This was "my" project, but it seems you anticipate me
If you want i can send you current source code and you can continue with it, and fix bugs in code because of which it crashes for now :) I will be only happy if someone can make a working binary, and i will do something else :)
If needed we can merge from my configure and see if we can working togheter in some kind
All that configure/makefiles different for all the versions of all the games. Purposes of configure: making makefiles. Purposes of makefiles: build all the sources to the objects with right params (which founds by configure) and make the final linking. I.e. if version 2.0.8 have that and that sources, and that and that options for compilation/linking, then other and newer versions will have new objects, new options, new files (for which, you need of course new configurations and new makefiles).
Building of makefile , it's the most easy thinks in all the porting. There you not need to know how to code, you just need understand what files to compile, and how. And you can easyly write your own bat_file , where will be all the lines , like:
gcc -c file1.cpp
gcc -c file2.cpp
gcc -c file3.cpp
gcc -o game file1.o file2.o file3.o -lauto -lblablalb
Of course when projects start to be compilcated, worring with bat scripts can be not so easy, but still, if configure/makefiles not works by some reassons, it can be done like that.
By all of this i mean that there is nothing what we can merge, because there its the same as merging x86 assembler and 68k assembler. Of course not the same difference, but almost like that make no sense.
But porting (as some ppls start to think in last time), its not only ./configure; make. None of the big-projects can be compiled like this imho, and working after that. The real "work" start when you even start to compile objects: some includes are wrong, some includes are not present on current SDK, some functions are redefined, some symbols in aos4 sdk are reserved, and project can't use the same names, some functions are defined at wrong place, some "extern" not done, and on our SDK it suck, but works on win32/linux ones, some types are defind in aos4 sdk in exec/types.h, but in project it redefined (like BOOL, int32, uint32 and so on), some fucntions just not present at all (like wchar or kind) and so on and so on. And that only about compiling an objects. Then linking (mostly the ease part, just need to found right libs, but some times there is heavy problems as well, but not so offten). Then you have a binary, which for sure will not works, crashes, and then, real work starts : understand why it crashes, found by debugggin (or by printfs() ) part in code where it crashes, understand what its do, and fix it. There you need to know programming anyway.
With that version of Warzone , there was few bad externs, few redefinations of types, some redifinations of some symbols (game use some names which are reserved in aos4 sdk, like for example SCREENTYPE value). Also on linking stage it fucks from time to time in terms of all that lex/bison stuff, so i a bit change few files to make it linking.
And then i have binary, which on running ask for rc8/users/default directory, then after creating it runs, and crashes on the function "scan data dirs", which mean there is all those problems with ./ / PROGDIR: and alt (i hope there is only that problems). So need to build debug version, and check it more deeply.
The most interesting thinks as well will starts after you will have "almost working binary". It will runs , show something for example, and then crashes. Or have bad textures, and then, need to worring about opengl, warp3d , found where is problems and why it buggy and alt. I am almost sure that "scan dirs" bug it's not the last one which we will have there :)
Btw, i use crosscompiler setup on win32/cygwin to make all makefiles , and for compilation/linking as well, because our bison (old one, and new one, which port salas00 in warzone thread), not works because of some error, while crosscompiler one works fine.
As far as i know, 2.0.8rc1 are pretty playable on morphos, and in 2008 year it was one of the best games for morphos (in some charts). So even that version will be not bad imho.