@Chris Quote:
AFAIK any 8-bit screen should cope with ObtainBestPen()
That's what I had imagined, but that doesn't seem to be the case
. It *does* work on 24-bit screens though, which is what had lulled me into a false sense of security. It also *does* work when using SA_LikeWorkbench, but I can't use that for what I want.
What exactly isn't working?
Without any special tags, ObtainBestPen() does not seem able to allocate any new pens, so it just returns pen 18 for any requested colour (which gives me a completely black screen when I am drawing).
When using "SA_Pens,-1", ObtainBestPen() appears able to allocate at least 6 pens, so that it returns pens 18, 11, 10, 12, 4, 8 & 7. This gives me very poor quality drawing, but at least I can see something!