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Splitting up an flv movie?
Home away from home
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Is it possible to split up an flv movie into just images? I have one frame i'd like to take out of the movie.

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Re: Splitting up an flv movie?
Just popping in
Just popping in

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If you only want to save frames, why not just do it through MPlayer?

(1)Add "-vf screenshot" (without quotes) to MPlayer GUI/Extras/Additional parameters
(2)After running the .flv, use perhaps the up and/or right arrows to get close to the frame you want.
(3)Then switch to using "." (period) which will give you frame by frame advance while in paused mode
(4)When you reach the frame you want press "s", which will save it as a .png to directory of your choice as stipulated by MPlayer icon info.


Edited by number6 on 2011/6/12 20:22:27
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Re: Splitting up an flv movie?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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ffmpeg can encode from png images, which you can save with mplayer -vo png

So simply delete the file that contains the frame to be removed, hopefully ffmpeg won't mind that it's missing.

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Re: Splitting up an flv movie?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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ffmpeg can also output to png images too. Various tutorials are on the net.

You could also just set a stop/start duration, make 2 videos, then join them together. Of course the duration would need to be absolutely exact if you want to get rid of just 1 frame.

Alternatively you can set the frame to 1fps and output the whole thing, and then the duration only has to be an integer when splitting. Then set framerate back to normal.

Although I can't remember how to set the source framerate (so it just changes framerate without dropping any frames, thus increasing the duration).

I believe in the past you could use -r 1 before the input file and it'd change the source framerate but that doesn't work anymore. There is a hackjob solution that should work in a bash shell (available if you install the OS4 SDK).


Edited by MickJT on 2011/6/13 20:12:03
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Re: Splitting up an flv movie?
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Start blender

Switch to sequence preset

Load the flv move (using the add button)

navigate to the frame you want by typng in the correct number if you know it or using the arrow keys till you find the one you want

Set the sequence to start and finish at the frame you want

Set the output to a image format (PNG JPEG etc)

Render the 1 frame sequence

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Re: Splitting up an flv movie?
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Rereading the thread Number6 and I have assumed you want to capture a stil from the movie, whereas Thematic and MickJT have assumed you want to remove a single frame and make a new movie.

Which of us is barking up the wrong tree?

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Re: Splitting up an flv movie?
Home away from home
Home away from home

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I just wanted to get one frame and make that frame an jpg/png image so i could change that one image. Not put it back in or anything. I just paused the movie and used sgrab. Probably not the best solution but worked ok.

Someone should make a bounty or make a program to edit movies. Or change them,make new with sound or simple effects etc. Could be handy.

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Re: Splitting up an flv movie?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Well, ffmpeg can do some of that already. Overlay videos on top of one another, change the sound, fade, flip, etc..

Of course, doing it all from the command line is a chore.

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Re: Splitting up an flv movie?
Home away from home
Home away from home

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How hard would making a gui and using ffmpeg for that?

Any volunteers?

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Re: Splitting up an flv movie?
Home away from home
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Antique wrote:

I just wanted to get one frame and make that frame an jpg/png image so i could change that one image. Not put it back in or anything. I just paused the movie and used sgrab. Probably not the best solution but worked ok.

That's what I thought you wanted to do. The SGrab option is simple and sufficient if you don't need to get exactly one specific frame.


Someone should make a bounty or make a program to edit movies. Or change them,make new with sound or simple effects etc. Could be handy.

Blender has movie editing capabilities. The sequenec editor is quite powerful.

Can be used for titleing (titles can be created with animated 3d scenes eg: http://youtu.be/NEt4bypaVxc or still images manipulated with the translation effects eg: http://youtu.be/KbM7URzm2Ts ).

Applying various effects via plugins, color correction, etc etc

Multi video sources can be spliced with prerendered images and 3d scenes (rendered on demand). Using 3d scenes does slow thing down somewhat though as you might expect.

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Re: Splitting up an flv movie?
Home away from home
Home away from home

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But blender requires 3d? Which radeonhd cards won't work with yet.

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Re: Splitting up an flv movie?
Home away from home
Home away from home

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But blender requires 3d? Which radeonhd cards won't work with yet.

Oh, er didn't read your .sig! Yes blender need MiniGL, so no radeonHD cards just yet. I imgine though that once the 3d is implented it'll fly on one of those!

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Re: Splitting up an flv movie?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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hmmm wonder what the button "save frame" does under video control in ffmpeggui ?

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