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Re: Beta testing
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

See User information
Everything seems to be working wonderfully, in general.

Except being bugged by Ringhio:

Resized Image

Edited by Chris on 2013/4/23 19:46:01
Edited by Chris on 2013/4/23 19:46:32
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Re: Beta testing
Home away from home
Home away from home

See User information

Well finally i was able to extract the QT archive and then install it without errors, in short i did exactly what you suggest to me by mail and all goes well, but .. even after installed the demos and the examples included does not work, pratically all examples will crash at startup with a DSI or they ask for a missing sobjs library .. so at this condition i fear i can't test them at all ..

That's a bit sad because the latest public archive was very well packed and all examples included and the installer was properly tested and rock solid .. hope you can make the procedure solid as before !

After installed I also try real programs like Vacumm, Pencil or Flasq but it's the same, they all crash badly or ask me for some missing sobjs .. however a thing seems to work fine and it's the ScreenGrab tool !

So atleast i was able to test this one and .. WOW !
It's truly fast as any other Amiga software, still only a bit slow at startup but choosing a native font and setting all as native (from the QT prefs) the feeling is awesome for sure, not different than any other program written in MUI or Reaction, plus the QT interface is very very nice and modern

Still of course some minor issues, so let's report them:

- Sometimes (need to investigate how and why) the yellow tooltips, aka the bubble help when you put your mouse over a button will not be showed very well, a part of it will be showed and some other part not (aka like trunked), if i remember correctly this glitch was present also on the old examples availible inside the latest archive on OS4Depot

- If you open an external window (for example the about QT) still the usual auto-align issue, maybe this bad graphical effect is not so visible as before but still and would be great if you can find a fix for that ..

- On the "About ScreenGrab" window i have some problem with the tabs, sometimes to switch from a tab to another i need to press the mouse button twice (pratically randomly) while instead sometimes 1 single click is enough as it should .. maybe a little strange bug

- On the "Contact" tab (About subwindow again) there is a mailto address, if i click on it the address will be opened with the web browser (MUI OWB in my case), maybe the mail address can be opened with a mailer like YAM instead ..

- Again on ScreenGrab program, in "About ScreenGrab" subwindow --> Tab "Thanks" --> The scrollbar have some graphical glitch, there is a strange red border around the buttons (atleast using native rendering)

For an example see above the QT browser grab made by Chris

- Locale in program does not work, for example the italian translation is availible in archive but only english are detected

- (General question) In QT prefs i noted that you are using a default font by default (DejaVu Sand Condensed at 17 pts) for the future would be possible to track automatically the user fonts and use it by default ?

- Please, i know i already stress you with that, for the final release add a default iconify gadget on both QT programs/demo/example windows (and the QT prefs windows aswell), a gadget would be very usefull and it will complete the interface of the whole framework !

Well that's all for now, can say i'm very very happy about the current result, i'm just curious to try all the other examples properly once you fix the whole archive, then big and serious betatesting can be started again !


Edited by samo79 on 2013/4/24 6:59:37
Edited by samo79 on 2013/4/24 7:26:23
Edited by samo79 on 2013/4/24 7:28:26
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Re: Beta testing
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

See User information

samo79 wrote:
Well finally i was able to extract the QT archive and then install it without errors, in short i did exactly what you suggest to me by mail and all goes well, but .. even after installed the demos and the examples included does not work, pratically all examples will crash at startup with a DSI or they ask for a missing sobjs library .. so at this condition i fear i can't test them at all ..

I don't know about the missing SObjs, but the crashing is almost certainly down to stack size. Just increase the stack in the icon, and set it to "run from workbench" as well (the stack value is ignored if it is set to "run from shell"). Alfkil probably needs to go through and check all the icons are set correctly, as a lot were set to "run from shell" and some were missing (like the Demo Browser).




Is there still no libQtScript included? I tried to build something that needed it, and it failed to find the includes

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Re: Beta testing
Home away from home
Home away from home

See User information

I don't know, for example Vacumm stack is currently set at: 2000000
But if i start it i got this error:

Object::connect: No such signal RostersView::indexContextMenu(IRosterIndex *, Menu *)
Object::connect: No such signal MultiUserChatPlugin::multiUserContextMenu(IMultiUserChatWindow *,IMultiUser *, Menu *)
QImage::scaled: Image is a null image
QSystemTrayIcon::setVisible: No Icon set
QImage::scaled: Image is a null image
QImage::scaled: Image is a null image

And then a DSI:

Crash log for task "vacuum"
Generated by GrimReaper 53.5
Crash occured in module kernel at address 0x01821740
Type of crash: DSI (Data Storage Interrupt) exception

Register dump:
GPR (General Purpose Registers):
0: 00000200 466DA5E0 00000000 41725000 00000000 00004000 00004000 020A9824
8: A8746AA0 41725000 00000020 41725000 00000794 502B1878 00000000 00000000
16: 55A85340 6DEC9B1C 00000001 5212B760 00340014 02270000 02270000 466C5FB0
24: 00000001 5FF9F000 4E8E1F20 00000000 02270000 41725000 46757AFC 00000001

FPR (Floating Point Registers, NaN = Not a Number):
0: nan 7 510 0
4: 0 307.8 27.8 0
8: 0 128 307.8 0.5
12: 0.353553 nan 0 -0
16: 0 0 0 0
20: 0 0 0 1.61895e-319
24: 0 0 2.65249e-315 -1.28745e+36
28: 0 1.35808e-312 1.3581e-312 -0.000976562

