That sounds like the IBrowseNetwork bug where IB doesn't quit all of its tasks when exiting. You can check this with Scout by checking the "tasks" that are running. There should be no IB tasks running.
Look, only one leg, count em, one! X1000/PA6T@1800MHz/2Gb/Radeon 4850
@GrumpyOldMan i too get that if i visit a site with java running ibrowse sends requesters and when i quit out of Ibrowse everything runs slow and have to reset comp
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Ok! That could be the reason. I suggest to use a small separated partition for that purpose, because IBrowse2.3 can do nasty things. I'm looking forward for IB2.4.
I recommend you uae a small SFS partition too, SFS is actually faster than the ram disk,so just set up a small partition (50 / 100 mb) and put all your caches there.
Or just continue as you are and wait for IB2.4 and turn the cache off (2.3 has a bug that doesn't turn the cache off properly iirc).
I am thinking about the Trashcan concept... It seems that not allowed to drag&drop items from other volumes. To be really useful, it maybe a good place for trashcan on the backdrop window. However as I can see, 'leave out' is not work for it. It is ghosted in the wb menu.
If the above is fit in the concept, then the contextmenu should ghost leave out for trashcans.
Install Benchtrash, that has several ways of doing things, you can have an instant delete or a global trashcan where everything is moved to a single trashcan instead of having one on each partition. iirc it also clears out files that have been there a specified amount of time.
The problem is that deleting lots of files takes ages as they are all copied to another partition.
I use the old rubbish dump program which just deletes files dropped on it's appicon and sfs's /recycled drawer if I make a mistake
well, a workbench drawer window does not behave correct when scrolling.
try this:
- open ramdisk. the drawer should show at least one file (icon mode). the window should have no scrollbars. use "resize to fit" to make that sure - now scroll up or down by using the *buttons* in the window border (you cannot using the scrollbars as the window contents fit completely in the window) - now the vertical scrollbar is visible - that is correct - scroll up/down by using the scrollbar now - either drag it or click inside the empty part of it, so that the content of the window fits again completely in the window
--> the scrollbar still is visible now for scrolling. it is not "refreshed". if you're using the scroll buttons instead it is.
@sundown You were right, Scout reveals that after closing IBrowse, a task called 'IBrowse' remains active. If I freeze or remove it, the system goes back to normal speed.
@poweramiga I think you should do as I did - get Scout from OS4Depot, install it and use it to kill the 'IBrowse' task. No more unnecessary rebooting!
@Severin Hard disk (SFS) partition faster than RAM Disk you say? I have always thought real RAM would be faster, but this is no longer true? Or is it a AmigaOne/OS4 specific thing?
Anyway, thanks for the tip, I shall setup the cache to a small SFS partition I already have (I call it "The JunkYard" ).
"Ain't Got no cash, Ain't got no style, Ladies vomit when I smile, but does Zoidberg worry?"
Try using picshow or cybershow, both allow you to save as jpg and cybershow offers more formats but png is rare as most software was written before png existed.
Amiga user since 1985 AOS4, A-EON, IBrowse & Alinea Betatester