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Payback on OS4.1 guide
Home away from home
Home away from home

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I've previously made some posts (on AW.net) about how to get Payback working on OS4.1, but they were a bit short & spread out, so I thought I'd make a more comprehensive post. There are three parts to getting Payback to work:

A. Configure AmigaInput to use your USB Joystick (and set-up Lowlevel emulation).
B. Install Payback, update it, configure it, and tweak it.
C. Run Payback, using some very specific steps.

Here is part A:
* You need a USB joystick (or joypad), or Payback's keyboard controls won't work! So buy a compatible one if you don't have one; I recommend the Competition Pro USB (which AmigaKit sell).
* Boot OS4 withOUT the joystick plugged in, and then afterwards plug it in. You should see a brief USB message indicating it was recognised. (If you don't follow this step exactly then AmigaInput will not recognise the joystick.) If you see no message, then your USB port may not be working - try another port.
* Start the Sys:Prefs/AmigaInput program. Under "Available interfaces" you should see "USB". Clicking on this should show the name of your joystick under "Available drivers" (in my case it says "SPEED-LINK Competition Pro 2.0"). If you don't see anything then either your joystick is not supported, or you didn't follow the earlier steps correctly.
* Under "Units" you should see "OK" for Status. If not then your joystick may no be supported. If all is OK, then we need to calibrate your joystick, so click on "Test/Calibrate unit". This should open a new window.
* In the new window, click on the "Calibrate" button. Now you MUST follow the instructions at the top of the window (which are easy to overlook). (But basically it should ask you to move the joystick to the top-left corner & press fire, then move it to the center & press fire, then move to bottom-right corner & press fire.)
* Now wiggle the joystick & press the fire buttons - you should see the window react. If so then you can click on the "Save" button (this is important!). If not then retry following the earlier instructions. If still no luck then follow the instructions at the bottom of this post (aimed at AmigaInput crashing or behaving strangely).
* Now click on the "Lowlevel" tab. From the cycle gadget choose "Port 1 - Gamepad" (you may also find that "Port 1 - Joystick" works, but I have not tried that).
* Under "Drivers" you should see the name of your joystick. Click on it, and then under "Units" click on "0". The "Assign" button should now be clickable, so click it! Answer Yes to any requester asking if you really want to do it.
* Now change the cycle gadgets under "Button remapping" to Red = Button 1, Green = Button 2, Blue = Button 3 & Yellow = Button 4. If you have less buttons then just set the ones you can. If you have more buttons (!) then set-up the remainder as you feel like.
* Now change the cycle gadgets under "Directional mapping" to Horizontal = X-Axis & Vertical = Y-axis.
* Finally click the "Save" button (this is important!).
* You are done!

If you find that AmigaInput crashes at any point, or otherwise seems to behave wierdly, then please follow these steps:
1. Unplug the joystick.
2. Reboot OS4.
3. Plug the joystick back in, and follow the instructions again from the beginning.
4. If it still doesn't work then AmigaInput may have corrupt AmigaInput prefs files. Open a Shell and enter the following command EXACTLY:
Delete EnvArc:Sys/AmigaInput/#? All

5. After pressing enter (it should report deleting some files), wait a few seconds for HD activity to finish, then unplug the joystick, reboot OS4 & follow the instructions again from the beginning.

Edited by ChrisH on 2010/11/29 20:53:43
Edited by ChrisH on 2010/11/29 22:00:46
Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: Payback on OS4.1 guide
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Thank you!

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Re: Payback on OS4.1 guide
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Here is part B: (Installing Payback)
* Run the installer on the Payback CD.
* When it asks about installing the intro, you must say NO. (If you say yes then Payback will always crash when started.) If you accidentally say yes then just delete the Payback folder & start again.
* When the installer asks about installing lowlevel.library, you must say "Skip This Part". (Otherwise your OS4 lowlevel.library will be replaced by an OS3 one, and god knows what will happen. You will need someone's help to restore the proper version.)
* When the installer asks about using PaybackSetup to choose a screenmode, say NO. (This step is pointless, since you will need to redo it after updating Payback anyway.)
* The installer is now finished. Click the Proceed button (twice).