FPSCR (Floating Point Status and Control Register): 0x82020000

SPRs (Special Purpose Registers):
Machine State (msr) : 0x0002F030
Condition (cr) : 0x42442044
Instruction Pointer (ip) : 0x01821740
Xtended Exception (xer) : 0x00000006
Count (ctr) : 0x00000200
Link (lr) : 0x01813884
DSI Status (dsisr) : 0x00000000
Data Address (dar) : 0x00000000

680x0 emulated registers:
DATA: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
ADDR: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
FPU0: 0 0 0 0
FPU4: 0 0 0 0

Symbol info:
Instruction pointer 0x01821740 belongs to module "kernel" (HUNK/Kickstart)

Stack trace:
native kernel module kernel+0x00021740
native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x000080ec
libQtGui.so:_ZN18QSystemTrayIconSys10changeIconER5QIcon()+0x4ac (section 10 @ 0xD64378)
libQtGui.so:_ZN22QSystemTrayIconPrivate11install_sysEv()+0x408 (section 10 @ 0xD63B5C)
libQtGui.so:_ZN15QSystemTrayIcon10setVisibleEb()+0xa8 (section 10 @ 0xD32D54)
libtraymanager.so:_ZN11TrayManager11startPluginEv()+0x34 (section 7 @ 0x3BC)
vacuum:_ZN13PluginManager12startPluginsEv()+0x1d0 (section 9 @ 0xAC0)
vacuum:_ZN13PluginManager7restartEv()+0xcc (section 9 @ 0x1823C)
vacuum:main()+0x1e4 (section 9 @ 0x1FF48)
native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x00002094
native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x00002cf4
native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x00002eb8
vacuum:_start()+0x170 (section 9 @ 0x170)
native kernel module dos.library.kmod+0x00022d9c
native kernel module kernel+0x0003bd20
native kernel module kernel+0x0003bda0

PPC disassembly:
01821738: 39440020 addi r10,r4,32
0182173c: 7c00522c dcbt r0,r10
*01821740: 80040000 lwz r0,0(r4)
01821744: 900b0000 stw r0,0(r11)
01821748: 81240004 lwz r9,4(r4)

System information:

Model: AMCC PPC440EP V1.3
CPU speed: 799 MHz
FSB speed: 133 MHz

Machine name: Sam440EP
Memory: 1048576 KB
Extensions: bus.pci

But also the old examples doesn't work --> let's keep a random one

examples/widgets/calculator (default stack is 32768)

This example was perfect in the past, now even with an better stack it crash at startup:

Crash log for task "calculator"
Generated by GrimReaper 53.5
Crash occured in module libQtGui.so at address 0x60FE88E8
Type of crash: DSI (Data Storage Interrupt) exception

Register dump:
GPR (General Purpose Registers):
0: 60FE88E8 40392890 00000000 40373AF8 403928C0 00000884 00000000 4039700C
8: 00000000 00000000 00000000 8000005C 28442042 4DA93D88 00000000 00000000
16: 416BA000 61ADEBFC 00000001 42E65760 00340014 02270000 02270000 4038BFB0
24: 00000001 00000884 00000000 40399FB8 4039700C 40392D80 40946B1C 403714D0

FPR (Floating Point Registers, NaN = Not a Number):
0: nan 0 1 47
4: 0.864711 0.831765 4.5036e+15 0.901762
8: 1 2 2 92
12: 0 41 0 -0
16: 0 0 0 0
20: 0 0 0 1.61895e-319
24: 0 0 2.65249e-315 -1.28745e+36
28: 0 1.35808e-312 1.3581e-312 -0.000976562

FPSCR (Floating Point Status and Control Register): 0xA2204100

SPRs (Special Purpose Registers):
Machine State (msr) : 0x0002F030
Condition (cr) : 0x28442082
Instruction Pointer (ip) : 0x60FE88E8
Xtended Exception (xer) : 0x00000008
Count (ctr) : 0x60FE88E8
Link (lr) : 0x60FEA818
DSI Status (dsisr) : 0x00800000
Data Address (dar) : 0x4038FBF0

680x0 emulated registers:
DATA: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
ADDR: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
FPU0: 0 0 0 0
FPU4: 0 0 0 0

Symbol info:
Instruction pointer 0x60FE88E8 belongs to module "libQtGui.so" (PowerPC)
Symbol: _Z14qt_format_textRK5QFontRK6QRectFiPK11QTextOptionRK7QStringPS2_iPiiP8QPainter + 0x0 in section 10 offset 0x002C38E8

