On most web sites links are underlined & in a very different colour (typically dark blue).
But on Amigans.net there is no underlining, and the colour is almost the same as normal text (dark brown vs black) . I assume this is due to a CSS definition somewhere. Can it be fixed?
In IBrowse 68k registered, web site links are underlined in blue and easy to see.
Regards, Michael
aka rockape
"A veteran is someone who, at one point in their life wrote a blank check made payable to 'Their Country' for an amount of 'up to and including their life'.
Let's be more precise. The problem is (tell me PortablE if I'm wrong) only for links on the homepage. These are not highlighted in OWB and Netsurf. They are in IB, because it down't support CSS I think.
Links in a thread, like the one above, are displayed correctly on all browsers (OWB, Netsurf, IB). So definitely something wrong in the CSS I believe.
@Chris. @Elwood MUI-OWB shows no underlined links ANYWHERE on Amigans.net (well, at least not in forum posts).
However, MUI-OWB, Netsurf & Timberwolf show no underlined links on the front page of Amigans.net .
I'd guess that MUI-OWB is wrongly using the front page CSS on other Amigans.net pages, so fixing the front page issue should also 'fix' the problem MUI-OWB has with other pages...
Very strange that two people (inc me) report no underlined links seen with MUI-OWB on Amigans.net, while two more people report they DO see underlined links. As I have not configured MUI-OWB specially, I do not know why.
I *did* install "WebCore" fonts for RA-OWB, but I'm not sure if MUI-OWB uses them, and not sure if this could cause the problem somehow.
Raziel wrote: With MUI-OWB i also see a underlined link in the first post, but normally MUI-OWB does not do that, so i would bet Chris cheated a little
I can't comment about old OWB version anymore, but links are not supposed to be underlined, given the code of this site... And they're indeed not underlined in OWB nor Firefox, for instance.
The site explicitely prevents links from being underlined. Odyssey/OWB allows to set any default css styles you want by creating progdir:resource/userstylesheet.css file, but it won't override the site one. I might create some userstylesheet manager like i did for userscripts at some point, though, to customize any site you want.