Ok Alfkil, here the entire test, all demos was tested on a Sam440 Flex 800 + Radeon 9250 + AmigaOS 4.1 Update 6 (with all latest updates installed)
My current prefs configuration for QT are:
Native Menus (ON)
Native Dialogs (ON)
Native Paint engine (ON)
Native Fonts (OFF)
In all examples/demos i changed the tooltype in order to run them from Workbench instead of Shell, also for all of them i set this stack: 2000000
So let's start the test !
----------designer --> NO (Failed to load share object libQtDesignerComponent.so)
qtdemo --> NO (Failed to load shared object libQtHelp.so)
assistant --> NO (Failed to load shared object libQtHelp.so)
----------affline --> OK
books --> OK (red border around the up/down buttons in scrollbar)
boxes --> NO (ERROR, OpenGL version 1.5 or higher is required to run this demo)
browser --> OK (Arial fonts missed, red border around the up/down buttons in scrollbar, various crashes during navigation, asl issue, download don't work etc)
chip --> OK
declarative/minehunts --> NO (Failed to load shared object libQtScript.so and so on)
deform --> OK (sliders is a bit slow)
embeddeddialogs --> OK (not slow, but some graphical trashes moving the internal subwindows)
gradients --> OK
interview --> OK (red border around the up/down buttons in scrollbar)
mainwindow --> OK
pathstroke --> OK
spreadsheet --> OK
sqlbrowser --> OK
sub-attaq --> OK
textedit --> OK
undo --> OK (slow)
----------animation/animatedtiles --> OK
animation/appchoser --> OK
animation/easing --> OK
animation/moveblock --> OK
animation/states --> OK (red border around the up/down buttons in scrollbar)
animation/stickman --> OK
designer/calculatorbuilder --> NO (Failed to load libQtdesigner.so and then a DSI crash)
designer/calculatorform --> OK
designer/worldtimeclockbuilder --> NO (Failed to load libQtdesigner.so and then a DSI crash)
desktop/systray --> OK
desktop/screenshot --> OK
dialogs/classwizard --> OK
dialogs/configdialog --> OK
dialogs/extension --> OK (resize gadget don't work)
dialogs/findfiles --> OK
dialogs/licencewizard --> OK
dialogs/standarddialogs --> OK (autoalign glitch when opening an external subwindow)
dialogs/tabdialog --> OK (red border around the up/down buttons in scrollbar)
dialogs/trivialwizard --> OK
draganddrop/delayedencoding --> OK
draganddrop/draggableicons --> OK
draganddrop/draggabletext --> OK
draganddrop/dropsite --> OK
draganddrop/fridgemagnets --> OK
draganddrop/puzzle --> OK ("pink" graphical glitch when dropping a piece from an area to another)
effects/blurpicker --> OK
effects/fademessage --> OK
effects/lighting --> OK
gestures/imagegestures --> OK
graphicsview/anchorlayout --> OK (not slow, but some graphical trashes moving the internal subwindows)
graphicsview/basicgraphicslayouts --> OK
graphicsview/collidingmice --> OK (red border around the up/down/left/right buttons in scrollbar)
graphicsview/diagramscene --> OK (red border around the up/down buttons in scrollbar)
graphicsview/dragdroprobot --> OK
graphicsview/elasticnodes --> OK
graphicsview/padnavigator --> OK
graphicsview/portedasteroids --> OK (sound don't work)
graphicsview/portedcanvas --> OK (red border around the up/down/left/right buttons in scrollbar, resize window glitch)
graphicsview/simpleanchorlayout --> OK (red border around the up/down/left/right buttons in scrollbar)
graphicsview/weatheranchorlayout --> NO (QPainter::setCompositionMode: PorterDuff modes not supported on device)
help/contextsensitivehelp --> NO (Failed to load shared onject libQtHelp.so)
help/remotecontrol --> OK
help/simpletextviewer --> OK (red border around the up/down/left/right buttons in scrollbar)
ipc/localfortuneclient --> OK
ipc/localfortuneserver --> NO (DSI crash)
ipc/sharedmemory --> NO (DSI crash when clicking on "Load Image From File" button)
itemviews/addressbook --> OK
itemviews/basicsortfiltermodel --> OK (red border around the up/down/left/right buttons in scrollbar)
itemviews/chart --> OK
itemviews/coloreditorfactory --> OK
itemviews/combowidgetmapper --> OK
itemviews/customsortfiltermodel --> OK (red border around the up/down buttons in scrollbar)
itemviews/delayedencoding --> ? (no binary included ?)
