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: 11/20 22:14
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Ok, I quickly looked at the sources the last night and it seems to me that they the tree is pretty much straight forward a copy of the official one, just some few AmigaOS4 specific files here and there that's all. Also the archive contains the .svn directories Afxgroup must have used to synchronize his sources with the official SVN, might comes handy to detect which revision of the official SVN it is.
I must have deeper look but I think it will not be as hard as I anticipated. Maybe you can already try to register a new project at Google Code ? But please don't import Afxgroup sources yet, if we want to go the right way we must first identify the official version they are from, import them into the repository and only then import afxgroup sources. This is the only way we would be able to easily identify and track AmigaOS patches, what will afterwards be very helpful in updating our sources to the latest official one.
A quick look didn't permit me to locate the very simple builtin GUI you were speaking earlier in this thread. Can you point me in the right direction please ?