* Now download Update 7 for Payback from Apex Design's web site:
* Unpack it (to the RAM Disk or where ever), and run the installer.
* When asked for where Payback is installed, ensure you click on the Payback folder (which will then show it's contents).
* The installer is now finished. Click the Proceed button (twice).

* Open the Payback folder, and run the PaybackSetup program.
* Click on the "Choose software rendering screenmode" button. A requester will open - choose a 640x480 (or a slower 800x600) screenmode.
* Now ensure that the cycle gadget shows "Hardware rendering disabled". (Payback's hardware rendering using Warp3D does not work properly on modern graphics cards and/or OS4.1, so don't even bother trying!)
* Now click the "Save and exit" button.

* You are now ready to run Payback! But this is not as easy as it sounds... (See part C!)

Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: Payback on OS4.1 guide
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Here is part C: (Running Payback)
You must follow these steps every time you want to run Payback:
* If your Joystick was connected before OS4 booted, then please UNplug it. (If you don't follow this step, then AmigaInput will not recognise the Joystick, and so Payback's keyboard controls won't work!)
* Plug your joystick in. You should see a brief USB message confirming it was recognised.
* Eject the Payback CD, if it is inserted. (If you don't follow this step then Payback will attempt to play the Intro, and this will crash.)
* Run the Payback icon. Do NOT use the PaybackWOS icon, because (although faster) it has no sound & can crash sometimes.
* After Payback menu has appeared (rotating joystick), you can insert the Payback CD (this is optional but means it will play the CD music - assuming your CD drive is connected to your motherboard/sounds-card correctly).

I recommend printing-out this guide, because you canNOT switch to OWB while Payback is running (without the keyboard locking-up or possibly crashing Payback altogether).

Here is what you must do the FIRST time that Payback is started:
* Choose your language, then press Button 1 on your joystick.
* Enter your CD key (this is case INsensitive, but the dashes are part of your key!), then press Button 1.
* When asked about the CD device/unit, just skip it by pressing Button 1.
* You should now see the Payback menu (rotating joystick).
* Congratulations, you can now play Payback! Note that both Space & Button 1 act as fire/select. But I do recommend a few more steps:

* If you want to try getting CD music to work, then press right to reach "CD audio setup", then press fire (Button 1 or Space). If you have a Sam440 then you should enter "sii3114ide.device" (without the quotes!) for Device, and (probably) 3 for the Unit. If you have another machine then you will need to find the correct settings. After you start a game, and get in a car, you should find that the music starts playing from the CD.

* The joystick controls suck a bit in my opinion, so I recommend changing them! Press right to reach "Control setup", then press fire (Button 1 or Space).

Press down to move the flashing highlight (from Cancel) to the Accelerate option line. Now press right until you get to "Single player CD32 Joystick". Press fire & then Up (on the joystick) to change Accelerate from Red to Up.

Press down to highlight the Reverse/brake option. Press fire & then Down (on the joystick) to change it from Green to Down.

Press down until you highlight the Shoot/horn option. Press fire & then Button 1 to change it from Blue to Red.

Press down until you highlight the In/Out vehicle option. Press fire & then Button 2 to change it from Yellow to Green.

Press down until you highlight the Next weapon option. Press fire & then Button 3 to change it from Forward to Blue.

Press down to highlight the Prev weapon option. Press fire & then Button 4 to change it from ? to Yellow.

Press down until you highlight the OK option, and then press fire to accept your changes. I now recommend quitting Payback to ensure your choices are saved. Note that Payback may crash on exit (leaving you on a black screen). If that happens then just soft reset OS4.

I then recommend making a backup of your Sys:S/Payback.config file, since this is where all your settings are stored, and if you mess them up later (especially your menu controls!), then you can restore it easily

Now go play a game of Payback, remembering to follow the instructions at the top of this post!

