For those that may be interested in tinkering around with Xena in a small environment with no danger of screwing something up on Xena or Nemo, the XDE is a copy and paste, point and click, test and troubleshoot, virtual Xena wonder.
At this time I'm running the XDE on a x86 with LinuxMint 13. Once I have made some mods to an existing Xena program I put the new program on a USB stick that contains the Amiga Xtools programs, plug it into X1000 and run it from the USB. No messing about transferring data or installing on X1000.
It will not matter where the Xena side of X1000 programs are coded as it is its own small computer on a chip. So now is a good time to start with that side of putting her to work. It's probably the only chance I'll get to tell a female what to do, how to do it, and change her mind at my whim,,,,without having to pay the price later.