Stack trace:
libQtGui.so:_Z14qt_format_textRK5QFontRK6QRectFiPK11QTextOptionRK7QStringPS2_iPiiP8QPainter()+0x0 (section 10 @ 0x2C38E8)
libQtGui.so:_ZNK6QStyle12drawItemTextEP8QPainterRK5QRectiRK8QPalettebRK7QStringNS5_9ColorRoleE()+0x510 (section 10 @ 0x5FB7E0)
libQtGui.so:_ZNK12QCommonStyle11drawControlEN6QStyle14ControlElementEPK12QStyleOptionP8QPainterPK7QWidget()+0x56cc (section 10 @ 0x644A48)
libQtGui.so:_ZNK13QWindowsStyle11drawControlEN6QStyle14ControlElementEPK12QStyleOptionP8QPainterPK7QWidget()+0x13c (section 10 @ 0x70744C)
libQtGui.so:_ZNK15QPlastiqueStyle11drawControlEN6QStyle14ControlElementEPK12QStyleOptionP8QPainterPK7QWidget()+0x528 (section 10 @ 0x6C94E8)
libQtGui.so:_ZNK12QCommonStyle18drawComplexControlEN6QStyle14ComplexControlEPK19QStyleOptionComplexP8QPainterPK7QWidget()+0x3f14 (section 10 @ 0x63C4D0)
libQtGui.so:_ZNK13QWindowsStyle18drawComplexControlEN6QStyle14ComplexControlEPK19QStyleOptionComplexP8QPainterPK7QWidget()+0x138 (section 10 @ 0x702D50)
libQtGui.so:_ZNK15QPlastiqueStyle18drawComplexControlEN6QStyle14ComplexControlEPK19QStyleOptionComplexP8QPainterPK7QWidget()+0x3d8 (section 10 @ 0x6BCFD0)
libQtGui.so:_ZN11QToolButton10paintEventEP11QPaintEvent()+0x1d0 (section 10 @ 0x913AA8)
libQtGui.so:_ZN7QWidget5eventEP6QEvent()+0x324 (section 10 @ 0xE9A84)
libQtGui.so:_ZN15QAbstractButton5eventEP6QEvent()+0x54 (section 10 @ 0x727B2C)
libQtGui.so:_ZN11QToolButton5eventEP6QEvent()+0x70 (section 10 @ 0x9138B8)
libQtGui.so:_ZN19QApplicationPrivate13notify_helperEP7QObjectP6QEvent()+0x104 (section 10 @ 0x13570)
libQtGui.so:_ZN12QApplication6notifyEP7QObjectP6QEvent()+0x65c (section 10 @ 0x22194)
libQtCore.so:_ZN16QCoreApplication14notifyInternalEP7QObjectP6QEvent()+0x258 (section 10 @ 0x24B10C)
libQtGui.so:_ZN14QWidgetPrivate10drawWidgetEP12QPaintDeviceRK7QRegionRK6QPointiP8QPainterP19QWidgetBackingStore()+0x8b4 (section 10 @ 0xDEBD8)
libQtGui.so:_ZN14QWidgetPrivate22paintSiblingsRecursiveEP12QPaintDeviceRK5QListIP7QObjectEiRK7QRegionRK6QPointiP8QPainterP19QWidgetBackingStore()+0x7c4 (section 10 @ 0xDFC80)
libQtGui.so:_ZN14QWidgetPrivate22paintSiblingsRecursiveEP12QPaintDeviceRK5QListIP7QObjectEiRK7QRegionRK6QPointiP8QPainterP19QWidgetBackingStore()+0x640 (section 10 @ 0xDFAFC)
libQtGui.so:_ZN14QWidgetPrivate22paintSiblingsRecursiveEP12QPaintDeviceRK5QListIP7QObjectEiRK7QRegionRK6QPointiP8QPainterP19QWidgetBackingStore()+0x640 (section 10 @ 0xDFAFC)
libQtGui.so:_ZN14QWidgetPrivate22paintSiblingsRecursiveEP12QPaintDeviceRK5QListIP7QObjectEiRK7QRegionRK6QPointiP8QPainterP19QWidgetBackingStore()+0x640 (section 10 @ 0xDFAFC)
libQtGui.so:_ZN14QWidgetPrivate22paintSiblingsRecursiveEP12QPaintDeviceRK5QListIP7QObjectEiRK7QRegionRK6QPointiP8QPainterP19QWidgetBackingStore()+0x640 (section 10 @ 0xDFAFC)
libQtGui.so:_ZN14QWidgetPrivate22paintSiblingsRecursiveEP12QPaintDeviceRK5QListIP7QObjectEiRK7QRegionRK6QPointiP8QPainterP19QWidgetBackingStore()+0x640 (section 10 @ 0xDFAFC)
libQtGui.so:_ZN14QWidgetPrivate22paintSiblingsRecursiveEP12QPaintDeviceRK5QListIP7QObjectEiRK7QRegionRK6QPointiP8QPainterP19QWidgetBackingStore()+0x640 (section 10 @ 0xDFAFC)
libQtGui.so:_ZN14QWidgetPrivate22paintSiblingsRecursiveEP12QPaintDeviceRK5QListIP7QObjectEiRK7QRegionRK6QPointiP8QPainterP19QWidgetBackingStore()+0x640 (section 10 @ 0xDFAFC)
libQtGui.so:_ZN14QWidgetPrivate22paintSiblingsRecursiveEP12QPaintDeviceRK5QListIP7QObjectEiRK7QRegionRK6QPointiP8QPainterP19QWidgetBackingStore()+0x640 (section 10 @ 0xDFAFC)
libQtGui.so:_ZN14QWidgetPrivate22paintSiblingsRecursiveEP12QPaintDeviceRK5QListIP7QObjectEiRK7QRegionRK6QPointiP8QPainterP19QWidgetBackingStore()+0x640 (section 10 @ 0xDFAFC)
libQtGui.so:_ZN14QWidgetPrivate22paintSiblingsRecursiveEP12QPaintDeviceRK5QListIP7QObjectEiRK7QRegionRK6QPointiP8QPainterP19QWidgetBackingStore()+0x640 (section 10 @ 0xDFAFC)
libQtGui.so:_ZN14QWidgetPrivate22paintSiblingsRecursiveEP12QPaintDeviceRK5QListIP7QObjectEiRK7QRegionRK6QPointiP8QPainterP19QWidgetBackingStore()+0x640 (section 10 @ 0xDFAFC)
libQtGui.so:_ZN14QWidgetPrivate22paintSiblingsRecursiveEP12QPaintDeviceRK5QListIP7QObjectEiRK7QRegionRK6QPointiP8QPainterP19QWidgetBackingStore()+0x640 (section 10 @ 0xDFAFC)
libQtGui.so:_ZN14QWidgetPrivate22paintSiblingsRecursiveEP12QPaintDeviceRK5QListIP7QObjectEiRK7QRegionRK6QPointiP8QPainterP19QWidgetBackingStore()+0x640 (section 10 @ 0xDFAFC)
libQtGui.so:_ZN14QWidgetPrivate22paintSiblingsRecursiveEP12QPaintDeviceRK5QListIP7QObjectEiRK7QRegionRK6QPointiP8QPainterP19QWidgetBackingStore()+0x640 (section 10 @ 0xDFAFC)
libQtGui.so:_ZN14QWidgetPrivate22paintSiblingsRecursiveEP12QPaintDeviceRK5QListIP7QObjectEiRK7QRegionRK6QPointiP8QPainterP19QWidgetBackingStore()+0x640 (section 10 @ 0xDFAFC)
libQtGui.so:_ZN14QWidgetPrivate22paintSiblingsRecursiveEP12QPaintDeviceRK5QListIP7QObjectEiRK7QRegionRK6QPointiP8QPainterP19QWidgetBackingStore()+0x640 (section 10 @ 0xDFAFC)
libQtGui.so:_ZN14QWidgetPrivate22paintSiblingsRecursiveEP12QPaintDeviceRK5QListIP7QObjectEiRK7QRegionRK6QPointiP8QPainterP19QWidgetBackingStore()+0x640 (section 10 @ 0xDFAFC)
libQtGui.so:_ZN14QWidgetPrivate22paintSiblingsRecursiveEP12QPaintDeviceRK5QListIP7QObjectEiRK7QRegionRK6QPointiP8QPainterP19QWidgetBackingStore()+0x640 (section 10 @ 0xDFAFC)
libQtGui.so:_ZN14QWidgetPrivate22paintSiblingsRecursiveEP12QPaintDeviceRK5QListIP7QObjectEiRK7QRegionRK6QPointiP8QPainterP19QWidgetBackingStore()+0x640 (section 10 @ 0xDFAFC)
libQtGui.so:_ZN14QWidgetPrivate22paintSiblingsRecursiveEP12QPaintDeviceRK5QListIP7QObjectEiRK7QRegionRK6QPointiP8QPainterP19QWidgetBackingStore()+0x640 (section 10 @ 0xDFAFC)
libQtGui.so:_ZN14QWidgetPrivate22paintSiblingsRecursiveEP12QPaintDeviceRK5QListIP7QObjectEiRK7QRegionRK6QPointiP8QPainterP19QWidgetBackingStore()+0x640 (section 10 @ 0xDFAFC)
libQtGui.so:_ZN14QWidgetPrivate22paintSiblingsRecursiveEP12QPaintDeviceRK5QListIP7QObjectEiRK7QRegionRK6QPointiP8QPainterP19QWidgetBackingStore()+0x640 (section 10 @ 0xDFAFC)
libQtGui.so:_ZN14QWidgetPrivate22paintSiblingsRecursiveEP12QPaintDeviceRK5QListIP7QObjectEiRK7QRegionRK6QPointiP8QPainterP19QWidgetBackingStore()+0x640 (section 10 @ 0xDFAFC)
libQtGui.so:_ZN14QWidgetPrivate22paintSiblingsRecursiveEP12QPaintDeviceRK5QListIP7QObjectEiRK7QRegionRK6QPointiP8QPainterP19QWidgetBackingStore()+0x640 (section 10 @ 0xDFAFC)
libQtGui.so:_ZN14QWidgetPrivate22paintSiblingsRecursiveEP12QPaintDeviceRK5QListIP7QObjectEiRK7QRegionRK6QPointiP8QPainterP19QWidgetBackingStore()+0x640 (section 10 @ 0xDFAFC)
libQtGui.so:_ZN14QWidgetPrivate22paintSiblingsRecursiveEP12QPaintDeviceRK5QListIP7QObjectEiRK7QRegionRK6QPointiP8QPainterP19QWidgetBackingStore()+0x640 (section 10 @ 0xDFAFC)
libQtGui.so:_ZN14QWidgetPrivate10drawWidgetEP12QPaintDeviceRK7QRegionRK6QPointiP8QPainterP19QWidgetBackingStore()+0x548 (section 10 @ 0xDE86C)
libQtGui.so:_ZN19QWidgetBackingStore4syncEv()+0x1770 (section 10 @ 0x42B808)
libQtGui.so:_ZN14QWidgetPrivate16syncBackingStoreEv()+0x290 (section 10 @ 0xCCD6C)
libQtGui.so:_ZN14QWidgetPrivate8show_sysEv()+0x7c (section 10 @ 0x125450)
libQtGui.so:_ZN14QWidgetPrivate11show_helperEv()+0x384 (section 10 @ 0xE7B38)
libQtGui.so:_ZN7QWidget10setVisibleEb()+0x7e4 (section 10 @ 0xE861C)
libQtGui.so:_ZN14QWidgetPrivate12showChildrenEb()+0x424 (section 10 @ 0xE7720)
libQtGui.so:_ZN14QWidgetPrivate11show_helperEv()+0x164 (section 10 @ 0xE7918)
libQtGui.so:_ZN7QWidget10setVisibleEb()+0x7e4 (section 10 @ 0xE861C)
libQtGui.so:_ZN7QDialog10setVisibleEb()+0x18c (section 10 @ 0x9B4E78)
calculator:main()+0x58c (section 7 @ 0x8938)
native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x00002094
native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x00002cf4
native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x00002eb8
calculator:_start()+0x170 (section 7 @ 0x170)
native kernel module dos.library.kmod+0x00022d9c
native kernel module kernel+0x0003bd20
native kernel module kernel+0x0003bda0