Edited by ChrisH on 2010/11/29 21:58:10
Edited by ChrisH on 2010/11/29 22:08:27
Author of the PortablE programming language.
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Re: Payback on OS4.1 guide
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Thanks for this guide, Payback is a great game. Anyone tried the iOS version?

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Re: Payback on OS4.1 guide
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Thanks !

although I did not bother to install Payback, nor Heretic2 or Napalm (although I owns the originals), I appreciate the effort, but I would really like to get Heretic2 running on my AmigaOne, because it was not so fast on my BPPC !

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Re: Payback on OS4.1 guide
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

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Thanks Chris, I used the guide above just now to get payback working again!

Thanks for the guide

Mikey C

No cause is lost if there is but one fool left to fight for it.
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Re: Payback on OS4.1 guide
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Thanks Chris! I m abt to buy it so its good to know how to get it to work.

AmigaOne X5000
Radeon HD 7700
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Re: Payback on OS4.1 guide
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Since the main problem with Warp3D and Payback seems to be too dark textures, or output, would this be something that could be addressed by either existing or potential (riiight) per-application env variables in the Wipeout vein?

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Re: Payback on OS4.1 guide
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

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Interesting, the last time I tried Payback Warp3D version it worked fine. The only problem is that there is no sound.

However the 68k version works fine without any problems. Even on a lowly G3 @ 800mhz its as fast as I remember it.

Mikey C

No cause is lost if there is but one fool left to fight for it.
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Re: Payback on OS4.1 guide
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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68k game has had Warp3D support since, ah, some earlier update many years ago.

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Re: Payback on OS4.1 guide
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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So I gave this a try again, haven't done that in a couple of years. As usual, following this guide it works fine with software rendering but I thought that since AOS 4.1 FE is here I should try Warp3D and what a horrible experience it was :( .

The menus looked ehm... I've never tried LSD or drugs at all but they talk about seeing colours so... that's what it looked like.

Then the game started and there it looked better but man was it sloooooow! And no it wasn't perfect, glitches everywhere.

So... I'm not trying to insult anyone but seeing how much work that's been put to Warp3D and the fact that it will be replaced eventually, shouldn't it be more compatible with the older games written using it? On my A1 XE I can't help but thinking that it should be way faster than on my old a4k, not way slower!

A few games that's been recompiled like Quake 2 works fine but most older games doesn't and several newer aren't playable because of them being too slow. On the A1 XE games like Freespace 2 and most newer ports are too slow.

Any reasons for why it's slower than on my a4k and why some games just never seems to work ok again? What happened with Warp3D when it was ported from AOS 3.x to AOS 4.x? It pretty much became a slow, buggy mess or so it seems in some/many cases. Freespace 1 and Quake 2 runs very well though.

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Re: Payback on OS4.1 guide
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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>What happened with Warp3D when it was ported from AOS 3.x to AOS 4.x?

On OS3 it is Warp3D V4
On OS4 it is Warp3D V5
V5 got new functions for drawing stuff mainly the new W3D_InterleavedArray() used with old W3D_DrawArray()
and new W3D_SetTextureBlend() for setting all drawing "aspects"

This should theorycally not be a problem on Amigaish systems (.library upward compatibility)

But it seems that Warp3Dv5 have let down (=not implemented) the old drawing functions
It was (I suppose?!??) based on the fact that new OS4 progs will use MiniGL (that use Warp3D v5) and will not call the old/slow Warp3D V4 functions directly
Also some old Warp3D V4 drivers got an indirect mode (=fast) that is not implemented on OS4

Soooo running a w3d prog compiled for os3 on os4 will make calls to uninplemented functions, causing undetermined drawmodes but also freezes, hardwares locks, or crash...

Alain Thellier - Wazp3D
(*) see http://aminet.net/package/driver/video/PatchWarp3D about this topic

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Re: Payback on OS4.1 guide
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

See User information

Thanks for the explanation and yes that's pretty much the experience, it ended with a frozen system only a minute or so of gameplay (68k version). Interesting reading, thanks

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