itemviews/dirview --> OK (warning on selecting an item: "QFileSystemWatcher: failed to add paths:" )
itemviews/editabletreemodel --> OK
itemviews/fetchmore --> OK (red border around the up/down buttons in scrollbar)
itemviews/frozencolumn --> OK (slow and red border around the up/down/left/right buttons in scrollbar)
itemviews/pixelator --> OK (garbage on screen when resizing the window and red border around the up/down buttons)
itemviews/puzzle --> OK ("pink" graphical glitch when dropping a piece from an area to another)
itemviews/simpledommodel --> OK
itemviews/simpletreemodel --> OK
itemviews/simplewidgetmapper --> OK
itemviews/spinboxdelegate --> OK
itemviews/stardelegate --> OK
layouts/basiclayouts --> OK
layouts/borderlayout --> OK
layouts/dynamiclayouts --> OK
layouts/flowlayout --> OK
linguist/arrowpad --> OK (shortcuts doesn't work?)
linguist/hellotr --> OK
linguist/trollprint --> OK
mainwindows/application --> OK
mainwindows/dockwidgets --> OK (red border around the up/down buttons in scrollbar)
mainwindows/mdi --> OK
mainwindows/menus --> OK
mainwindows/recentfiles --> OK
mainwindows/sdi --> OK
network/blockingfortuneclient --> OK
network/broadcastreceiver --> OK
network/broadcastsender --> OK
network/download --> NO (DSI crash)
network/downloadmanager --> NO (DSI crash)
network/fortuneclient --> OK
network/fortuneserver --> OK
network/googlesuggest --> OK
network/http --> OK
network/loopback --> OK
network/network-chat --> OK
network/qftp --> OK (red border around the left/right buttons, and vertical scrollbar does not scroll)
network/securesocketclient --> OK
network/threadedfortuneserver --> OK
network/torrent --> OK
opengl/2dpainting --> OK (glitch when resize the window)
opengl/framebufferobject --> NO (This system does not support OpenGL/framebuffer objects.)
opengl/framebufferobject2 --> NO (This system does not support OpenGL/framebuffer objects.)
opengl/grabber --> OK (DSI crash when exit)
opengl/hellogl --> OK
opengl/overpainting --> OK (a bit slow)
opengl/samplebuffers --> OK
opengl/textures --> OK (DSI crash when exit)
painting/basicdrawing --> OK
painting/concentriccircles --> OK (glitch when resize the window)
painting/fontsampler --> OK
painting/imagecomposition --> OK
painting/painterpaths --> OK
painting/svggenerator --> OK
painting/svgviewer--> OK (a bit slow)
painting/transformations --> OK
qtconcurrent/imagescaling --> OK
qtconcurrent/mapdemo --> NO (does not start)
qtconcurrent/progressdialog --> OK
qtconcurrent/runfunction --> NO (does not start?)
qtconcurrent/wordcount --> NO (does not start)
qtestlib/tutorial1 --> OK
qtestlib/tutorial2 --> OK
qtestlib/tutorial3 --> OK
qtestlib/tutorial4 --> OK
qtestlib/tutorial5 --> OK
richtest/calendar --> OK (glitch when resize the window)
richtest/orderform --> OK
richtest/syntaxhighlighter --> OK (red border around the up/down buttons in scrollbar)
richtest/textobject --> OK (graphical glitch at opening, the window will be rescaled automatically)
sql/cachedtable --> OK (red border around the up/down/left/right buttons in scrollbar)
sql/drilldown --> OK
sql/masterdetail --> OK
sql/querymodel --> OK (red border around the up/down/left/right buttons in scrollbar)
sql/relationaltablemodel --> OK (red border around the up/down/left/right buttons in scrollbar)
sql/sqlwidgetmapper --> OK
sql/tablemodel --> OK (red border around the up/down/left/right buttons in scrollbar)
statemachine/eventtransitions --> OK
statemachine/factorial --> OK
statemachine/pingpong --> OK (can't skip
statemachine/rogue --> OK
statemachine/trafficlight --> OK
statemachine/twowaybutton --> OK
thread/mandelbrot --> OK
thread/semaphores --> OK (can't skip
thread/waitconditions --> OK (can't skip
tools/codecs --> OK
tools/completer --> OK
tools/contiguouscache --> OK (red border around the up/down buttons in scrollbar)
tools/customcompleter --> OK
tools/echoplugin --> OK (ISI crash)
tools/i18n --> OK
tools/inputpanel --> OK
tools/plugandpaint --> OK (red border around the up/down/left/right buttons in scrollbar)
tools/plugandpaintplugins --> ? (no binary included ?)