PPC disassembly:
60fe88e0: 4e800421 bctrl
60fe88e4: df95e228 stfdu f28,-7640(r21)
*60fe88e8: 9421d360 stwu r1,-11424(r1)
60fe88ec: 7c0802a6 mflr r0
60fe88f0: 429f0005 bcl 20,31,0x60FE88F4

System information:

Model: AMCC PPC440EP V1.3
CPU speed: 799 MHz
FSB speed: 133 MHz

And so on for all the other ...
I presume is there a problem with the archive (but i download it twice!), somethings must be missed or just broken, only i don't understand why it works on your machine and in mine all is broken !

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Re: Beta testing
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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I have been using Screengrab for several months now and its really nice program with some small issues. I hope you can manage to get wally to work. Its a bit slow but very nice if you want to be able to change backgrounds etc.

I have problems with Vacumm. WHen i try to chat my main chat window doesnt show any text but the person i m chatting with gets my message. If he replies i can see a small window at the bottom right corner with his message but i dont get any text in the main chat window. Alfkil knows about this.

If you close Vacuum its still active but you cant uniconify it. I also get a strange assign question to work when i start vacuum.

Really good work alfkil and its only getting better and better

AmigaOne X5000
Radeon HD 7700
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Re: Beta testing
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Most of icon's stacks do not works because it have "run from shell" icon option. So even if you see there 200000, it didn't works. I.e. shell, stack 2000000, run what you need. At least that fixed all issues on running i have , and Vacuum works for sure.

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Re: Beta testing
Home away from home
Home away from home

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I have been using Screengrab for several months now and its really nice program with some small issues. I hope you can manage to get wally to work. Its a bit slow but very nice if you want to be able to change backgrounds etc.

Didn't try Wally yet but i will check, agree ScreenGrab is really nice

@kas1e & Chris

Most of icon's stacks do not works because it have "run from shell" icon option. So even if you see there 200000, it didn't works. I.e. shell, stack 2000000, run what you need. At least that fixed all issues on running i have , and Vacuum works for sure.

Ops sorry guys in demo calculator example i set the high stack (2000000) but i forgot to set the "run on workbench" !

Now this example start ok

Vacumm instead refuse to work and crash as before:

Stack: 2000000
Run on Workbench

--> double click on it --> DSI crash (the crashlog is the same as above)

Another one --> demos/browser

Again i set:

Stack: 2000000
Run on Workbench

No crash but i got this message:

Failed to load shared object

Later I will test a few more ..

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Re: Beta testing
Home away from home
Home away from home

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In terms of vacuum: Did you apply qt-update1.lha ?

As for libQtUITools.so, its indeed missing and i can't run those 3 apps from bin as well. Alfkil aware about

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Re: Beta testing
Home away from home
Home away from home

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qt-update1.lha ??

Never heard of, where did you get it ?

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Re: Beta testing
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AmigaOS4 on youtube
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Re: Beta testing
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

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kas1e wrote:
As for libQtUITools.so, its indeed missing and i can't run those 3 apps from bin as well. Alfkil aware about

It's not actually missing, just has .4.7.0 at the end of the name.

This fixes it from Qt:lib:
makelink libQtUiTools.so libQtUiTools.so.4.7.0 SOFT

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Re: Beta testing
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Indeed, i just mess it with libQtCLucene.so which is missed in new archive.

Join us to improve dopus5!
AmigaOS4 on youtube
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Re: Beta testing
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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I also want to thank TommySammy for the QT-icons.

AmigaOne X5000
Radeon HD 7700
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Re: Beta testing
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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What to say, I am just impressed, all it's working
almost well and the speed it's very acceptable.
Now some little glitches:
the problem with the tooltips (see samos' post) seems
happening only if you move the mouse fast and one
tooltip it's still open when a new one comes in, in this
case if the first one it's shorter than the second one,
only the part for the first lenght it's correctly displayed,
the rest doesn't contain text and it's not with the yellow
Now the browser, if I use the native fonts I get many
font not found message on the console, and many text
it's displayed with ????, maybe it's only a setup problem,
with the native menu the bookmarks
are not displayed correctly, only the first 2 items are
displayed ie. "show all bookmarks" and "add bookmark".

P.S. this post it's with Qt browser

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Re: Beta testing
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Thanks, i install the update 1 and i renamed the file "libQtUiTools.so.4.7.0" as libQtUiTools.so

Now Vacumm start, going to test then

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Re: Beta testing
Home away from home
Home away from home

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QT browser tested aswell, wow that's really fast !
I had all problems you mention, plus a couple more ...

