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New Screen Shot and SketchBlock gallery.
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I've created a new section in my website gallery for screenshots and SketchBlock example works.

Ultimatley this will be embedded in the online documentation.

Here's a direct link to the first screenshot.


It shows the new brushes section, and a sketch done with a combination of round brush and bitmap brush.

I wanted to use a small thumbnail image to link to my gallery but it seems the BBCode on this site doesn't let you do that. So back to aboring text link sorry.

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Re: New Screen Shot and SketchBlock gallery.
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Then small donation from me. As its one of not so many _really_ good, native, fast, responsive and badly needit programs.

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Re: New Screen Shot and SketchBlock gallery.
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Thanks kas1e!

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Re: New Screen Shot and SketchBlock gallery.
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sorry that so small one, will do better one soon

ps. new release coming soon ?:)

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Re: New Screen Shot and SketchBlock gallery.
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sorry that so small one, will do better one soon

Hey NP Every little helps!


ps. new release coming soon ?:)

I'm just writing some docs and then I need to write a 'make brush' script. I hoped to release 1.3 this weekend, but I suspect I will be too busy now. (un expected family visit!)

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Re: New Screen Shot and SketchBlock gallery.
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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I agree with kas1e. It is great to have a fully native graphic/painting program on AOS4. RA GUI, what a rarity...
Very nice Will donate shortly.

Do you accept any suggestions? Here is the first one

Please make a possibility to have a project window always active.

BTW. Any virtual possibility you will do a driver (in your UCLogictablet driver) for Wacom tablets?
I see Kanvus Artist 127 is supported with Linux (readme). I can buy it in the shop near my house but its 200$. I can imagine a better expense or donation

CDTV/CD32/A500/A600/A600+Furia+IndiECS/A1200+TF1260/A4000D+A2320+PiccoloSD64/Sam440 flex 800MHz RAM 1GB HD7750 128MB OS4.1 SBLive! ->
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Re: New Screen Shot and SketchBlock gallery.
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

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I'll donate too, as soon as my cash balance improves a little

The Rear Window blog

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Re: New Screen Shot and SketchBlock gallery.
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Re: New Screen Shot and SketchBlock gallery.
Home away from home
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Thanks all for you genourous donations!

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Re: New Screen Shot and SketchBlock gallery.
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Will donate shortly.


Do you accept any suggestions? Here is the first one

Sugestions always welcome, I'll implement any I find practicle and that fit in or at least don;t clash with my goals which is a paint program that can work well on our existing hardware with large bitmaps.


Please make a possibility to have a project window always active.

Hmm, I think I need you to clarify that sugestion for me. What do you mean by always active?

Currently you can have an unlimited number of project windows open (subject to resources). Only one of those can be active at a time, (though ARexx can work on a non active project).

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Re: New Screen Shot and SketchBlock gallery.
Home away from home
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BTW. Any virtual possibility you will do a driver (in your UCLogictablet driver) for Wacom tablets?
I see Kanvus Artist 127 is supported with Linux (readme). I can buy it in the shop near my house but its 200$. I can imagine a better expense or donation

Making a driver for wacom shouldn't be that hard (it will be diferent from UCLOgic one) but a wacom intuitos is expensive, I can't afford one ATM.

There seems to be two main strains of wacom tablet the bamboo and the intuitos I don't know if they would be mutually compatable driver wise or require separate drivers. I don't know which type the 'kanvas artist' that you refer to is, if it isn't yet a third type.

BTW ACube are now stocking UCLogic tablets IIUC and they are cheaper. Maybe not quite as good, but quite usuable.

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Re: New Screen Shot and SketchBlock gallery.
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Hmm, I think I need you to clarify that sugestion for me. What do you mean by always active?

When you select a tool to draw you activate Sketch Tools window but a project window becomes inactive. You have to activate a project window first before you start drawing/painting. Its quite annoying. One click to make a window active, a second click to start drawing.

Maybe better way is to make Sketch Tools window always inactive?

You can find a good example in OWBUtilities package (OS4Depot) where FastOWB (fastlinks for RA OWB) is always inactive so you don't have to activate browser window before you click a link in it.

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Re: New Screen Shot and SketchBlock gallery.
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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I don't know which type the 'kanvas artist' that you refer to is, if it isn't yet a third type.

I was not very clear, I have Wacom Bamboo Fun tablet but (if there is no chance for Wacom driver) I might buy Kanvus Artist 127 tablet which is reported as a working one on Linux with wizardpen driver.

From the UCLogicTablet readme file:
The following Tablets are reported to work with the same driver as my tablet on linux, that means that there a reasonable chance they'll work with this
driver or they may not. No guarentees....

these are reported to work on linux with the same driver as my tablets uses:
........ Kanvus Artist 127.......

..unfortunately there is still a risk it will not work....

CDTV/CD32/A500/A600/A600+Furia+IndiECS/A1200+TF1260/A4000D+A2320+PiccoloSD64/Sam440 flex 800MHz RAM 1GB HD7750 128MB OS4.1 SBLive! ->
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Re: New Screen Shot and SketchBlock gallery.
Home away from home
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I was not very clear, I have Wacom Bamboo Fun tablet but (if there is no chance for Wacom driver) I might buy Kanvus Artist 127 tablet which is reported as a working one on Linux with wizardpen driver.

Ah I see. At the moment I'm not working on wacom driver, as I have no wacom tablet. If the Kanvas artists is reported to work with wizardpen it's very likely it'll work with my driver. No one has yet reported a wizardpen type that doesn't. (AND IF SOMEONE HAS FOUND THAT THEN PLEASE DO REPORT IT TO ME!)


