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Re: Beta testing
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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I got it work now
Wally and Easypaint works, Screengrab doesn`t boot and Vacuum doesn`t work
Update 1 is allready installed.
There is much work to do,it is far away from a RC version.
I think this year will be no release coming.
To much work for one person

Amiga600/Vampire2/PrismaMegaMix​/32GB CF Card/2x Rys Mk2/A604n/IndivisionECS/Gotek
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Re: Beta testing
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

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See the earlier comments about stack and icon settings. There's also a fix for Vacuum written up there.

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Re: Beta testing
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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I fix it . Vacuum works now

Amiga600/Vampire2/PrismaMegaMix​/32GB CF Card/2x Rys Mk2/A604n/IndivisionECS/Gotek
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Re: Beta testing
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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How can i use my ICQ account inside of vacuum?

Amiga600/Vampire2/PrismaMegaMix​/32GB CF Card/2x Rys Mk2/A604n/IndivisionECS/Gotek
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Re: Beta testing
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Haven't tried, but found this link, maybe it helps?

And by the way, thank you very much for the icons, they are so cool :)

I hope I can change your mind about the state of the project, really there are just a few quirks, like stack size, but once you get past that, the current state of qt4.7 is actually really good. For the next release, I have managed to get qtdemo actually working, which means that you can just start any example from this interface and no longer have to worry about stack size or icon settings. Also the assistant and QtDesigner are pretty cool apps, that is if you intend to develop software with Qt (has anyone tried? They should!) Also I have fixed most of the crashes and graphics errors reported until now.

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Re: Beta testing
Home away from home
Home away from home

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alfkil wrote:


I hope I can change your mind about the state of the project, really there are just a few quirks, like stack size, but once you get past that, the current state of qt4.7 is actually really good.

Adding stack cookies to the applications will ensure that they get a big enough stack.


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Re: Beta testing
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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At the moment I am not yet convinced of QT
There are too much bugs
I hope that the next version will work better and i will be more happy about QT
Screengrab doesn`t boot here. I don`t know what i can do
Do you need some nice graphics for Wally docky(ugly) and Vacuum docky(there is no graphic)?

Amiga600/Vampire2/PrismaMegaMix​/32GB CF Card/2x Rys Mk2/A604n/IndivisionECS/Gotek
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Re: Beta testing
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Ok Alfkil, here the entire test, all demos was tested on a Sam440 Flex 800 + Radeon 9250 + AmigaOS 4.1 Update 6 (with all latest updates installed)

My current prefs configuration for QT are:

Native Menus (ON)
Native Dialogs (ON)
Native Paint engine (ON)
Native Fonts (OFF)

In all examples/demos i changed the tooltype in order to run them from Workbench instead of Shell, also for all of them i set this stack: 2000000
So let's start the test !


designer --> NO (Failed to load share object libQtDesignerComponent.so)
qtdemo --> NO (Failed to load shared object libQtHelp.so)
assistant --> NO (Failed to load shared object libQtHelp.so)


affline --> OK
books --> OK (red border around the up/down buttons in scrollbar)
boxes --> NO (ERROR, OpenGL version 1.5 or higher is required to run this demo)
browser --> OK (Arial fonts missed, red border around the up/down buttons in scrollbar, various crashes during navigation, asl issue, download don't work etc)
chip --> OK
declarative/minehunts --> NO (Failed to load shared object libQtScript.so and so on)
deform --> OK (sliders is a bit slow)
embeddeddialogs --> OK (not slow, but some graphical trashes moving the internal subwindows)
gradients --> OK
interview --> OK (red border around the up/down buttons in scrollbar)
mainwindow --> OK
pathstroke --> OK
spreadsheet --> OK
sqlbrowser --> OK
sub-attaq --> OK
textedit --> OK
undo --> OK (slow)


animation/animatedtiles --> OK
animation/appchoser --> OK
animation/easing --> OK
animation/moveblock --> OK
animation/states --> OK (red border around the up/down buttons in scrollbar)
animation/stickman --> OK

designer/calculatorbuilder --> NO (Failed to load libQtdesigner.so and then a DSI crash)
designer/calculatorform --> OK
designer/worldtimeclockbuilder --> NO (Failed to load libQtdesigner.so and then a DSI crash)

