My take on that is that it has to become availble first to be taken seriously.
Like the MPC8641(D) which Freescale delayed over two years now and for which only samples are available, production might start in mid 2007. At least they planned to some months ago.
Then, Hyperion does software. There still would the need for someone else to come up with a hardware.
Todays designs costs thousands of Euros even if you are not paid for your work. The ArgoNavis eva/test board for the MPC8641 uses twelf layers, these things do not grow on trees. And all the interesting chips come as BGA by now, you need some pretty sophisticated equipment to solder that stuff reliable, you just don't assemble such a board on your diner table.
i would like to see amigaos on kilocore1025 WHEN(IF) became available. HW is useless without SW(license for supported amiga hw?) a vice verso,that's why i mentioned hyperion8-P.
IBM is a sad and pathetic company. Seems to me that for every 10 items they announce (which are amazingly ahead of our time, too), they actually produce one, and it's very, very, very expensive too. Also, by the time they launch IT ALMOST everyone else has caught UP!!!
I do NOT doubt their research capabilities, just their bringing products to market part at common people pricing. I have NO idea how they survive. (Must be some secret government pet project, ala X-Files, keeping them alive (secret funds channeled into the corp f. ex.).)
HEY!!! Check it out!!!!!
Rapport currently offers a KC256 chip featuring 256 processing elements for more than 25 gigabyte operations per second using less than a single watt of electricity. That processor is available with development platform and tools.
AVAILABLE NOW! (04/05/06 1:48 PM PT) So how many here own one?
Different Application
Instead of running Windows, Linux, or other modern computer operating systems, the architecture and high-density cores of chips such as Kilocore are best suited to specific algorithms, including video and code compression, Reynolds said.
"It's really focused on doing a single task very well," he said.
Although Kilocore's promoters touted the ability to dynamically reconfigure the chip for compute-intensive applications Get the Facts on BlackBerry Business Solutions, Reynolds indicated such work can be difficult.
"We couldn't have built this relationship without," said Rapport President Frank Sinton. "Combining the outstanding Power architecture with Kilocore will open up Power's extensive application base and developer community to the world of handheld, mobile and in-the-field computing."
Always a rosey picture, though never any genuine developments, truely ibm inaction.
How many handhelds use this today?
The idea was to have motherboards that use Cell processors. They're $5,000 dollars each, and STILL aren't available as the PS3 is using up every one produced.
I say, buy JUST the PS3 MB and sell it as an Amiga.... Just need it to be able to put more ram on there.... up to 16 GB. Oh and a SATA and RAID controller.
Support Amiga Fantasy cases!!! How to program: 1. Start with lots and lots of 0's. 10. Add 1's, liberally. "Details for OS 5 will be made public in the fourth quarter of 2007, ..." - Bill McEwen Whoah!!! He spoke, a bit late.
I wrote my entire post before I read that article that I link to at the bottom.
Support Amiga Fantasy cases!!! How to program: 1. Start with lots and lots of 0's. 10. Add 1's, liberally. "Details for OS 5 will be made public in the fourth quarter of 2007, ..." - Bill McEwen Whoah!!! He spoke, a bit late.
I think IBM completely lost interest in the desktop market. They are pursuing different business models now and building a Cell motherboard for Amiga users is simply not realistic. For example, they also sold their notebook production department to an Asian company called Lenovo. I have one of the old IBM Thinkpads, very sturdy, you just can't break it! The notebooks from Lenovo in contrast feel very cheap compared to that, but they can get some sales because they bought the trademark. Concerning IBM PPC and the desktop I think that after Apple's move to x86, PPC is very dead as a desktop computer CPU. But in other areas, PPC is doing very well! If Amiga Inc. and Hyperion decide to stay with PPC, then they need to hit the embedded market and gain industrial clients which can use a customizable and light-weight AmigaOS in embedded devices. It sounds sad for us, but I cannot blame them that they want to make profits after 6 years of hard work on OS4!
I do NOT doubt their research capabilities, just their bringing products to market part at common people pricing. I have NO idea how they survive. (Must be some secret government pet project, ala X-Files, keeping them alive (secret funds channeled into the corp f. ex.).)
You need to do some catch up with the news, IBM do not produce things for common ppl anymore. And they products aren't that higly priced when you consider the build/design quality (just peek inside one of their products, being a p-series server or small form factor PC. In the old days the same stinkin' PS2 system, although being a joke compared to these days' amigas, their desing was very nice (access to parts inside the case etc)
"the expression, 'atonal music,' is most unfortunate--it is on a par with calling flying 'the art of not falling,' or swimming 'the art of not drowning.'. A. Schoenberg