"Save as.." and in general all the other ASL requesters will freeze the browser, expecially if you don't select any item and you just try to close them

Also resize the browser's window caused a DSI crash, here the log:

Crash log for task "browser"
Generated by GrimReaper 53.5
Crash occured in module kernel at address 0x01842AE0
Type of crash: DSI (Data Storage Interrupt) exception

Register dump:
GPR (General Purpose Registers):
0: 00000003 5448F270 00000000 00000000 5448F278 6D0CDCCC 56E01414 50B27090
8: 0196E288 F526DE88 5448F128 F526DE90 28422048 585F2F90 52735494 00000000
16: 52735800 6D0CCF0C 80000007 80000081 800000C4 80000082 8000000B 80000002
24: 80000006 02270000 5448F278 8000000D 80000004 80000009 5FF68000 50A212B0

FPR (Floating Point Registers, NaN = Not a Number):
0: nan 0 0 0
4: 0.864711 0 1 0
8: 0 0 0 1
12: 0 0 0 -0
16: 0 0 0 0
20: 0 0 0 0
24: 0 0 2.65249e-315 -1.28745e+36
28: 0 1.35808e-312 8.8275e-311 -2.15904e-78

FPSCR (Floating Point Status and Control Register): 0xA2002100

SPRs (Special Purpose Registers):
Machine State (msr) : 0x0002F030
Condition (cr) : 0x44422048
Instruction Pointer (ip) : 0x01842AE0
Xtended Exception (xer) : 0x00000008
Count (ctr) : 0x01842AC8
Link (lr) : 0x0196E09C
DSI Status (dsisr) : 0x00000000
Data Address (dar) : 0xF526DE90

680x0 emulated registers:
DATA: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
ADDR: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
FPU0: 0 0 0 0
FPU4: 0 0 0 0

Symbol info:
Instruction pointer 0x01842AE0 belongs to module "kernel" (HUNK/Kickstart)

