-- Added support for alpha channel in picture objects. -- Picture scaling done using bilinear scaling algorithm. -- OS4 display issues are solved (you can import images fine for now) -- Corrected one typo in win_fonts.c -- Text is correctly deleted now if new text is shorter than old one. -- Add possibility to define gradients in user colors. -- Fixed "cursor jumping" on aos4, when you trying to move object. -- Added czech and german Catalogs
All the work mostly done by Yannick as usual. We all only contribute it a little by icons/catalogs/testing/bug-founds, but all the core-code-work done by Yannick.
Thanks very much for the update! However, the Czech catalog is wrong. The OS4 Czech localization uses a different charset (Latin-2) then OS3.x, MorphOS and AROS (which use proprietary encoding called ATO-E2). So the OS4 version should be distributed with a Czech catalog in Latin-2.
EDIT: Just spotted the .ct file in the archive, and checked the catalog. It seems to be OK, in Latin-2. However, AmiFIG still displays certain accented characters wrong, as if the font doesn't support the charset - which it does of course (it is the same font I use in my - localized - system).
EDIT 2: Fixed now. The problem was that the catalog translation file specified "codeset 0", while the correct codeset of Latin-2 is 5. Thanks to Vit Sindlar of ATO Czech for help!
I'll send you the new catalog for distribution with the following version.
Edited by trixie on 2010/11/22 8:56:01 Edited by trixie on 2010/11/22 15:29:47
@kas1e I retried Amifig once again... as I said before, it looks quiet promising and this is the sort of software I need. However a few features are needed (they may already be there though...):
- exporting to eps (incl. embedded preview) or any other vector format which is PageStream compatible. (As I understand, this is done through fig2dev... Can someone explain how to configure that ?*)
- some sort of mathematical formular editor
Thanx, for infos. I am a bit lazy, and it might be somewhere in the docs or may already been discussed here. But before I spent hours on that, a small hint will be very wellcome !
yes, sure. Does that mean neither eps export nor formular editor is included/possible at the moment ? I am just asking from the user perspective, if possible, and how (which Icon/Menu + how to setup).
yes, sure. Does that mean neither eps export nor formular editor is included/possible at the moment ? I am just asking from the user perspective, if possible, and how (which Icon/Menu + how to setup).
I do not remember to be honest, i need the same as you run it again, check docs, and so on. And to add, the most work are done by initial author and Yannick, i just port it to os4 with some minor fixes/changes, so i even can't know many parts.
However, somehow I cannot figure out how to export via fig2dev (CallFig2Dev)... I've got the feeling, there is something wrong with argument parsing, besides that executabel bit and script bit is not set for CallFig2Dev.
sorry, I am not able to call fig2dev, I have got the feeling, there are several things wrong....
BUG report: Under Preferences - I/O I entered "F2D Command": Work-1:Amifig/CallFig2Dev 1) Load an example find correct path (e.g. Work-1:Amifig/examples/aircraft.fig) as main window title. 2) Call Export/via Fig2Dev... -> Errormessage:
ram:tca.2/aircraft.fig examples
Invalid arguments for fig2dev
3) Path in main windowtitle becomes incorrect "ram:tca.2/aircraft.fig"
further BUGS: Listview entries under Preferences/Display/PageFormat are only shown after each gets selected or after initial scrolling
I would be willing to write a fig2dev GUI (But sorry kas1e would be Amiblitz/Wizardlib or NTUI), once we fixed the BUG/figured out how Fig2Dev is called via Amifig.
sorry, I am not able to call fig2dev, I have got the feeling, there are several things wrong....
Code are open, feel free to invistigate. But to add, i remember that all that works (somethere in that thread was some info about). Just can't remember details now.
But sorry kas1e would be Amiblitz/Wizardlib or NTUI
I.e. 68k only ? If so, do not worry, i will better write it myself with mui or reaction, on C, native (that very important for future). No need all that different mess when half of programm done on one language, half on another, half native and half not, which will ask for one more 3d party libs.
Making small simple gui window, are so easy, that is really not the case when need to introduce all that mess with basics, 68k and 3d party libs.
@kas1e well, even if I would try to investigate, I am not skilled enough for that task... (that's the reason I am only doing Amiblitz) consider me as "average Joe USER"
@gerograph Ok, will check soon then, and will write fig2dev gui. But in meanwhile check that thread detailed. I remember that Xenic and/or Trixie found the way how to use all of this.
@kas1e O.k. this did the trick, "CallFig2Dev" is therfore obselete. Having an embedded preview inside eps file would be nice... I'll investigate options on that, best solution would probably to add this in fig2dev.
@all Maybe some of you will be in interest: i spend today some hours to port latest ZuneFig: ZuneFIG is the revival of AmiFIG vector drawing program for AROS with usage of their mui toolkit called ZUNE. With some adaptation work i made it works on os4 with our mui as well, but there is still some moment to deal with, but still and anyway:
I wrote mail to Yannick about, and if he will doesn't mind, i will send aos4 ifdefs him back so he can add them on SF directly.
Nice, very very nice ! I wonder if this new version still compatible with the old one you ported, as i read about many internal changes in background, catalogs included