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Joined: 2009/2/9 19:32 Last Login
: 2020/12/21 15:57
From Brussels Belgium
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I had switched allready the xICon method, but of course setting the +S protect bit , is still better. @all
Now, as the suggested methods are less "Workbench"-like" it seems to me that the initial question is not answered in this thread. How did VVA author do it ? Why don't Notepad and other applications use this method? I realised that the different icons used (in which tooltypes took different values) were 'project icons'. As we are more accustomed to them with editors, and a 'project' there is some file to edit. The way VVA uses them is interesting and developers here could comment on how they did it or how you can do it.
Wishes in this line 1) Have Notepad behave more like BareEd: In fact l did set Notepad to the generate Icons and looked at the project icons:
If you save an empty file the icon looks like a blank page, no tootypes set. IF some text is saved the page is lined and a tooltype MIMETYPE=text/plain appears.
If you do the same with BareEd, BareEd asks you for an empty page, if you want it to use it as a template.It then saves all the 'tooltype information" in the templatse drawer as a .info icon file You can reuse this template repeatedly: it is not overwritten easily: BareEd will not show it in its "Save As requester". BareEd has the following tooltypes, that are set at saving time, and that you can adapt later in the template or in a saved file, opening and editing its icon information.
=== example WINDOW=0,455,1024,313 TAB=8 FONT=courier.font,13 PENS=2,18,255,18,189 BGD=255,255,255 TXT=0,0,0 CRS=238,153,0 TOC=0,0,0 MRK=104,152,176 REDRAW=SMART ==== No PUBSCREEN however.
Even without the "template creation" feature, it would be great if Notepad projecticons could have the tooltypes the tool has. (CREATEICONS) (PUBSCREEN=<public screen name>) (WORDWRAP) (FIXFONT) (FONT=<font name/size>) (CHARSET=<charset name>) (TABSIZE=<tab size>) (BLINKSPEED=<cursor blink speed>)
Adding window size and position would be super.
2) Have an arexx interface to it
3) Like suggestions for "Clock" (project icons, defining screen, position and other tooltypes, arexx interface for manipulating and surely quitting Clock before opening on other screen, if screen can not be reset through arexx port)
4) Have the possibility to place these 'alternative icons' on their corresponding screens (for me AmiPDF, Gui4Cli, OWB, IBrowse)