Stack trace:
native kernel module kernel+0x00042ae0
native kernel module graphics.library.kmod+0x000117fc
libQtGui.so:_ZN17QAmigaPaintEngine9drawRectsEPK5QRecti()+0x1094 (section 10 @ 0x3FA0D4)
libQtGui.so:_ZN8QPainter9drawRectsEPK5QRecti()+0xb8 (section 10 @ 0x2B67A8)
libQtGui.so:_ZN8QPainter8fillRectERK5QRectRK6QBrush()+0x218 (section 10 @ 0x2BCF98)
libQtGui.so:_ZNK15QPlastiqueStyle11drawControlEN6QStyle14ControlElementEPK12QStyleOptionP8QPainterPK7QWidget()+0x4f50 (section 10 @ 0x6CDE3C)
libQtGui.so:_ZNK12QCommonStyle18drawComplexControlEN6QStyle14ComplexControlEPK19QStyleOptionComplexP8QPainterPK7QWidget()+0x5370 (section 10 @ 0x63D858)
libQtGui.so:_ZNK13QWindowsStyle18drawComplexControlEN6QStyle14ComplexControlEPK19QStyleOptionComplexP8QPainterPK7QWidget()+0x10f8 (section 10 @ 0x703C3C)
libQtGui.so:_ZNK15QPlastiqueStyle18drawComplexControlEN6QStyle14ComplexControlEPK19QStyleOptionComplexP8QPainterPK7QWidget()+0x3d8 (section 10 @ 0x6BCEFC)
libQtWebKit.so:_ZN7WebCore16ScrollbarThemeQt5paintEPNS_9ScrollbarEPNS_15GraphicsContextERKNS_7IntRectE()+0x3c8 (section 10 @ 0x1A8B9B8)
libQtWebKit.so:_ZN7WebCore9Scrollbar5paintEPNS_15GraphicsContextERKNS_7IntRectE()+0x104 (section 10 @ 0x16F8EBC)
libQtWebKit.so:_ZN7WebCore10ScrollView15paintScrollbarsEPNS_15GraphicsContextERKNS_7IntRectE()+0x7c (section 10 @ 0x16FD6C0)
libQtWebKit.so:_ZN16QWebFramePrivate20renderRelativeCoordsEPN7WebCore15GraphicsContextEN9QWebFrame11RenderLayerERK7QRegion()+0x470 (section 10 @ 0x1AD60D0)
libQtWebKit.so:_ZN9QWebFrame6renderEP8QPainterRK7QRegion()+0x180 (section 10 @ 0x1AD6A20)
libQtWebKit.so:_ZN8QWebView10paintEventEP11QPaintEvent()+0x190 (section 10 @ 0x1B18A9C)
libQtGui.so:_ZN7QWidget5eventEP6QEvent()+0x324 (section 10 @ 0xE9A84)
libQtWebKit.so:_ZN8QWebView5eventEP6QEvent()+0x170 (section 10 @ 0x1B17658)
libQtGui.so:_ZN19QApplicationPrivate13notify_helperEP7QObjectP6QEvent()+0x104 (section 10 @ 0x13570)
libQtGui.so:_ZN12QApplication6notifyEP7QObjectP6QEvent()+0x65c (section 10 @ 0x22194)
libQtCore.so:_ZN16QCoreApplication14notifyInternalEP7QObjectP6QEvent()+0x258 (section 10 @ 0x24B10C)
libQtGui.so:_ZN14QWidgetPrivate10drawWidgetEP12QPaintDeviceRK7QRegionRK6QPointiP8QPainterP19QWidgetBackingStore()+0x8b4 (section 10 @ 0xDEBD8)
libQtGui.so:_ZN14QWidgetPrivate22paintSiblingsRecursiveEP12QPaintDeviceRK5QListIP7QObjectEiRK7QRegionRK6QPointiP8QPainterP19QWidgetBackingStore()+0x7c4 (section 10 @ 0xDFC80)
libQtGui.so:_ZN14QWidgetPrivate10drawWidgetEP12QPaintDeviceRK7QRegionRK6QPointiP8QPainterP19QWidgetBackingStore()+0x548 (section 10 @ 0xDE86C)
libQtGui.so:_ZN14QWidgetPrivate22paintSiblingsRecursiveEP12QPaintDeviceRK5QListIP7QObjectEiRK7QRegionRK6QPointiP8QPainterP19QWidgetBackingStore()+0x7c4 (section 10 @ 0xDFC80)
libQtGui.so:_ZN14QWidgetPrivate22paintSiblingsRecursiveEP12QPaintDeviceRK5QListIP7QObjectEiRK7QRegionRK6QPointiP8QPainterP19QWidgetBackingStore()+0x640 (section 10 @ 0xDFAFC)
libQtGui.so:_ZN14QWidgetPrivate10drawWidgetEP12QPaintDeviceRK7QRegionRK6QPointiP8QPainterP19QWidgetBackingStore()+0x548 (section 10 @ 0xDE86C)
libQtGui.so:_ZN14QWidgetPrivate22paintSiblingsRecursiveEP12QPaintDeviceRK5QListIP7QObjectEiRK7QRegionRK6QPointiP8QPainterP19QWidgetBackingStore()+0x7c4 (section 10 @ 0xDFC80)
libQtGui.so:_ZN14QWidgetPrivate10drawWidgetEP12QPaintDeviceRK7QRegionRK6QPointiP8QPainterP19QWidgetBackingStore()+0x548 (section 10 @ 0xDE86C)
libQtGui.so:_ZN14QWidgetPrivate22paintSiblingsRecursiveEP12QPaintDeviceRK5QListIP7QObjectEiRK7QRegionRK6QPointiP8QPainterP19QWidgetBackingStore()+0x7c4 (section 10 @ 0xDFC80)
libQtGui.so:_ZN14QWidgetPrivate22paintSiblingsRecursiveEP12QPaintDeviceRK5QListIP7QObjectEiRK7QRegionRK6QPointiP8QPainterP19QWidgetBackingStore()+0x640 (section 10 @ 0xDFAFC)
libQtGui.so:_ZN14QWidgetPrivate10drawWidgetEP12QPaintDeviceRK7QRegionRK6QPointiP8QPainterP19QWidgetBackingStore()+0x548 (section 10 @ 0xDE86C)
libQtGui.so:_ZN19QWidgetBackingStore4syncEv()+0x1770 (section 10 @ 0x42B734)
libQtGui.so:_ZN14QWidgetPrivate16syncBackingStoreEv()+0x290 (section 10 @ 0xCCD6C)
