I completely agree regarding what you wrote about games compared to the applications. When you ported games the Amiga situation was different from today, there where more applications released from others. If I have to choose to be able to browse the internet or to play RTCW the choise is really easy
What I wrote about before though regarding including some old games for nostalgic reasons and fun are a different thing though I think since the games are available for free. There will be a need for a GUI and some transparent way to run them. I also had the idea of using that GUI for downloadable games that could be installed from within the GUI or download from an application store like are popular these days. That store could later be expanded to sell applications and games for AOS 4 but also have old games/applications downloadable for free if agreed by the owner.
Anyway, not a high priority thing right now but something that I think would be good some time in the future. Lots of non-computer-geeks that I know sit there with their Windows box, surf, reads e-mail, face book and then play Hearts, Spider etc etc. Why not include Deluxe Pacman and some breakout game with AOS 4?
But again, a project for the future, consentrate on the much more important features that are much needed in AOS now. I believe though that Amiga needs to get back to the roots a bit more at some point.
Oh, I'd also like to say that I'm sorry for sounding negative from time to time. I like what you've done with AOS a lot and I do enjoy using it. Typing this from AOS 4 right now. It has come a long way when it comes to usability since the first beta, both regarding AOS itself and the new applications like OWB, NetSurf, SabreMSN, WookieChat, now AmIRC, players for sound and video etc, etc, etc. Things could be better, sure, but it is cerntainly not bad.