With the progress in the development of the AmiDARK Engine, concerning the 2D version of the product (containing all modules excepted the ones concerning 3D), only 2 modules remain lowly developed :
- Video Animations support.
- AHI Audio 2D/3D support.
All other modules are completed or near to completion.
I request the help of someone that know well one of these 2 class to help me. Here is the deal :As I have no money to pay for the help, I will offer 1 licence of the Full AmiDARK Engine (containing 3D modules) when finished to the people for which, the help will be really effective. If the help is a bit less effective, I can maybe offer 1 licence of the 2D version of the product.
What I need concerning 2D video animation ?I need the help of someone that can explain me (or have well detailled samples) how I can play a video animation inside a bitmap used in conjunction with OpenGL.
It must cover explanation on how to open, play, pause, continue, stop & close video.
Of course these explanation must use a library, a .a file or direct source code that is AmigaOS/MorphOS compatible.
Of course, the library .a or source code must be freely included in a shareware product. (having to insert a file to details the author is accepted).
What I need concerning AHI Audio ?I need 2 things.
1. Help on how I can create CD playing functions (open CD, play a track, pause, resume, stop, close CD) using AHI.
2. Help on how I can load an audio sample in memory and play, pause, resume, stop, remove from memory, under AHI. It will be more apreciated if the help also link to OpenAL library that can be used for 3D audio environment.
I need the help of someone that can explain me how I can open audio files.
Concerning case #2 for AHI Audio, it is not needed to use Datatypes. It can but not needed. One important thing is that I want the AmiDARK Engine to support (in priority order) : Ogg, Vorbis, mp3, Raw & Wav files (ILBM audio can be added too)
Of course, authors, helper will be mentioned in the product HELP/Informations files as they helped me in the development of the AmiDARK Engine.
I am open to any proposal concerning these requests.
Feel free to contact me at : fred(at)amidark(minus)engine(dot)com
or under MSN compatible client at : psykokwak75(at)hotmail(dot)com
Thank you.
Kindest Regards,
Frédéric 'AmiDARK' Cordier