libQtGui.so:_ZN14QWidgetPrivate8show_sysEv()+0x7c (section 10 @ 0x125414)
libQtGui.so:_ZN14QWidgetPrivate11show_helperEv()+0x384 (section 10 @ 0xE7B38)
libQtGui.so:_ZN7QWidget10setVisibleEb()+0x7e4 (section 10 @ 0xE861C)
libQtGui.so:_ZN14QToolBarLayout11setGeometryERK5QRect()+0x5a8 (section 10 @ 0x9047B8)
libQtGui.so:_ZN14QLayoutPrivate8doResizeERK5QSize()+0xe0 (section 10 @ 0x85F48)
libQtGui.so:_ZN7QLayout11widgetEventEP6QEvent()+0x10c (section 10 @ 0x86D18)
libQtGui.so:_ZN19QApplicationPrivate13notify_helperEP7QObjectP6QEvent()+0xa4 (section 10 @ 0x13510)
libQtGui.so:_ZN12QApplication6notifyEP7QObjectP6QEvent()+0x65c (section 10 @ 0x22194)
libQtCore.so:_ZN16QCoreApplication14notifyInternalEP7QObjectP6QEvent()+0x258 (section 10 @ 0x24B10C)
libQtGui.so:_ZN14QWidgetPrivate15setGeometry_sysEiiiib()+0x888 (section 10 @ 0x126930)
libQtGui.so:_ZN7QWidget11setGeometryERK5QRect()+0xc4 (section 10 @ 0xDCB98)
libQtGui.so:_ZN7QWidget11qt_metacallEN11QMetaObject4CallEiPPv()+0x8a4 (section 10 @ 0xEBFDC)
libQtGui.so:_ZN8QToolBar11qt_metacallEN11QMetaObject4CallEiPPv()+0x48 (section 10 @ 0x8FBE7C)
browser:_ZN16BookmarksToolBar11qt_metacallEN11QMetaObject4CallEiPPv()+0x38 (section 8 @ 0xB5CDC)
libQtCore.so:_ZN11QMetaObject8metacallEP7QObjectNS_4CallEiPPv()+0x50 (section 10 @ 0x259DE8)
libQtCore.so:_ZN25QPropertyAnimationPrivate14updatePropertyERK8QVariant()+0x110 (section 10 @ 0xDF38)
libQtCore.so:_ZN18QPropertyAnimation18updateCurrentValueERK8QVariant()+0x30 (section 10 @ 0xDF70)
libQtCore.so:_ZN24QVariantAnimationPrivate26setCurrentValueForProgressEd()+0x1e4 (section 10 @ 0x6DB4)
libQtCore.so:_ZN24QVariantAnimationPrivate26recalculateCurrentIntervalEb()+0x2ec (section 10 @ 0x8100)
libQtCore.so:_ZN24QVariantAnimationPrivate23setDefaultStartEndValueERK8QVariant()+0x4c (section 10 @ 0x8704)
libQtCore.so:_ZN18QPropertyAnimation11updateStateEN18QAbstractAnimation5StateES1_()+0x560 (section 10 @ 0xEA64)
libQtCore.so:_ZN25QAbstractAnimationPrivate8setStateEN18QAbstractAnimation5StateE()+0x214 (section 10 @ 0x2BD0)
libQtCore.so:_ZN18QAbstractAnimation5startENS_14DeletionPolicyE()+0x4c (section 10 @ 0x371C)
libQtGui.so:_ZN15QWidgetAnimator7animateEP7QWidgetRK5QRectb()+0x3d8 (section 10 @ 0x9472E4)
libQtGui.so:_ZN18QToolBarAreaLayout5applyEb()+0x2a0 (section 10 @ 0x949AE8)
libQtGui.so:_ZN22QMainWindowLayoutState5applyEb()+0x40 (section 10 @ 0x817464)
libQtGui.so:_ZN17QMainWindowLayout10applyStateER22QMainWindowLayoutStateb()+0x534 (section 10 @ 0x81C4B0)
libQtGui.so:_ZN17QMainWindowLayout11setGeometryERK5QRect()+0x1fc (section 10 @ 0x81D104)
libQtGui.so:_ZN14QLayoutPrivate8doResizeERK5QSize()+0xe0 (section 10 @ 0x85F48)
libQtGui.so:_ZN7QLayout11widgetEventEP6QEvent()+0x10c (section 10 @ 0x86D18)
libQtGui.so:_ZN19QApplicationPrivate13notify_helperEP7QObjectP6QEvent()+0xa4 (section 10 @ 0x13510)
libQtGui.so:_ZN12QApplication6notifyEP7QObjectP6QEvent()+0x65c (section 10 @ 0x22194)
libQtCore.so:_ZN16QCoreApplication14notifyInternalEP7QObjectP6QEvent()+0x258 (section 10 @ 0x24B10C)
libQtGui.so:_ZN7QWidget18processIntuiEventsEP12IntuiMessage()+0xa18 (section 10 @ 0x1279CC)
libQtGui.so:_ZN24QGuiEventDispatcherAmiga13processEventsE6QFlagsIN10QEventLoop17ProcessEventsFlagEE()+0x428 (section 10 @ 0x11A9B8)
libQtCore.so:_ZN10QEventLoop13processEventsE6QFlagsINS_17ProcessEventsFlagEE()+0x164 (section 10 @ 0x2484EC)
libQtCore.so:_ZN10QEventLoop4execE6QFlagsINS_17ProcessEventsFlagEE()+0x1f8 (section 10 @ 0x249584)
libQtCore.so:_ZN16QCoreApplication4execEv()+0x29c (section 10 @ 0x24E290)
libQtGui.so:_ZN12QApplication4execEv()+0x40 (section 10 @ 0x12394)
browser:main()+0x1d0 (section 8 @ 0xB5824)
native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x00002094
native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x00002d3c
native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x00002eb8
browser:_start()+0x170 (section 8 @ 0x170)
native kernel module dos.library.kmod+0x00022d9c
native kernel module kernel+0x0003bd20
native kernel module kernel+0x0003bda0

