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How to add a second hdd to the sam440ep?
Just popping in
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Hi all i would like to know how to add a second hdd to my sam440ep i currently have an 80gig in at the moment but would love to add my 250 gig to it and have all my file/downloads etc on it but i dont know what to do it, i have hooked them both up and when i go into hdtoolbox to configure it, it is not there? The 250 gig hard drive works if i use it by it self and im able to install amigaos 4.1 on the hard drive.

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Re: How to add a second hdd to the sam440ep?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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In Mediatoolbox have your got last ID checked on the 80gb drive?

Peter Swallow

Eyetech A1XE-G3 800Mhz OS4.1
Towered A1200 OS3.9
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Re: How to add a second hdd to the sam440ep?
Just popping in
Just popping in

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no it was not checked but it is now and it is also saved. What else do i need to do so that Media Toolbox will see the HDD?

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Re: How to add a second hdd to the sam440ep?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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On my 80gb HD, I have Last LUN checked, and on my 160gb hard drive I have both Last ID and Last Lun checked.
Both are recognised on my system.

Peter Swallow

Eyetech A1XE-G3 800Mhz OS4.1
Towered A1200 OS3.9
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Re: How to add a second hdd to the sam440ep?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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If you give me a few hours and I'll be home from work and I can answer your question, in the meantime what are the units you have all you devices in?

0 and 1 for HD and 3 for DVD?

~Yes I am a Kiwi, No, I did not appear as an extra in 'Lord of the Rings'~
1x AmigaOne X5000 2.0GHz 2gM RadeonR9280X AOS4.x
3x AmigaOne X1000 1.8GHz 2gM RadeonHD7970 AOS4.x
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Re: How to add a second hdd to the sam440ep?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Try this

Type in a shell and return (cut and paste if you like)

NVSetVar sii3114ide_conf 1102

This tells the system you have a harddrive in unit 0 and 1 nothing in unit 2 and a DVDRom in unit 3

I have 1112 since I have 3 harddrives and a DVDRom

Type NVGetVar to get a list of your currently set config

See how you go!


Type this in a shell and return

idetool -l sii3114ide.device

It'll tell you what is in what unit #

It might also raise more questions, so I'm off before it starts LOL

~Yes I am a Kiwi, No, I did not appear as an extra in 'Lord of the Rings'~
1x AmigaOne X5000 2.0GHz 2gM RadeonR9280X AOS4.x
3x AmigaOne X1000 1.8GHz 2gM RadeonHD7970 AOS4.x
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Re: How to add a second hdd to the sam440ep?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Yeah, there's a bug in the driver with its addressing of the ports. It seems to number the ports 0, 2, 1, 3. He may have to experiment to find out how his drive is actually "connected".

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Re: How to add a second hdd to the sam440ep?
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Ok i have managed to get the drive working..well sort of,it is there on my screen but when i try to format it it says disk full?

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Re: How to add a second hdd to the sam440ep?
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I have managed to format the drive and give it a name, i can also mount it and make the hdd usable but every time i reboot i need to mount it again? I have automount enable aswell?

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Re: How to add a second hdd to the sam440ep?
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Just popping in

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Re: How to add a second hdd to the sam440ep?
Home away from home
Home away from home

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I would love to help, but I've never tried what you are doing, so cannot help. Probably a lot of other people the same, hence no reply...

It does sound very strange.

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: How to add a second hdd to the sam440ep?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Please be patient. We've all been through this process so many times and some people just won't do their homework first.

Run Media Toolbox ("MTB"), select your driver (sii3114ide.device) and click "Start".
Now look at the column marked "Id, LUN".
What does the list of Units say? I would expect to see:
0,0 Fixed hard disk (your old disk)
0,1 Fixed hard disk (your new disk) (maybe this says 0,2)
0,3 Removable CD-ROM

Does your sii3114ide_conf reflect this configuration? In the above example it would be 1102 (1012 if it says LUN 2).
Does MTB bring up a requester suggesting that you let it fix something? If so, say yes and let MTB fix it for you.
Do you want to boot from this new HD? If so, select the HD from the list and click "Edit RDB/ReInstall". Look at "AmigaOne Boot Code", bottom of window. Does it say "l:slb_v2, 29036 bytes, ver 1.19"? If not, install it. Don't touch anything else in this window. Click "OK, accept changes" or "Cancel" if nothing needed changing.
Click "Edit partitions and filesystems". Make sure that every partition in the list has "Automount" set (except a "SWAP" partition). If you want to boot from one or more of them, set "Bootable" and a priority.
If you have two disks, each with bootable partitions, the lower Unit number will always take precedence, even if the higher Unit number has a partition with a greater priority. You can also get funny situations where the Kickstart modules are loaded from one device but the system is loaded from another, making a real mixup of library versions etc. It's safer to have only one disk with "bootable" partitions enabled.

Forget about sii3114ide_xfer for the moment, just set it to "0000" or don't define it at all. You can trim it afterwards.

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Re: How to add a second hdd to the sam440ep?
Home away from home
Home away from home

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tonyw didn't say how to check "your sii3114ide_conf", so you need to do this from Shell:

NVGetVar sii3114ide_conf

For me it doesn't output anything, which seems to suggest it isn't set. Is this OK tony?

And of course:

NVGetVar sii3114ide_xfer

This gives me "GGGG" (without quotes), because I set it manually for the fastest speed (drives should run at the fastest speed they support). While this should arguably be the default, there are a few drives which don't seem to like running as fast as they tell OS4 they can.

Use NVSetVar to change something.

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: How to add a second hdd to the sam440ep?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Yes, I should have included "nvgetvar sii3114ide_conf". Thanks for adding that.

I think it's OK to have xxxide_conf undefined - the driver should be able to interrogate all drives and determine which is what - but I'm not sure, I've always defined it on my machines. What I'm worried about is the addressing of the ports - I know it's wrong and I also suspect that there is an interrupt problem on the early driver versions. We'll have to help 'carvedeye' through with that.

It's certainly OK to leave xxxide_xfer undefined, in fact it's a good idea if you move drives around as I do.

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Re: How to add a second hdd to the sam440ep?
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Well i have figured it out, turns out my hardrive is broke as it is temporamental in my windows pc also, gonna buy a new hdd over the weekend and will let you all know how it goes :)

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