I already have xfdmaster.library in libs: and its a ELF file.
Where did you get that?? It's not on OS4Depot or Aminet nor is it in the latest public version of AmigaOS. Did you make it yourself and is it working?
I don't think I have the right UADE plugins, and don't know where to find the plugins.
You should have the following two files in your TuneNet plugins directory:
And I don't understand way TuneNet tries to load UADE when s3m,it,xm extension suffix is not prescient in the egeleplayer.conf
I think UADE uses a mixture of file content and file extension (prefixes ("mod.#?") as well as suffixes ("#?.mod")) depending on what format it's checking for since AmigaOS never required file formats to have unique file extensions like Windows (f.e. on AmigaOS .iff extension can be used for IFF-ILBM, IFF-8SVX and maybe other IFF formats too).
Also all XPK and XFD identified files are used by the UADE plugin ATM (I might rethink this if it turns out to be a problem).