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Joined: 2006/12/18 1:32 Last Login
: 2019/8/27 23:14
From Hawaii
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I use YAM to get e-mail that I want to save on my desktop.
If I forget to do so before I launch Sylpheed, Sylpheed gets any mail that YAM hasn't seen yet, and then it is hidden from YAM!
"Remove messages from server when received" in Configuration is unchecked, and in fact when I look on the gmail account that has taken over the duty of server, the messages are still there.
This is another side of a problem that has nothing to do with AmiCygnix, but I'll mention it: until my e-mail ISP was moved to Google, I would delete junk mail by marking it "Delete only" in YAM, before downloading. I still mark it that way, but nothing gets deleted; I have to log into the g-mail account and dlete what I don't want by hand.
I will now have to go to g-mail and forward anything I want in YAM to myself and then run YAM again.
If I understood what the heck is going on, would I be able to fix it?