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Joined: 2010/5/16 12:20 Last Login
: 2018/10/16 8:05
From Grimsby, UK
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Is there an escape code for the % symbol in the shell?
You see I am having problems with Hollywood, %p and %s seem to be reserved words as they output something else I don't want. And I cannot seem to get this behavouir.
So as a last resort is there an escape code the % symbol?
The command line I am trying to launch is this:
list p=install.py all lformat %p%s
Which will list only the path and filename of matches and nothing else.
Of course I wish to this issue this from a hollywood program, but I cannot output %p or %s.
I would wait for a reply on the Hollywood forums if had the patient, but waiting there is like watching paint dry! :(