desktop/systray --> OK
desktop/screenshot --> OK

dialogs/classwizard --> OK
dialogs/configdialog --> OK
dialogs/extension --> OK (resize gadget don't work)
dialogs/findfiles --> OK
dialogs/licencewizard --> OK
dialogs/standarddialogs --> OK (autoalign glitch when opening an external subwindow)
dialogs/tabdialog --> OK (red border around the up/down buttons in scrollbar)
dialogs/trivialwizard --> OK

draganddrop/delayedencoding --> OK
draganddrop/draggableicons --> OK
draganddrop/draggabletext --> OK
draganddrop/dropsite --> OK
draganddrop/fridgemagnets --> OK
draganddrop/puzzle --> OK ("pink" graphical glitch when dropping a piece from an area to another)

effects/blurpicker --> OK
effects/fademessage --> OK
effects/lighting --> OK

gestures/imagegestures --> OK

graphicsview/anchorlayout --> OK (not slow, but some graphical trashes moving the internal subwindows)
graphicsview/basicgraphicslayouts --> OK
graphicsview/collidingmice --> OK (red border around the up/down/left/right buttons in scrollbar)
graphicsview/diagramscene --> OK (red border around the up/down buttons in scrollbar)
graphicsview/dragdroprobot --> OK
graphicsview/elasticnodes --> OK
graphicsview/padnavigator --> OK
graphicsview/portedasteroids --> OK (sound don't work)
graphicsview/portedcanvas --> OK (red border around the up/down/left/right buttons in scrollbar, resize window glitch)
graphicsview/simpleanchorlayout --> OK (red border around the up/down/left/right buttons in scrollbar)
graphicsview/weatheranchorlayout --> NO (QPainter::setCompositionMode: PorterDuff modes not supported on device)

help/contextsensitivehelp --> NO (Failed to load shared onject libQtHelp.so)
help/remotecontrol --> OK
help/simpletextviewer --> OK (red border around the up/down/left/right buttons in scrollbar)

ipc/localfortuneclient --> OK
ipc/localfortuneserver --> NO (DSI crash)
ipc/sharedmemory --> NO (DSI crash when clicking on "Load Image From File" button)

itemviews/addressbook --> OK
itemviews/basicsortfiltermodel --> OK (red border around the up/down/left/right buttons in scrollbar)
itemviews/chart --> OK
itemviews/coloreditorfactory --> OK
itemviews/combowidgetmapper --> OK
itemviews/customsortfiltermodel --> OK (red border around the up/down buttons in scrollbar)
itemviews/delayedencoding --> ? (no binary included ?)
itemviews/dirview --> OK (warning on selecting an item: "QFileSystemWatcher: failed to add paths:" )
itemviews/editabletreemodel --> OK
itemviews/fetchmore --> OK (red border around the up/down buttons in scrollbar)
itemviews/frozencolumn --> OK (slow and red border around the up/down/left/right buttons in scrollbar)
itemviews/pixelator --> OK (garbage on screen when resizing the window and red border around the up/down buttons)
itemviews/puzzle --> OK ("pink" graphical glitch when dropping a piece from an area to another)
itemviews/simpledommodel --> OK
itemviews/simpletreemodel --> OK
itemviews/simplewidgetmapper --> OK
itemviews/spinboxdelegate --> OK
itemviews/stardelegate --> OK

layouts/basiclayouts --> OK
layouts/borderlayout --> OK
layouts/dynamiclayouts --> OK
layouts/flowlayout --> OK

linguist/arrowpad --> OK (shortcuts doesn't work?)
linguist/hellotr --> OK
linguist/trollprint --> OK

mainwindows/application --> OK
mainwindows/dockwidgets --> OK (red border around the up/down buttons in scrollbar)
mainwindows/mdi --> OK
mainwindows/menus --> OK
mainwindows/recentfiles --> OK
mainwindows/sdi --> OK

network/blockingfortuneclient --> OK
network/broadcastreceiver --> OK
network/broadcastsender --> OK
network/download --> NO (DSI crash)
network/downloadmanager --> NO (DSI crash)
network/fortuneclient --> OK
network/fortuneserver --> OK
network/googlesuggest --> OK
network/http --> OK
network/loopback --> OK
network/network-chat --> OK
network/qftp --> OK (red border around the left/right buttons, and vertical scrollbar does not scroll)
network/securesocketclient --> OK
network/threadedfortuneserver --> OK
network/torrent --> OK

