I eventually came to the conclusion that ImageObject is simply buggy/broken, and does not work with images loaded via datatypes. Instead I got it mostly working using the Dtpic class:
Child, buttonObject := GroupObject,
MUIA_Background,MUII_ButtonBack, MUIA_Frame,MUIV_Frame_Button, MUIA_InputMode,MUIV_InputMode_RelVerify,
Child, GroupObject, MUIA_Group_Horiz,MUI_TRUE,
Child, DtpicObject, MUIA_Dtpic_Name, "tbimages:quit", End,
Child, FreeLabel(label),
Child, RectangleObject, MUIA_InnerLeft,0, MUIA_InnerRight,0, MUIA_InnerTop,0, MUIA_InnerBottom,0, End,
For some stupid reason the button frame is inherited by everything inside it, and the only way to stop that is to have a second group (!) which explicitly has no frame. Seems crazy, but I couldn't find another way to do it.
It still doesn't look 100% perfect (kinda looks like I have a double frame) but just about good enough.
Oh yeah, and MUI's Dtpic documentation seems to be literally non-existant. The only way to work out how to use it was by a few snippets of code on the web. MUI 3.8 doesn't even include everything needed to use it in the includes, as I had to declare MUIA_Dtpic_Name = 0x80423d72 (and for consistency I also declared DtpicObject using MUIC_Dtpic).
Edit: I was able to duplicate Dtpic's functionality using BitmapObject, but all the extra code doesn't seem to offer any benefit, so I might as well stick with Dtpic.
Edited by ChrisH on 2011/8/31 22:58:28
Edited by ChrisH on 2011/8/31 23:00:59
Edited by ChrisH on 2011/8/31 23:04:40