other programs. It really others who diserve the credit for ClipDown doing what it does. See "Thanks" section of the ClipDown.guide file.

Can't you work with Jorg to enhance OWB?

Well, ClipDown's approach really isn't the correct approach for integrating into OWB. I took a quick look at some of OWB's source code at one point but it's written in C++. I don't have much experience with C++. I've done some C# programming so I understand object oriented languages but I wouldn't be a good person to do any work on OWB so I continued with ClipDown, Sorry!

I see you are using a picture viewer called Mysticview. Is it the 68k program? It's stuck at version 0.99 on Aminet. So there is a more recent version...

Hmm...I don't remember where I got it from, it's been a long time, but I did see it was included in AmiKit. You can probably download that and get it, or talk to the AmiKit people and maybe they can point you to it.

MysticView is still my favorite for quick picture viewing, dispite some great efforts of others lately. I do really like LoView but Mystic view, depite being 68k based, is still faster. It uses the render.library and guigfx.library which are OS4 native so it is pretty fast at rendering images.

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Re: ClipDown v3.0 video available.
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Give ClipDown a try, you might just find it useful

I'll try, I promise

I don't have much experience with C++

Oh ok. I understand.

Philippe 'Elwood' FERRUCCI
Sam460ex 1.10 Ghz
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Re: ClipDown v3.0 video available.
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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give it a try. when downloading programs you can close owb and let clipdown do all the download of big apps, youtube videos etc as it uses wget, getvideo and such. Its a good tool :)

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