opengl/2dpainting --> OK (glitch when resize the window)
opengl/framebufferobject --> NO (This system does not support OpenGL/framebuffer objects.)
opengl/framebufferobject2 --> NO (This system does not support OpenGL/framebuffer objects.)
opengl/grabber --> OK (DSI crash when exit)
opengl/hellogl --> OK
opengl/overpainting --> OK (a bit slow)
opengl/samplebuffers --> OK
opengl/textures --> OK (DSI crash when exit)

painting/basicdrawing --> OK
painting/concentriccircles --> OK (glitch when resize the window)
painting/fontsampler --> OK
painting/imagecomposition --> OK
painting/painterpaths --> OK
painting/svggenerator --> OK
painting/svgviewer--> OK (a bit slow)
painting/transformations --> OK

qtconcurrent/imagescaling --> OK
qtconcurrent/mapdemo --> NO (does not start)
qtconcurrent/progressdialog --> OK
qtconcurrent/runfunction --> NO (does not start?)
qtconcurrent/wordcount --> NO (does not start)

qtestlib/tutorial1 --> OK
qtestlib/tutorial2 --> OK
qtestlib/tutorial3 --> OK
qtestlib/tutorial4 --> OK
qtestlib/tutorial5 --> OK

richtest/calendar --> OK (glitch when resize the window)
richtest/orderform --> OK
richtest/syntaxhighlighter --> OK (red border around the up/down buttons in scrollbar)
richtest/textobject --> OK (graphical glitch at opening, the window will be rescaled automatically)

sql/cachedtable --> OK (red border around the up/down/left/right buttons in scrollbar)
sql/drilldown --> OK
sql/masterdetail --> OK
sql/querymodel --> OK (red border around the up/down/left/right buttons in scrollbar)
sql/relationaltablemodel --> OK (red border around the up/down/left/right buttons in scrollbar)
sql/sqlwidgetmapper --> OK
sql/tablemodel --> OK (red border around the up/down/left/right buttons in scrollbar)

statemachine/eventtransitions --> OK
statemachine/factorial --> OK
statemachine/pingpong --> OK (can't skip )
statemachine/rogue --> OK
statemachine/trafficlight --> OK
statemachine/twowaybutton --> OK

thread/mandelbrot --> OK
thread/semaphores --> OK (can't skip )
thread/waitconditions --> OK (can't skip )

tools/codecs --> OK
tools/completer --> OK
tools/contiguouscache --> OK (red border around the up/down buttons in scrollbar)
tools/customcompleter --> OK
tools/echoplugin --> OK (ISI crash)
tools/i18n --> OK
tools/inputpanel --> OK
tools/plugandpaint --> OK (red border around the up/down/left/right buttons in scrollbar)
tools/plugandpaintplugins --> ? (no binary included ?)
tools/regexp --> OK
tools/settingseditor --> OK
tools/styleplugin --> OK
tools/treemodelcompleter --> OK (red border around the up/down buttons in scrollbar)
tools/undoframework --> OK

touch/dials --> OK
touch/fingerpaint --> OK
touch/knobs --> OK
touch/pinchzoom --> OK

tutorials/addressbook/part1 --> OK
tutorials/addressbook/part2 --> OK (graphical glitch at opening, the window will be rescaled automatically)
tutorials/addressbook/part3 --> OK (graphical glitch at opening, the window will be rescaled automatically)
tutorials/addressbook/part4 --> OK
tutorials/addressbook/part5 --> OK
tutorials/addressbook/part6 --> OK
tutorials/addressbook/part7 --> OK

uitools/multipleinheritance --> OK
uitools/textfinder --> OK (Failed to load shared object libQtDesigner.so, and then a DSI crash)

webkit/domtraversal --> OK (a bit slow)
webkit/fancybrowser --> OK
webkit/formextractor --> OK
webkit/framecapture --> OK
webkit/previewer --> OK
webkit/simpleselector --> OK (red border around the up/down/left/right buttons in scrollbar)

