Ok Alfkil, here the entire test of QT 4.7.0 (0.9.0 Beta 2), as usual all demos was tested on a Sam440 Flex 800 + Radeon 9250 + AmigaOS 4.1 Update 6 (with all latest updates installed)
This time the installation procedure goes well, however as you suggest at the end of the installation i was forced to add this line on User-Startup
assign sobjs: SYS:sobjs
(Maybe next time this can be done automatically by the installer ?)
My current prefs configuration for QT are:
Native Menus (ON)
Native Dialogs (ON)
Native Paint engine (ON)
Native Fonts (OFF)
In all examples/demos i changed the tooltype in order to run them from Workbench instead of Shell, also for all of them i set this stack: 2000000
So let's start the test !
qtdemo --> OK
assistant --> OK (slow)
designer --> NO (DSI crash)linguist --> NO (DSI crash)DEMOS----------
affline --> OK
arthurplugin --> ? (no binary ?)books --> OK
boxes --> NO (ERROR, OpenGL version 1.5 or higher is required to run this demo)browser --> OK (some crashes here and there, font issue)
chip --> OK
declarative/minehunts --> OK (a bit slow)
deform --> OK (Couldn't open font times new roman,utopia.font)
embeddeddialogs --> OK (DSI crash at startup)
gradients --> OK
interview --> OK
mainwindow --> OK
pathstroke --> OK
spreadsheet --> OK
sqlbrowser --> OK
sub-attaq --> OK
textedit --> OK
undo --> OK
animation/animatedtiles --> OK
animation/appchoser --> OK
animation/easing --> OK
animation/moveblock --> OK
animation/states --> OK (DSI crash at startup)
animation/stickman --> OK
designer/calculatorbuilder --> OK
designer/calculatorform --> OK
designer/worldtimeclockbuilder --> OK
desktop/systray --> OK
desktop/screenshot --> OK
dialogs/classwizard --> OK
dialogs/configdialog --> OK
dialogs/extension --> OK
dialogs/findfiles --> OK
dialogs/licencewizard --> OK
dialogs/standarddialogs --> OK
dialogs/tabdialog --> OK
dialogs/trivialwizard --> OK
draganddrop/delayedencoding --> OK (can't drag the icon?)
draganddrop/draggableicons --> OK
draganddrop/draggabletext --> OK
draganddrop/dropsite --> OK
draganddrop/fridgemagnets --> OK
draganddrop/puzzle --> OK
effects/blurpicker --> OK
effects/fademessage --> OK
effects/lighting --> OK
gestures/imagegestures --> OK
graphicsview/anchorlayout --> OK
graphicsview/basicgraphicslayouts --> OK
graphicsview/collidingmice --> OK (black glitches in scrollbar if you resize the window)
graphicsview/diagramscene --> OK
graphicsview/dragdroprobot --> OK
graphicsview/elasticnodes --> OK
graphicsview/padnavigator --> OK (DSI crash at startup)
graphicsview/portedasteroids --> OK (No audio yet)
graphicsview/portedcanvas --> OK
graphicsview/simpleanchorlayout --> OK
graphicsview/weatheranchorlayout --> OK (QPainter::setCompositionMode: PorterDuff modes not supported on device)
help/contextsensitivehelp --> OK
help/remotecontrol --> OK
help/simpletextviewer --> OK (unreadable fonts)
ipc/localfortuneclient --> OK
ipc/localfortuneserver --> OK
ipc/sharedmemory --> OK (DSI crash when clicking on "Load image from file...")
itemviews/addressbook --> OK
itemviews/basicsortfiltermodel --> OK
itemviews/chart --> OK
itemviews/coloreditorfactory --> OK
itemviews/combowidgetmapper --> OK
itemviews/customsortfiltermodel --> OK
itemviews/delayedencoding --> ? (no binary ?)itemviews/dirview --> OK
itemviews/editabletreemodel --> OK
itemviews/fetchmore --> OK
itemviews/frozencolumn --> OK
itemviews/pixelator --> OK
itemviews/puzzle --> OK
itemviews/simpledommodel --> OK
itemviews/simpletreemodel --> OK
itemviews/simplewidgetmapper --> OK
itemviews/spinboxdelegate --> OK
itemviews/stardelegate --> OK
layouts/basiclayouts --> OK
layouts/borderlayout --> OK
layouts/dynamiclayouts --> OK
layouts/flowlayout --> OK
linguist/arrowpad --> OK
linguist/hellotr --> OK
linguist/trollprint --> OK
mainwindows/application --> OK
mainwindows/dockwidgets --> OK
mainwindows/mdi --> OK
mainwindows/menus --> OK
mainwindows/recentfiles --> OK
mainwindows/sdi --> OK
network/blockingfortuneclient --> OK
network/broadcastreceiver --> OK
network/broadcastsender --> OK
network/download --> NO (DSI crash)network/downloadmanager --> NO (DSI crash)network/fortuneclient --> OK
network/fortuneserver --> OK
network/googlesuggest --> OK
network/http --> OK
network/loopback --> OK
network/network-chat --> OK
network/qftp --> OK
network/securesocketclient --> OK
