That's correct. What you choose in Locale prefs is actually a list (in preferred order) of languages you want to use. (The first one you choose also sets the system charset, which is why the list is filtered after the first choice.)
You could just have added the language you wanted to the list, but if catalogs exist for the previous language, they would be used instead, as it would be higher on your preferred list.
So if you want all texts to change to another language, you have to clear previously selected languages from your preferred language list and then select the new one.
AFAIK the preferred language list works like a "fallback language list". If the first preferred isn't available, the next in the list is choosen. I.e. Someone might have "Danish" as the preferred language and if it is not available it will choose "Swedish" as the next one...and so on...
The check is made for each program you run which is localized, so if you have Danish catalogs for program X, it will use Danish, and if you have no Danish catalogs for program Y, but you do have Swedish ones, that program will use Swedish (following your example where the assumption is that the preferred language list contains Danish followed by Swedish).
Is there anyway to flush the already loaded .catalogs? I was trying to track a problem with a catalog the other day and I found the following: 1. Avail flush won`t flush an already loaded catalog. 2. Scout Catalogs has just an update option, no remove. Flush all (A+.) won`t remove it either. 3. Changing Locale settings to another language after clearing the language list, just adds the new language catalog, won`t remove the old one!
cha05e90 wrote: AFAIK the preferred language list works like a "fallback language list". If the first preferred isn't available, the next in the list is choosen. I.e. Someone might have "Danish" as the preferred language and if it is not available it will choose "Swedish" as the next one...and so on...
That's correct, however it's slightly broken. I can't remember the exact details (there's a thread on it somewhere), but if you add English (British), English and German (in that order), some programs will show up in English and others will show up in German - even though they all have English as a built-in language. This is with system-provided applications - Notepad, Workbench, etc.
Cass wrote: Is there anyway to flush the already loaded .catalogs? I was trying to track a problem with a catalog the other day and I found the following: 1. Avail flush won`t flush an already loaded catalog. 2. Scout Catalogs has just an update option, no remove. Flush all (A+.) won`t remove it either. 3. Changing Locale settings to another language after clearing the language list, just adds the new language catalog, won`t remove the old one!
I'd like to know this, too. In OS 3.x you could do Avail flush, but since 4.0 this no longer works.
thomas wrote: I'd like to know this, too. In OS 3.x you could do Avail flush, but since 4.0 this no longer works.
Try "expunge all"
Although I'm not sure what you are both trying to achieve. If an app doesn't dynamically pick up a language change, then quitting and re-launching it should fix that.
thomas wrote: I'd like to know this, too. In OS 3.x you could do Avail flush, but since 4.0 this no longer works.
Try "expunge all"
Although I'm not sure what you are both trying to achieve. If an app doesn't dynamically pick up a language change, then quitting and re-launching it should fix that.
afaik this is not (always) true. the catalogs are cached by locale.library. when i translate a catalog to german and am testing it it is *never* enough to just quit and restart the app. i need a APPDIR:Expunge locale.library to let the current version load.
Had I known this earlier, it could have saved me precious time (and lots of resets). I was trying to make work a greek catalog with the latest YAM version and got persistent errors regarding the catalog-program matching.