widgets/analogclock --> OK
widgets/calculator --> OK (can't resize the window)
widgets/calendarwidget --> OK
widgets/charactermap --> OK (red border around the up/down buttons in scrollbar)
widgets/codeeditor --> OK
widgets/digitalclock --> OK
widgets/groupbox --> OK
widgets/icons --> OK
widgets/imageviewer --> OK
widgets/lineedits --> OK
widgets/movie --> OK
widgets/scribble --> OK
widgets/shapedclock --> OK (a bit slow)
widgets/sliders --> OK
widgets/spinboxes --> OK
widgets/styles --> OK
widgets/stylesheet --> OK
widgets/tablet --> OK
widgets/tetrix --> OK (shortcuts does not work)
widgets/tooltips --> OK
widgets/validators --> OK
widgets/wiggly --> OK
widgets/windowflags --> OK (graphical glitch at opening, the window will be rescaled automatically)

xml/dombookmarks --> OK
xml/htmlinfo --> OK
xml/rsslisting --> OK
xml/saxbookmarks --> OK
xml/streambookmarks --> OK
xml/xmlstreamlint --> OK

xmlpatterns/filetree --> OK
xmlpatterns/qobjectxmlmodel --> OK
xmlpatterns/recipes --> OK (red border around the up/down buttons in scrollbar)
xmlpatterns/schema --> OK (red border around the up/down buttons in scrollbar)
xmlpatterns/trafficinfo --> OK
xmlpatterns/xquery --> ? (no binary included ?)

So at the end what's work and what not in current QT implementation ?
In general the 99% of the demo/examples works just fine and very fast aswell, only glitch still so for what i can see on my system, so here is the list:

1) Every QT example needs several seconds before start, this is the main problem at the moment!
2) We have a bad looking red border around all buttons in scrollbars
3) Sometimes resizing a window can be a problem, this may caused various type of graphics glitches
4) In some demos using native fonts is ok, but in others the final result looks bad
5) Audio implementation doesn't seems to work yet ?
6) In many parts (but not all) expecially on popup windows we have an autoresizing window effects (the same effects we have using Timberwolf)
7) Some various crashes here and there (not many but still)
8) Tooltips are not always rendered correctly
9) Iconify gadget missing in all windows

Conclusion: Please continue, this is one of the most remarkable things I've ever seen done in the Amiga world, when finished it will be an awesome quantum leap.

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Re: Beta testing
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

See User information
1) Every QT example needs several seconds before start, this is the main problem at the moment!

That's due to the dynamic linker and the huge number of symbols needing import. I doubt Alfkil can do anything about that, although the "gold" linker (whatever that is) mentioned above might help.


2) We have a bad looking red border around all buttons in scrollbars

Could be an endian issue.

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Re: Beta testing
Home away from home
Home away from home

See User information

Could be an endian issue.

Mmm don't know but we didn't have such graphical issue on the previews (0.8.6) QT archive

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Re: Beta testing
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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2) We have a bad looking red border around all buttons in scrollbars

Could be an endian issue.

No, it is because qt tries to render a QImage with depth 8 or less. I did something to speed up the rendering of QImages, and forgot that I didn't implement colormaps. It has been fixed for update 2.

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Re: Beta testing
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

See User information

) Every QT example needs several seconds before start, this is the main problem at the moment!

As Chris said, there is not much I can do about it, other than follow Hans' suggestion. Qt libraries are big, and this is not going to change.


3) Sometimes resizing a window can be a problem, this may caused various type of graphics glitches

There were some graphic glitches, that have been fixed. About crashing on resize, I never experienced it, so it is quite puzzling to me.


4) In some demos using native fonts is ok, but in others the final result looks bad

As I said in the emails, native fonts are bad, I didn't do a lot of work on them, and consequently they don't always work as they should. The speed gained from using them is not so great either after I did some work on the freetype engine. Maybe I should remove that option altogether...?


5) Audio implementation doesn't seems to work yet ?

QSound has not been implemented (well, it has, but it is just a stub). phonon (used for sound by pencil) has not been implemented either because we don't have GStreamer. So no, sound is off, sorry.


6) In many parts (but not all) expecially on popup windows we have an autoresizing window effects (the same effects we have using Timberwolf)

I have tried delaying the appearance of windows, so that most of the automatic alignment stuff takes place before the window is shown. But sadly some cases fall out still. There is not much I can or want to do about it, sorry.


7) Some various crashes here and there (not many but still)

I have solved all the crashes related to crashlogs that I have received, except one (some javascript related whatshername). If anyone gets any more crashes, please send me the crashlog and instructions how to reproduce so I can fix it.


8) Tooltips are not always rendered correctly

No, sorry :)


9) Iconify gadget missing in all windows

I will look into it (probably need some help on this one).