tools/regexp --> OK
tools/settingseditor --> OK
tools/styleplugin --> OK
tools/treemodelcompleter --> OK (red border around the up/down buttons in scrollbar)
tools/undoframework --> OK
touch/dials --> OK
touch/fingerpaint --> OK
touch/knobs --> OK
touch/pinchzoom --> OK
tutorials/addressbook/part1 --> OK
tutorials/addressbook/part2 --> OK (graphical glitch at opening, the window will be rescaled automatically)
tutorials/addressbook/part3 --> OK (graphical glitch at opening, the window will be rescaled automatically)
tutorials/addressbook/part4 --> OK
tutorials/addressbook/part5 --> OK
tutorials/addressbook/part6 --> OK
tutorials/addressbook/part7 --> OK
uitools/multipleinheritance --> OK
uitools/textfinder --> OK (Failed to load shared object libQtDesigner.so, and then a DSI crash)
webkit/domtraversal --> OK (a bit slow)
webkit/fancybrowser --> OK
webkit/formextractor --> OK
webkit/framecapture --> OK
webkit/previewer --> OK
webkit/simpleselector --> OK (red border around the up/down/left/right buttons in scrollbar)
widgets/analogclock --> OK
widgets/calculator --> OK (can't resize the window)
widgets/calendarwidget --> OK
widgets/charactermap --> OK (red border around the up/down buttons in scrollbar)
widgets/codeeditor --> OK
widgets/digitalclock --> OK
widgets/groupbox --> OK
widgets/icons --> OK
widgets/imageviewer --> OK
widgets/lineedits --> OK
widgets/movie --> OK
widgets/scribble --> OK
widgets/shapedclock --> OK (a bit slow)
widgets/sliders --> OK
widgets/spinboxes --> OK
widgets/styles --> OK
widgets/stylesheet --> OK
widgets/tablet --> OK
widgets/tetrix --> OK (shortcuts does not work)
widgets/tooltips --> OK
widgets/validators --> OK
widgets/wiggly --> OK
widgets/windowflags --> OK (graphical glitch at opening, the window will be rescaled automatically)
xml/dombookmarks --> OK
xml/htmlinfo --> OK
xml/rsslisting --> OK
xml/saxbookmarks --> OK
xml/streambookmarks --> OK
xml/xmlstreamlint --> OK
xmlpatterns/filetree --> OK
xmlpatterns/qobjectxmlmodel --> OK
xmlpatterns/recipes --> OK (red border around the up/down buttons in scrollbar)
xmlpatterns/schema --> OK (red border around the up/down buttons in scrollbar)
xmlpatterns/trafficinfo --> OK
xmlpatterns/xquery --> ? (no binary included ?)
So at the end what's work and what not in current QT implementation ?
In general the 99% of the demo/examples works just fine and very fast aswell, only glitch still so for what i can see on my system, so here is the list:
1) Every QT example needs several seconds before start, this is the main problem at the moment!
2) We have a bad looking red border around all buttons in scrollbars
3) Sometimes resizing a window can be a problem, this may caused various type of graphics glitches
4) In some demos using native fonts is ok, but in others the final result looks bad
5) Audio implementation doesn't seems to work yet ?
6) In many parts (but not all) expecially on popup windows we have an autoresizing window effects (the same effects we have using Timberwolf)
7) Some various crashes here and there (not many but still)
8) Tooltips are not always rendered correctly
9) Iconify gadget missing in all windows
Conclusion: Please continue, this is one of the most remarkable things I've ever seen done in the Amiga world, when finished it will be an awesome quantum leap.