Not too shy to talk 
Joined: 2007/3/30 18:39 Last Login
: 2/28 14:33
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Hi all,
I am facing some problems with libraries, from a developer point of view.
In a previous thread, we discussed that I would be better and safer to have the extra SDL libs (SDL_image, SDL_mixer, ...) managed like os4sdl, with a common repository. And I think that should includes some dependencies (smpeg, tiff, ...).
I see only advantages, having a unique repository, a bug tracker, ... that will also avoid people compiling their own with more or less success, as I've experienced again. That will allow up-to-date libraries with documented status and features, for OS4 but that could handle other OS.
Here is an example of what happened to me :
1. Trying to port Pygame, I needed to have SDL_image and SDL_mixer in shared objects and also PNG and JPEG includes. These last ones were missing so I got them from my previous version of the SDK. I wanted to stick with JPEG 6.2 and on os4depot, the only archive available is version 8. In any cases, I am not sure includes and the shared object match !
2. About SDL_image, the available version is 2 year-old and doesn't support TIFF (not really a problem but not complete, though). As I have this idea of common repository, I decided to compile SDL_image myself. For the TIFF support, I installed a shared version of libtiff from os4depot but the final example (showimage) made a warning about a problem related to libz in libtiff. The JPEG loading fails ...
3. I tried to compiled libtiff because there was another archive on os4depot but with a newer version. After some hacks in libtool, I got a static library but the shared object was not built.
4. Let's have a look at SDL_mixer. In this case, the package is recent and rather complete. I see it contains all the required development stuff, including smpeg ... that is also available independently in another archive. Is the version the same ? Does it contain the library format I want ? Because in some archives libraries are sometimes only static (clib2 and newlib) and sometimes only in shared objects.
5. About libpng, an archive on os4depot exists with the version 1.4 but all that we have until now is built against version 1.2. What about compatibility ? I tried once to experiment and I rollbacked. Hopefully there is an older archive with static lib and shared object but the size of the later is different from "" contained in "SOBJS:".
I am the only one in this kind of situation or developers, do you also share some problems like that ? To those who ported some libraries : would you contribute ?
Here are actions that could be done : 1. Provide includes and libraries for jpeg and png in the SDK that match with the OS shared objects. 2. Find a solution to know the version of shared objects. 3. Create a repository for SDL_image, SDL_mixer, SDL_ttf, ... with their associated dependencies (tiff, smpeg, mikmod, ...).