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Re: Beta testing
Home away from home
Home away from home

See User information

About crashing on resize, I never experienced it, so it is quite puzzling to me.

No i don't have any crash when resize, but i have graphical glitches instead, me explain:

In some demos, not all but some, If i resize (minimize) the windows dimention the bottom part of that window will hide automatically, also the resize gadget will disappear so that "force" me to click again on the window to make all gadgets reapper

As it's not so easy to explain with words I'll check if i can be able to make a grab

However as you said that some glitch are fixed in meantime at this point i'm wait for the next package until further test

As I said in the emails, native fonts are bad, I didn't do a lot of work on them, and consequently they don't always work as they should. The speed gained from using them is not so great either after I did some work on the freetype engine. Maybe I should remove that option altogether...?

No please don't do that !
I have many examples when native fonts are really good and fast (faster than QT fonts)

You only need to finish them eventually, but if you don't have time just mantain them as is for now

Thanks for reply, i'm looking forward for the official archive

Edited by samo79 on 2013/4/30 1:26:43
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Re: Beta testing
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

See User information

I don't know why you have this attitude. The title of this thread is "Beta testing", and consequently the stuff in concern is work in progress. Furthermore, I might add, there is a lot of F** software in here, so there is, in other words, supposed to be bugs. You see one bug, you loose interest. But mind you, that this project is a result of appr. 3 years of coding, and in my humble but because of my status also knowledgable oppinion, this is not very far off. The bugs reported are getting fixed very fast, and I am guessing a release in another week or so.

One example: You say you cannot start screengrab. I know in an instant, that this is NOT because the software is not working, it is because screengrab is using QLocalSocket and QLocalServer to test, if there is already another instance of screengrab running (there is no other explanation). The problem with QLocalSocket/Server is, that uses a tcp localhost connection, and sometimes the AmigaOS tcp stack does funny things (for example when it is not fully initialized). I would advice you to delete the following file:


...if it exists and reboot, then after reboot wait a couple of minutes, then try starting screengrab. If it still doesn't work, email me.

Note: I should probably switch the singleapp impl to use QSharedMemory instead, much better.

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Re: Beta testing
Home away from home
Home away from home

See User information

Sorry I just forgot to add, i notice that mouse wheel does not respond (yet) inside the drop down menus, pls can you add this one in your future ToDo list ?

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Re: Beta testing
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

See User information

Why do you need mouse wheel support in dropdown menus?? If you want to select something, you need to actually point the mouse at it and select it, so I don't see how mousewheel input could be useful here (the reason it doesn't work is probably because Qt does not implement it). Correct me if I don't get the picture :).

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Re: Beta testing
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

See User information
I have nothing against your project. I hope it will be really good.
I tried it again with screengrab and have no luck.
I will send you an e-mail

Amiga600/Vampire2/PrismaMegaMix​/32GB CF Card/2x Rys Mk2/A604n/IndivisionECS/Gotek
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Re: Beta testing
Home away from home
Home away from home

See User information

Why do you need mouse wheel support in dropdown menus?? If you want to select something, you need to actually point the mouse at it and select it, so I don't see how mousewheel input could be useful here (the reason it doesn't work is probably because Qt does not implement it). Correct me if I don't get the picture :).

Well, because access and select the various items will be much easier and faster with the mouse wheel than play manually with them using the scrollbar only

As far as i know QT support this feature on other platform, atleast it works well under QT programs on Windows, so under them you can use both method

Eventually even if in a different area the same feature can be added also on the search field of the QT browser

Edited by samo79 on 2013/4/30 14:37:33
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Re: Beta testing
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

See User information


Adding stack cookies to the applications will ensure that they get a big enough stack.

Well, yes, but then I would have to manually insert a stack coockie in each and every example, because it doesn't help to insert a stack cookie in, say, libQtCore.so. Another option is to add an icon to each and every example, which would also suck. A third option is to just ask people to only start the examples from the qtdemo interface, in which case I will have inserted sufficient stack space in the QProcess call to SystemTags. I think I am going to stick with the third option.

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Re: Beta testing
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

See User information

network/download --> NO (DSI crash)
network/downloadmanager --> NO (DSI crash)

They work, you just have to start them from a console with an url as argument.

network/torrent --> OK

Did you manage to download anything with it? If you did, that is remarkable, because I haven't been able to. I think it needs to update some protocols or whatever...

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