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[WIP] Small Graphics Ripper
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Hi All,

I decided to post this message here in this forum because I think it can be of some interest for the Project.Sprites ...

During the development of a big project like the AmiDARK Engine, it's not rare that I sometimes distract my *brain* working on small a project I'll work on // with the big one.

Actually, the small project I work in // from now 2 days is a small Amiga graphics ripper.
Actually the project is developed under DarkBASIC Professional and run only on windows but, later, when the AmiDARK Engine will be enough mature to handle everything the Graphic Ripper need, I'll port it to the AmiDARK Engine.

Why do I work on that kind of project ?
For a simple reason. As many users here ... I'm an old Amiga user from 1985 and later so, to develop some small technical demonstrations for the AmiDARK Engine, I like oldies pixeliZed graphics.
This small tool will help me to get some graphics I'll use for *free* technical demonstrations of the AmiDARK Engine GDK during its development.

Can you explain us more about this Graphic Ripper ?
Yeah! Of course, it's the main purpose of this forum post to expose this project to public.
In fact, this tool is dedicaced to WinUAE users.
You must launch your favourite game under UAE run it and when, the wanted graphics are in memory, you must simply use the UAE "save state" feature (using non compresses save state only !!!!).
Once it's done, you can leave your UAE and launch the Graphic Ripper.
Using menus, load the save state file.
You can now navigate inside the Amiga memory like the old Action Replay MK III Graphics Ripper did ...
What is interesting is that with the informations saved in the UAE save state, it's easy to get all the interesting informations you need to rips main images.
Sprites/Bobs can also be ripped with small manipulations.

Here are the actual capabilities of the software :
1. Load non-compressed WinUAE 2.4.0 Save State
2. Enable/Disable bitplanes ( 1-8 bitplanes )
3. Lock/Unlock bitplanes (1-8 bitplanes )
4. Explore the memory to find graphics
5. Aga SUPPORT (up to 8 bitplanes supported)
6. Use SaveState register information to retrieve the 32 colors in COPPER memory.
7. Modify Screen width, height and modulo so you can have total control of your ripping.
8. Save images as .JPG or .PNG (with Color00 = transparency
9. Export as .PNG automatically makes color 00 being transparent.
10. Retrieve the 256 colors using the Save State AGA Colors informations.

What is planed to add to the software :
1. Find the screen displayed in WinUAE and display it so it could be saved easyli
2. Half-brite support
3. Dual playfield support

Here are some snapshots from the GFXRipper tool :

Here are now some sprites/pictures ripped with the GfxRipper and saved as .PNG images (to get transparency active for sprites :) )
(apparently they use more than 32 colors in this Blood Money 's screen capture :)

I don't know if I will make it become publicly available or if I will keep it for my *personal* use ... I think all will depend on the interest peoples will find in it.
So if you want it to be released as *freeware* don't hesitate to post your support here ;)

Kindest Regards,

Edited by freddix on 2012/3/30 21:12:28
Edited by freddix on 2012/3/30 21:33:03
Edited by freddix on 2012/4/2 21:11:08
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
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Re: [WIP] Small Graphics Ripper
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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It would be a pity not to make it publicly available.

It's only when it is, that people really get interested in your work.
Don't mind if reactions are coming slowly.

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Re: [WIP] Small Graphics Ripper
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

See User information
Looks great. I definitely support it being made available to the public.

Are there other similar tools that can do this? I would have thought so.

If it can run on OS4 and use e-uae savestates, then even better.

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Re: [WIP] Small Graphics Ripper
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

See User information
Yes I know ;)
But it always add a sum of "drama" doing this ;)
For sure it will be released publicly soonly.

@MickJT :
There are 2 tools but I found them not enough "complete" for my needs so I decided to make my own ...

Kindest Regards,

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
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