COBRA wrote the following in another thread and I thought it is important enough to start a new topic: Quote:
Now that KingCON is being discussed... this is not a problem report, but a feature request:
I would really like to have an advanced shell, like MUICon on MorphOS. KingCON is nice, but often I have 3-4 shell windows open and it becomes quite an effort to shuffle them around, so there a nice tabbed feature like MUICon has would be very useful for me. This is one of the areas which are very well covered in MorphOS, but are lacking in OS4. Is anyone working on something like this, or has some spare time to do it?
The ideal thing would be something that embeds term.mcc based object (it has various kinds of terminal emulations already implemented, would be perfect with ssh/telnet applications). The problem that there appears to be no dev. package on aminet. May it's be somewhere esle? Just an idea...
"the expression, 'atonal music,' is most unfortunate--it is on a par with calling flying 'the art of not falling,' or swimming 'the art of not drowning.'. A. Schoenberg
I'd just like to see a scrollbar on the default OS4 Shell.
Yeah, second, a history for the AmigaShell would be the missing piece to make it perfect (at least for me - and not on a developer pov which might still more flexibility)
I'd just like to see a scrollbar on the default OS4 Shell.
Imho, in case the dev. package of term.mcc does exist, it'll be too much "inside the box" thinking. Would be unwise to miss an existing functionality. Anyone who works remotely on Unix boxes will find this "a must". To rwork remotely relying on AmTelnet's ssh functionaliity won't work for long (it does protocol 1 while it is years ssh1 is considered as obsolete).
"the expression, 'atonal music,' is most unfortunate--it is on a par with calling flying 'the art of not falling,' or swimming 'the art of not drowning.'. A. Schoenberg
I'd just like to see a scrollbar on the default OS4 Shell.
Yeah, second, a history for the AmigaShell would be the missing piece to make it perfect
I thought that was a given - not much point in having scrollbars if there is no history to scroll back to, is there?
btw you can log things using the recorder command. I don't have the doc in front of me, but I don't see why you couldn't add it to shell-startup so it logs everything, if you really wanted to.
Or shortly: ssh = secure shell like telnet with encryption and lot of features such as:
1. key-based authorization 2. internal X11 tunelling 3. port tunneling 4. file transfer
"the expression, 'atonal music,' is most unfortunate--it is on a par with calling flying 'the art of not falling,' or swimming 'the art of not drowning.'. A. Schoenberg
> but often I have 3-4 shell windows open and it becomes > quite an effort to shuffle them around, so there a > nice tabbed feature like MUICon has would be very useful
Now that sounds really useful. It is so easy to lose shells behind other windows when you have several open.