Is anyone else in interest to join us ? Any skilled developer is very welcome.
The harder part done already, now we only need to migrate main binary and modules to 68k-gcc, and then porting to NG will be pretty trivial.
Anyone can get branch/branch_v1 from SF page, go to Library directory, type "make", and library will builds (of course, if you have setup 68k-gcc on some crosscompiler, together with all necessary additional includes and libs: they all also in Branch directory).
Now, we need to cleanup library, fix some parts, rewrite hooks to SDI as well, and so on. So any skilled developer is very welcome. I will easyly help with setup all necessary 68k crosscompiler parts (all can be done in 20 minutes) to works on it. I also always online and didn't hold answers for a weeks, so you will be in interest to works fast.
Once we will finish up with cleanup of Library code, we will port main programm and modules to 68k-gcc, and then, when everything will be on gcc , migration to any NG os will be more or less easy (to say truth, i almost compile native os4 library yesterday, just with few single changes).
@all Not less major as previous one, maybe was even harder for us, as its involved all what i didn't know before and i annoy like hell everyone who i know (xenic, itix, thore, frank, etc):
While screen can looks like "what, just a simple reg window?", that screen mean: 1. fully native os4 library 2. that library used from 68k binary (so 68k->ppc cross-call stubs) 3. generated .sfd/.xml/all includes/etc for native version of library (so, you for example already can start to write dopus5 based apps). And of course it all will works the same as it works from 68k binary 4. that "registration" window come from register.module, which is also 68k library (all modules in dopus5 is small libs), what mean, that we run 68k binary, which use os4 library, which use 68k modules (also libraryies) - what a hardcore mess and still all works !
So soon fix other moments, commits/cleanups, and then main program to 68k gcc, and then to os4. From all of this, mos and aros version will be not just trivial, but very very trivial.
Yeah. Although be aware that all you really see of it in that grab is that it has a scrollbar (which is already public knowledge).
The window theme and the console text colours are just kas1e's own choices which can also be made with the current console (as for the text colours in a slightly different way, though).
Yeah. Although be aware that all you really see of it in that grab is that it has a scrollbar (which is already public knowledge).
Yep i know, indeed personally what i really miss for now is the scrollbar, expecially when i try to compile somethings big, that's true that still alternative while we wait, but having somethings official would be great
Well done mate, is there any roadmap now until the first official release ?
@severin too early to worry for bugs - firstly native build
@voodoo blah.. ) is exactly in opposite now : morphos coders(itix) help us with os4 bugs. project for all oses, os4 in the list the same as any other os. there is no os4 programmers who somehow differnt as other ones.
i just organaze and annoy ppls, pluse some very easy codework, the harder part in lasr days done by itix, for us. its bad to scream now how good os4 coders are. more right now wil be say "its good that morphos coder itix with us" . besides, you should know - the more of that "os4 true teh omg!" , the less ppls from aros and mos will help. doh !)
@samo plan is: native libs - beta test, native bins - betatest, native modules - betatest. then first native full release. once all the same as original, no bugs, etc, then those impotrant features about icons, 2gb,long names,etc and maybe some eye candy in meantime (like good looking gadgets, mousewheel, scrollbars, etc)
@all Native library with all the fixes now done. Only one small bit left: need add 68k traps to the workbench patches , so they will works just like they works in os3/68k version of library. As Itix says, for OS4 this 68k approach is not 100% correct and we should use SetMethod() instead to patch interface directly and not library vectors in front of it. However if we "just" will add 68k traps, all will works the same as from 68k library.
In other words, in next days new archive with new 68k, os4 and maybe mos library will be done for some heavy betatesting. For aros version there is need to wait till everything will be native, as we now use those 68<->ppc emulation stuff to do tests.