network/threadedfortuneserver --> OK
network/torrent --> OK (UDP support missing)
opengl/2dpainting --> OK (slow)
opengl/framebufferobject --> NO (This system does not support OpenGL/framebuffer objects.)opengl/framebufferobject2 --> NO (This system does not support OpenGL/framebuffer objects.)opengl/grabber --> OK (DSI crash when exit)
opengl/hellogl --> OK
opengl/overpainting --> OK (a bit slow and graphics corruption)
opengl/samplebuffers --> NO (freeze, a bit slow and graphics corruption)opengl/textures --> OK (DSI crash when exit)
painting/basicdrawing --> OK
painting/concentriccircles --> OK
painting/fontsampler --> OK
painting/imagecomposition --> OK
painting/painterpaths --> OK
painting/svggenerator --> OK
painting/svgviewer--> OK (a bit slow)
painting/transformations --> OK
qtconcurrent/imagescaling --> OK
qtconcurrent/mapdemo --> NO (does not start)qtconcurrent/progressdialog --> OK
qtconcurrent/runfunction --> NO (does not start)qtconcurrent/wordcount --> NO (does not start)qtestlib/tutorial1 --> OK
qtestlib/tutorial2 --> OK
qtestlib/tutorial3 --> OK
qtestlib/tutorial4 --> OK
qtestlib/tutorial5 --> OK
richtest/calendar --> OK
richtest/orderform --> OK
richtest/syntaxhighlighter --> OK
richtest/textobject --> OK
sql/cachedtable --> OK
sql/drilldown --> OK
sql/masterdetail --> OK
sql/querymodel --> OK
sql/relationaltablemodel --> OK
sql/sqlwidgetmapper --> OK
sql/tablemodel --> OK
statemachine/eventtransitions --> OK
statemachine/factorial --> OK
statemachine/pingpong --> OK
statemachine/rogue --> OK (Couldn't open font Monospace.font)
statemachine/trafficlight --> OK
statemachine/twowaybutton --> OK
thread/mandelbrot --> OK
thread/semaphores --> OK
thread/waitconditions --> OK
tools/codecs --> OK
tools/completer --> OK
tools/contiguouscache --> OK
tools/customcompleter --> OK
tools/echoplugin --> NO (ISI crash)tools/i18n --> OK
tools/inputpanel --> OK
tools/plugandpaint --> OK
tools/plugandpaintplugins --> ? (no binary included ?)tools/regexp --> OK
tools/settingseditor --> OK
tools/styleplugin --> OK
tools/treemodelcompleter --> OK
tools/undoframework --> OK
touch/dials --> OK
touch/fingerpaint --> OK
touch/knobs --> OK
touch/pinchzoom --> OK
tutorials/addressbook/part1 --> OK
tutorials/addressbook/part2 --> OK (graphical glitch at opening, the window will be rescaled automatically)
tutorials/addressbook/part3 --> OK (graphical glitch at opening, the window will be rescaled automatically)
tutorials/addressbook/part4 --> OK
tutorials/addressbook/part5 --> OK
tutorials/addressbook/part6 --> OK
tutorials/addressbook/part7 --> OK
uitools/multipleinheritance --> OK
uitools/textfinder --> OK
webkit/domtraversal --> OK (Couldn't open font arial.font)
webkit/fancybrowser --> OK (Couldn't open font arial.font)
webkit/formextractor --> OK (Couldn't open font arial.font)
webkit/framecapture --> OK
webkit/previewer --> OK (Couldn't open font arial.font)
webkit/simpleselector --> OK (Couldn't open font Lucida Grande.font)
widgets/analogclock --> OK
widgets/calculator --> OK (can't resize the window)
widgets/calendarwidget --> OK
widgets/charactermap --> OK
widgets/codeeditor --> OK
widgets/digitalclock --> OK
widgets/groupbox --> OK
widgets/icons --> OK
widgets/imageviewer --> OK
widgets/lineedits --> OK
widgets/movie --> OK
widgets/scribble --> OK
widgets/shapedclock --> OK (a bit slow)
widgets/sliders --> OK
widgets/spinboxes --> OK
widgets/styles --> OK
widgets/stylesheet --> OK
widgets/tablet --> OK
widgets/tetrix --> OK (shortcuts does not work)
widgets/tooltips --> OK
widgets/validators --> OK
widgets/wiggly --> OK
widgets/windowflags --> OK (graphical glitch at opening, the window will be rescaled automatically)
xml/dombookmarks --> OK
xml/htmlinfo --> OK
xml/rsslisting --> NO (The usage of QHttp is not recommended anymore, please use QNetworkAccessManager)xml/saxbookmarks --> OK
xml/streambookmarks --> OK
xml/xmlstreamlint --> OK
xmlpatterns/filetree --> OK
xmlpatterns/qobjectxmlmodel --> NO (QMetaProperty::read: Unable to handle unregistered datatype 'SelectionBehavior' for property 'QTabBar::selectionBehaviorOnRemove')xmlpatterns/recipes --> OK
xmlpatterns/schema --> OK
xmlpatterns/trafficinfo --> NO (freeze at startup)xmlpatterns/xquery --> ? (no binary ?)-------------------------------
I send you via mail all specific crashes so eventually you can check them easily