PPC disassembly:
01842ad8: 2f8b0000 cmpwi cr7,r11,0
01842adc: 419e006c beq- cr7,0x1842B48
*01842ae0: 800b0000 lwz r0,0(r11)
01842ae4: 2f800001 cmpwi cr7,r0,1
01842ae8: 2b000001 cmplwi cr6,r0,1

System information:

Model: AMCC PPC440EP V1.3
CPU speed: 799 MHz
FSB speed: 133 MHz

Machine name: Sam440EP
Memory: 1048576 KB
Extensions: bus.pci

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Re: Beta testing
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

See User information

Old ports need to be rebuilt to work with the new version. This is because I have added some members to some of the classes, and this will make it impossible to sustain compatibility. Sorry.

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Re: Beta testing
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

See User information

I managed to get the whole package to build by just entering the root dir and typing qmake gmake. But for some reason the libQtScript.so is not built by default. I will fix that (I have built it before, but not tested if it works).


- The browser resizing issue has been noted, I have never tried resizing the window, so I didn't realize that there was a problem :)
- General setup: This is the recommended setup: NATIVE painting, NON-NATIVE fonts, NON-NATIVE menus, NON-NATIVE dialogs
The reason for this is: The native paint engine is faster (although it still has some minor correctness issues), the native fonts are buggy and will give you problems if some font is not installed (ie. arial). The native menus don't update with the rest of the application, the native file dialogs sometimes hangs the program (I have no idea why this happens and how to fix it).
Furthermore on fonts: Please copy arial.font from your "favorite" pc with windows or similar. This will fix problems with the browser and maybe vacuum.

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Re: Beta testing
Home away from home
Home away from home

See User information
I think it's worth highlighting this bit (which was buried in a much larger post):


samo79 wrote:

So atleast i was able to test this one and .. WOW !
It's truly fast as any other Amiga software, still only a bit slow at startup but choosing a native font and setting all as native (from the QT prefs) the feeling is awesome for sure, not different than any other program written in MUI or Reaction, plus the QT interface is very very nice and modern

That is great progress.


BTW, did you have time to look into using the gold linker instead of the standard one? It's supposed to speed up linking by removing symbols that aren't needed at link time. I posted about it here.


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Re: Beta testing
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

See User information
I can not decrunch the latest QT 4.7 archive from Scourceforce.net
Everytime Unarc stopps at 98% with an error message

Qt4.7/Readme.amigaos4 error on decrunching data

Amiga600/Vampire2/PrismaMegaMix​/32GB CF Card/2x Rys Mk2/A604n/IndivisionECS/Gotek
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