2) Doesn't help... no screenshots meeting the requirements I asked for.
3) Will look at AmigaExec's YT channel later (But they aren't in English so not sure what if anything is of use) ... all those others YT channels cannot be used - they are camera pointing at the screen or video footage.
This is the standard of video quality that is required, and before you ask yes I have PMed him he is busy with other projects atm.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LaEj00l5d5w&feature=player_embeddedSo I know its possible!
I will publish more video content onto AmigaOS/YT myself when I have the X1000 as it should be more than capable of it; in the meantime I have scoured the internet - I believe there is no more quality video (screen-captured!) footage out there.
So like I said Vox.. please please please if you want me to add Pagesteam, Cygnus Ed 5, Art Effect 4, Atlas 6, AmiPhoto, Aladdin 4D and whatever else you recommend... you (or others) must spend 5 minutes of your own time and screen capture them for me! If you own any of those packages how hard can it be to do a screen capture?
In the meantime I will try and get in touch with the developers (again where applicable) for some screenshots that meet criteria, but its always going to be easier/quicker if the community helps itself.
Consistency is what I am asking for Vox, guys, everyone reading this thread, consistency is the key. It would look a mess otherwise.