When you select a tool to draw you activate Sketch Tools window but a project window becomes inactive. You have to activate a project window first before you start drawing/painting. Its quite annoying. One click to make a window active, a second click to start drawing.

I see what you are saying here. It is alittle annoying I supose, I'm used to it though so don;t really notice it.


Maybe better way is to make Sketch Tools window always inactive?

You can find a good example in OWBUtilities package (OS4Depot) where FastOWB (fastlinks for RA OWB) is always inactive so you don't have to activate browser window before you click a link in it.

Hmm. I tested that and I see what you mean, but I'm not sure about it. I could perhaps offer it as an option (off by default). I see though that the window misbehaves in alot of ways, eg it ignores click to front and has other quirks, I've no idea how you get a window to stay inactive yet still receive input. And even less sure if that can be done with a reaction window.

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Re: New Screen Shot and SketchBlock gallery.
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Testing sketchblock a bit further I see that in fact you don;t need a sepaerate click to start drawing after activation, but that there is a very slight delay between the first click and the window activating and the first mouse movement during this moment is lost.

If you click / pause very slightly , then stroke with the mouse / tablet stylus then is draws as normal. I'll check through my code to ensure that I'm not mistakenly discarding any input data.

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Re: New Screen Shot and SketchBlock gallery.
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Hmm, I think I need you to clarify that sugestion for me. What do you mean by always active?

I can't speak for mr2 but I can tell you what I would mean by such a suggestion. Suppose you open 2 project windows and you are drawing in window1. Then you select the "Sketch Tools" window to change colors in window1. Then you select the Layers window to change the opacity in Window2. Since neither Window1 or Window2 are "ACTIVE", you might wonder which window you will be changing the opacity for. Since neither project window is active, you might end up changing the wrong project window. At this stage it's not much of an issue but if you start adding more image processing tools, it could get confusing. Granted, the program might remember what the last activated project window was but the user may forget. I don't know if it's even possible with Reaction but it would be nice if the "current" project window could remain the "visually" active window when gadgets in tool windows are being manipulated.

Since you are apparently familiar with ImageFX, I'll use that as an example. Suppose you have 2 project windows open and you select the "Size" gadget in the main tool window. When the "Size" tool window opens, the project window that it will act on is active (or reactivated). However, if you select the "Scale" gadget in the "Size" tool window the "Scale" window steals the focus and becomes the active window, leaving both project windows inactive. It appears that ImageFX's old Intuition style tool windows don't steal the focus (making project windows inactive) but new style windows do steal the focus from the project windows.

If Reaction tool windows cannot be prevented from stealing the focus from project windows and forcing them to appear inactive, maybe you could provide another visual cue to identify the active project window; such as some image or text (like ***********) in the project window toolbar.

Amiga X1000 with 2GB memory & OS 4.1FE + Radeon HD 5450

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Re: New Screen Shot and SketchBlock gallery.
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but that there is a very slight delay between the first click and the window activating and the first mouse movement during this moment is lost.

Testing bit more, this slight appears to occur due to compositing the transparent window. If you switch of compositing for the SketchBlock screen (via prefs screens) then this delay becomes unnoticable, so the first stroke with the brush after modifying an effect is not lost at all.

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Re: New Screen Shot and SketchBlock gallery.
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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... I've no idea how you get a window to stay inactive yet still receive input. And even less sure if that can be done with a reaction window.

Just use WA_ToolBox tag (that's what it's made for).

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Re: New Screen Shot and SketchBlock gallery.
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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I've no idea how you get a window to stay inactive yet still receive input. And even less sure if that can be done with a reaction window.

Here is my comment and the answer of the OWBUtilities' author.
http://os4depot.net/index.php?functio ... /browser/owbutilities.lha

Quote: "FastOWB window is always inactive"
Yes, that's new Tool window feature of AmigaOS 4.x+.

...but that there is a very slight delay between the first click and the window activating and the first mouse movement during this moment is lost.

Yes, thats it but the side effect is a project window (while inactive) is semitransparent which makes its content very unclear. One of the poster reported that ArtEffct has such option. You decide if a click begins drawing or just activate a window.

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Re: New Screen Shot and SketchBlock gallery.
Home away from home
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What you describe is something quite different to mr2 I think.

Currently the active project window is the active project. And I do see your point that when you activate the tools or layers window, it's no longer obvious which project is active. In fact it will still be the project corresponding to the last sketch window that was active. In normal work flow I think this would remain obvious, but if the user was distracted (went away to answer phone or something) or another user took over editing, they might forget which project was active.

I'm considering adding a thumb of the active project to the top of the layesr and brushes window (similar to gimp) and this would make the active project more obvious (excpet where two project were copis I suppose) But I could add something to the Sketch window title to indicate the active project, simlar to ImageFX adding MAIN and SWAP.

BTW ImageFX does not work the way you describe. It does a little trickery to fool you inot thinking that's what's happening.


Since you are apparently familiar with ImageFX, I'll use that as an example. Suppose you have 2 project windows open and you select the "Size" gadget in the main tool window. When the "Size" tool window opens, the project window that it will act on is active (or reactivated).

Yes the active project window is activated. (even if it wasn't allready active) just after opening any submenu window. But this is done by an explicit 'activate window' operation, if it was active whilst clicking on the size button then you'll see it quickly deactivate and reactivate, if it was not active it would simply activate. The little trick here is that the size menu window opens with a blue drag / title bar (assuming default colour scheme) but it doesbn't steel the focus because it's not actually active! The window colours have been changed! It's not till you click on it that focus is again taken away from the MAIN buffer window, because now the menu window becomes truly active.

I don't think I'll use that approach with SkwetchBlock but I will think of a suitable visual signal to indicate the active project.

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