OK, we so far have: Amiga DD/HD/5.25" MS-DOS DD/HD/320K/360K/1.2MB Macintosh 400K/800K C64/VIC-20 (1541) WD1770 (TI-99/4(a), BBC 'B' et al) Atari 400/800/1200 XE/XL 90KB FM NEC uPD765A (Amstrad CPC 6128, PCW 8256, Tatung Einstein)
all working with 40 track and 80 track 3.0", 3.5" and 5.25" drives.
I have just completed the first version of catweaselsid.device! Unit 0 for one SID, unit 1 for the other. Write only at the moment but Read access soon. Now I need to make Vice use it. Same format as Windows (data stream of {register,value}, ...). I'll be releasing a test version soon.
At the moment for some reason, though, the audio is mono coming through the CD-Audio connector into the SB128 and Mixer. Using the rear socket though it's stereo! :) Expect a Vice supporting two SIDs soon. :)
eBay is about the only place these days... they come up quite often. Many of them are stupidly expensive, so you may have to wait a while though. Alternatively any old 286 should have one.
At the moment the driver assumes a 1.2MB drive (more common) but soon there'll be proper support for 360KB drives.
That's the latest version of catweasel.device (though I've not been testing it it should still work) and catweaselsid.device which requires the latest version of catweasel.device.
Also included is Vice ("x64") which you should run from your Vice-2.2 distribution directory so it can find the ROMs and everything. I've also included StereoPlayer 10.3 disk image which also has some funky tracks (check out Johnny Be Goode!). Stereo player needs the C64 to be running NTSC mode, and you need to press the CBM key (Ctrl) and then 'A' twice to set it to use $DE00 for the second SID, and remember to enable the second SID at $DE00 in the Vice prefs!
Good luck, please comment in this thread as to how people get on. And expect crashes, this is just an interim build. :)
I've not tested it yet but it should work just fine with the MS-DOS writer. I do need to add a format for single sided 360KB ST floppies, though. Luckily I have a SSDD disk drive for my ST!
Hi to all! Today it's arrived my new catweaselmk4+. This is the good. The bad: The pc doesn't see it at all. I have windows 7 and there's no catweasel in the device manager nor anything related to it or the manufacturer... Simply nothing... Is something normal? It seems to me it's simply broken. Or my pci slot is broken... If it'd be a compatibility problem i'd see it in device manager but it shouldn't work. Instead on my pc i don't see it at all... Someone of you has ever had this? Bye!!
SOLVED: Windows7 x64 doesn't ask any driver at all. It sees catweasel as a "SIMPLE PCI COMMUNICATION DEVICE". In the device manager it puts the catweasel with the question mark and obviously it doesn't work because there are no drivers. So, if anyone tries to use it under windows7 the os won't ask you the driver. Under xp it works!
That's because the chip that's actually on the card is a TigerJet modem interface. It's the interface to that chip that's special on the Catweasel. It effectively uses the chip to control the disc and read/write the data, or at least that's my understanding. It's quite clever, anyway.
Now can we get back to Catweasel on OS4 discussion please? :) Do you have an AmigaOS 4 compatible machine? I'm always interested in bug reports and if there's anything that needs adding to the drivers let me know and I'll try and add it.